  • There is a cat called Mac. He has a pet rat called Fred. Fred the rat is fat and Mac the cat is mad. Mad cat Mac made a cap and a hat. The hat is for the mad cat Mad and the cap is for his pet Fred, the fat rat. Mac the mad cat played his hat with his fat p ...
  • 小朋友今天回来做英语作业时,突然灵光一现,模仿Dr. Seuss写了一首打油诗,感觉还是不错的,当然拼写和动词一如既往的有问题。Anyway,这是人家的处女作,还是非常值得鼓励和肯定的。 The Mammal In The Tunnel There was a mammal in a tunnel. The mammal had a bottle. He wanted to put the p ...