  • funfairy
    2012-4-24 05:40
    Mr. And Mrs. Mallard were looking for a place to live. But every time Mr.Mallard saw what looked like a nice place, Mrs. Mallard said it was no good. There were sure to be foxes in the woods or turtles in the water, and she was not going to raise a family where might be foxes or turtles. So they f ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 04:55
    Joseph had a little overcoat. It was old and worn. So he made a jacket out of it. and went to the fair. Joseph had a little jacket. It got old and worn. So he made a vest out of it. and danced at his nephew's wedding. Joseph had a little vest. It got old and worn. So he made a ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 04:34
    It was kitten’s first full moon. When she saw it, she thought, There’s a little bowl of milk in the sky. And she wanted it. So she closed her eyes and stretched her neck and opened her mouth and licked. But Kitten only ended up with a bug on her tongue. Poor Kitten! Still, there was the little ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 04:27
    This is Olivia.She is good at lots of things. She is very good at wearing people out. She even wears herself out. Olivia has a little brother named Ian. He’s always copying. Sometimes, Ian just won’t leave her alone, so Olivia has to be firm. Olivia lives with ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 03:17
    Hi! I’m the bus driver. Listen, I’ve got to leave for a little while, so can you watch things for me until I get back? Thanks. Oh, and remember: I thought he’d never leave. Hey, can I drive the bus? Please? I’ll be careful. I tell you what : I’ll just steer. My cousin Herb drives a bus almost ...
  • funfairy
    2011-5-22 15:07
    之前买书的习惯,通常自己认为比较简单的都不会买,后来发现,孩子还是喜欢能看懂的书,即使再简单,也喜欢反复。于是倒过头来,又买了一些比较低幼的。小蓝和小黄也算在内吧,大半年之前,在亲子园陪他看过一半,这次买回来,第一反应就是在亲子园看过了,一时之间弄得我还不知道他在说啥,然后意识到确实看过 ...
  • funfairy
    2011-5-7 15:17
    看过几份书单,经典必读书目一类的,有中文的,有英文的,但感觉这些都是难易混杂在一起,一直想按个难易分一分,结果想什么来什么,H版帮我们做了,我们先按初级的来读吧,这些书能买到中文的基本都买了,昨天卓越给换的古纳什小兔也到了,赞一个,速度超快。于是晚上和毛一起读了,他竟然超喜欢的是翠西说的那几句话,反 ...
  • funfairy
    2011-3-16 06:42
    THE DADDY BUNNY tossed his baby in the air. "What will our baby be when he grows up?" asked the daddy bunny. "he will be a policeman with gold buttons on his suit." said the mother bunny. "He will help little lost children find their mothers and daddies." "Maybe he will be a circu ...