THE DADDY BUNNY tossed his baby in the air. "What will our baby be when he grows up?" asked the daddy bunny. "he will be a policeman with gold buttons on his suit." said the mother bunny. "He will help little lost children find their mothers and daddies." "Maybe he will be a circu ...
买了中文书,斯凯瑞最棒的故事集,在英文资源区里看到了英文书,就下下来敲了文本 It is time for Little Bear to go to bed. Mother Bear closes the storybook. She gives Little Bear a good-night kiss. Then over to his big furry father runs the little bear. Wheee! Father Bear swings his li ...
Once upon a time there were three billy goats, who were to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was "Gruff." On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross; and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll , with eyes as big as saucers, and a ...
If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he'll probably ask you for a straw. When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin. Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache. When he looks into the ...
今天上午毛毛爸带他去欢动世界了,我在家有空改中文绘本了。 思前想后,打印出来再贴书上,工程浩大,实在没那些时间弄得又美观又漂亮的。加英文仅仅是为了学,只要能学就行,于是全部用铅笔手抄到书上,好久没用笔了,写得手有点不会动了,呵呵,凑符着看吧。 Rosie the hen went for a walk. Across ...