  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 04:34
    It was kitten’s first full moon. When she saw it, she thought, There’s a little bowl of milk in the sky. And she wanted it. So she closed her eyes and stretched her neck and opened her mouth and licked. But Kitten only ended up with a bug on her tongue. Poor Kitten! Still, there was the little ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 04:27
    This is Olivia.She is good at lots of things. She is very good at wearing people out. She even wears herself out. Olivia has a little brother named Ian. He’s always copying. Sometimes, Ian just won’t leave her alone, so Olivia has to be firm. Olivia lives with ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 03:17
    Hi! I’m the bus driver. Listen, I’ve got to leave for a little while, so can you watch things for me until I get back? Thanks. Oh, and remember: I thought he’d never leave. Hey, can I drive the bus? Please? I’ll be careful. I tell you what : I’ll just steer. My cousin Herb drives a bus almost ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 02:53
    在读top50的绘本,good night gorilla,再简单不过了,让我想到整理一下他已经会的动物单词。毛在记单词识字方面好像有一定兴趣,主要是在机灵狗,儿百和体验英语里学的吧。目前所谓的会就是看图片说出词,大部分只看单词也能念出 cow pig rooster chick sheep duck goat horse crab ...
  • funfairy
    2011-9-1 02:31
    A baby cat is a kitten. A baby dog is a pup. A baby deer is a fawn until he's all grown up. A baby pig is a piglet. A baby horse is a foal. A baby cow is a calf until she's one year old. A baby owl is an owlet. A baby fish is a fry. A baby kangaroo is a joey until he's three feet high. A baby rab ...
  • funfairy
    2011-8-8 03:35 其实偶不一定非要求个全啥的,只求个框架?什么系列这样的,哪本是归在哪个系列的第几级,总感觉乱糟糟的,之前买过什么at home,下载过软件版截下来的,还有啥?