  • 今天真心的不乖,昨晚躺床上用手机看无用的小说,看到快一点,今天早上起不来学习,该打啊。 爸妈网下载的卡由的文本,错误真不少,我每句都听得很小心。 Caillou mails a letter 1. what a wonderful sunny day! 2. I wonder if there's any nice letter today. 3. Nothing but bills. 4. It sure would be nice ...
  • Caillou's big friend 1. His mommy and I have been friends since we were little. 2. Why don't you play with Andre while we talk? 3. Do you have any games we could play? 4. You knocked it over . 在这里是撞倒的意思,这个词组还有打劫的意思 5. You're not allow to do something i ...
  • Caillou goes round the block 1. what's caillou up to today? 2. shiny, horn, squirrel, sprinkler, hopscotch, crow 3. Caillou had never gone around the corner all by himself. 4. Throw you rock like this. 5. Caillou was starting fell nervous about being on his own . 6. what if...? 7. chase ...
  • Caillou gets dressed a. If he was big enough to help Mommy do the laundry . He was big enough to get dressed by himself. b. Why are you in your underpants? c. Than can't be right. d. tons of clothes e. why can't you? g. If you'll be so kind, just to try this on. h. h ...
  • 4. Caillou's Friends a. Whatever's the matter? b. start out of... c. Caillou began to think about whether he had any more. whether and if difference use "if" when you have conditional sentence. use "whether" when showing that two alternatives are possible. example: Call S ...
  • 今天在微信的朋友圈里发现一高中同学回故乡了。我的恋乡情结又被激发出来了。其实故乡就是个你没回去的时候经常念叨,回去了觉得就那么回事,离开了又继续想念的地方。掰着手指算算,回国最快也要四五年,那个时候,宝贝回到大陆还会习惯吗?
  • Today is August 2nd, 2014 今天找出来外公打印的卡由的书,打算认真学习一下,看看能不能提高口语表达能力。开个贴,看看自己能不能坚持。今天学了三小课,我的学习方法是,先听一遍,再看文本,把不认识的单词,要注意的句子划出来,查字典。最后再听一遍,再看一次动画。因为我没有怎么看过动画,都是孩子看的。光听可 ...
  • 首先,我们在选择培训机构前要做的是:了解孩子、清楚目的、设置预算、交通范围、精力问题等 1.了解孩子:做父母的首先应该了解自己的孩子的兴趣所在,孩子的英语水平。如果对英语不感兴趣的话,在报班之前最起码要把孩子的兴趣培养好,这才不会浪费了家长报班的一番“心血”。 2.清楚目的:很多家长都说,我们的 ...