  • liuliz
    2014-1-12 21:18
    At home, I make my bed. Can you find these things? Point and say. (poster, mat) Find the cat, where is it? (It is under the bed) At home, I take out the garbage. Can you find these things?Point and say. (garbage can, window) Find the cat, where is it? (It's behind the garbage can.) At home, I do ...
  • liuliz
    2014-1-12 18:09
    At the park, I slide on the slide. Can you find these things? Point and say. (caterpillar, shoes, tree) Count the ladybugs.(one) At the park,I swing on the swings. Can you find these things? Point and say. (bird, spider) Count the ladybugs.(one, two) At the park,I ride on the see ...
  • liuliz
    2014-1-12 12:20
    At school, I say "Hello!". Can you find these things? Point and say. (door, teacher) Find the clock. What shape is it? (It's a circle.) At school,I write in my workbook. Can you find these things? Point and say. (globe, pen, eraser) Find the post . What shape is it? (It's a star.) At school, ...
  • liuliz
    2014-1-12 11:47
    At the store, We get a cart. We go inside. We look for things. We fill the cart. We wait in line. We pay. We put things in bags. We load the car. On a camping trip, We ride in the car. We go hiking. We put up our tent. We go fishing. We have a barbecue. We sing songs. We count the stars. We say "Goo ...
  • liuliz
    2014-1-11 22:09
    In the Morning, I wake up. Can you find these things? point and say. ( sun, clock) Find the flower. What color is it? (It's orange.) In the Morning, I get out of bed. Can you find these things? point and say. (bed, clock) Find the flower. What color is it? (It ...
  • liuliz
    2013-9-13 15:49
    大人講話,孩子愛理不理;說話時不看人家眼睛;上課學生暴粗口、開黃腔…… 孩子或學生的「無禮」行徑,背後究竟透露什麼訊息?如何引導孩子以禮待人? 一、遇見人不主動打招呼 狀況一:在電梯碰到鄰居,五歲的小明趕緊別過頭,躲到媽媽背後。 狀況二:校門口,導護老師面帶微笑向學生打招呼,學生卻不回話。 ...
  • liuliz
    2013-9-13 07:02
    需要重点培养的几个好习惯: 充分的室外活动(运动的习惯)、 亲子阅读(阅读的习惯)、 独立能力培养(生活自理的习惯)、 恰当地行为规范(基本礼貌、不主动侵犯他人、不以自我为中心)
  • liuliz
    2013-9-9 12:39
    美国加州大学所属幼儿园教室上面写着四条箴言: 一、认可孩子的感觉。 二、弄清楚孩子为什么这样。 三、启发孩子自己解决问题。 四、帮助孩子心情好起来。 这不仅是幼儿教师的座右铭,也应该是写给父母的。教育孩子从无条件的接纳开始,然后界定问题,解决问题,情感认同。  ...
  • liuliz
    2013-8-14 10:36
    昨天收到这本凯奖书,里面只有8个单词,习惯了“照本宣科”读英文故事的我,不得不从网络寻找更多素材。 故事大意介绍:"Have You Seen My Ducking?" by Nancy Tafuri is the story of a mother searching for her "missing" duckling. If you carefully examine the illustrations, however, you will see the ducklin ...
  • liuliz
    2013-8-5 09:25
    对于有男孩子的家庭来说,从3岁开始,妈妈就应该自觉“退位”,让父亲登上男孩的心理舞台,成为重要的榜样人物,而不仅仅是当妈妈的你。如果在家庭中,妈妈霸占了这个席位,在家表现得像“老大”,而爸爸却“俯首称臣”,没有话语权,你其实就是在告诉他,男人就该是这样的。养男孩 就得忍受他的淘气  别再抱怨 ...