  • (干货)语数外近期动态-数学
    关于数学一直秉承玩中学培养兴趣和数感的方式。利用各种数学教具(蒙氏,恩物),自制教具,桌游(原创自制了不少数学桌游),绘本(Mathstart,你好数学,好玩的数学绘本,数学游戏故事绘本,走进数学的奇妙世界,DK的一些数学书),数学app(都都数学比较好),数学题纸(小红花,何秋光,幼儿奥数启蒙,游戏中玩奥数,微 ...
  • 语数外最近动态之语文
    好久没来论坛了,每天脚打后脑勺,恨不得一天多几个小时,每天日记在微信空间记录,论坛记录属实精力不足啊。 近期愈感语文的重要性,语文我也是刚开始着手研究,边实践边调整,希望有更多家长前辈指教。正在看看了韩兴娥老师的海量阅读路线《让孩子踏上阅读快车道》,深感大量阅读的重要性。“下要保底,上不封顶”,能飞 ...
  • 【Treasure Prek拓展记录】U2W1
    U2W1 巩固 2D 图形,认知 3D 图形 1.3D 认知:大脑瓜数学 2. 立体图形印章 3. 雪糕棍图形 Can you make shapes with these sticks? I made a square with these sticks. Look carefully I will transform it. It will become another shape. Could you tell me what new sha ...
  • 【Treasure Prek拓展记录】U1W3
    1. Print awareness 一起制作一个红绿灯 , 玩的情景游戏! T he green light allows vehicles or people to pass across the traffic.. to proceed in the direction denoted, if it is safe to do so and there is room on the other side of the intersection. The yellow light warns tha ...
  • 【Treasure Prek拓展记录】U1W2
    Body Parts 1. 人体地图。 Kim 画的五官,我画的 bones ,顺便拓展下骨骼。 2.Draw a face My five senses 1. 科 1My five senses 总结拓展 2. 五感 worksheet 3. 触摸书 Size 1. 比较测量长度重量 Let’s order these sticks accordin ...
  • 【Treasure Prek拓展记录】U1W1
    Color 颜色认知及混色: 1. What do these things have in common? They have the same color. They have the same shape but different colors. What are the differences among these things? They have the different shapes but the same color. ...