  • My university had received a lot of reputation for its beautiful view. In front of my lecture room, there is a pond around which seagulls and egrets sing and dance. Weeds grow very soon there so when I look ouside I can always enjoy green pictures. Students alos love that pond and give it a nickname ...
  • We like to say thenew year festival gala contains the familiar feelings, the familiar faces and the familiar ingredients. Some argue it should be cancelled cause it is no longer welcomed by the public. It is true that over 30% of the inspectators in a survey says they are dissatisfied w ...
  • r u aware of energy crisis? All existing resources-the water, oil, forest, animals, etc-are facing a crisis today. We are looking forward to a low consumption of those energy. First, it costs less. Second, it is environmental-friendly. Some may imagine such a lifestyle is hard to follow or may think ...
  • 论坛还是很繁华啊。密码找回了,以后也要勤快点
  • 好长时间没来爸妈网了,一个冬天过去了,现在又是一个新的春天。最近看了goodnight moon 和caps for sale和harold had a purple crayon,第一个晚安故事是给房子里的一件件东西说晚安,随着聚焦点的不同,同一个房间有了新的发现,而且格调是很温馨的晚安催眠类,所以读起来很轻松。第二个是抓抓喜欢的猴 ...
  • 我很早以前就发了4个愿,一个是每天祈祷,一个是每天跑步,一个是每天微笑,一个是每天记住不对爸妈孩子发脾气。这四个愿发了以后我坚持了一小段时间,没有一直执行下去。今天在爸妈网看到一个绘本故事,说是企鹅妈妈早上起来对着小企鹅大吼,小企鹅被吼的四分五裂,嘴巴飞到了高山,脑袋飞到了海里,身体飞 ...
  • 宝爸和宝妈的关系是孩子最在乎的,在宝宝眼里,妈妈是他的安全岛,不管发生什么他都能找到妈妈在那里,而爸爸是要陪伴妈妈一辈子的人,爸爸对妈妈越好,宝宝就越感受到安全感,并从这种关系模式中学习到今后和爱人的交往方式。反过来说,妈妈对爸爸的温柔体贴,让宝宝感受到美好,他才会对女性产生亲密,否则 ...
  • 已读绘本巩固:hungry caterpillar, brown bear, wheels on the bus, little monkeys jumping on the bed, ten fat sausages, peppa pig the tooth fairy and muddy puddles, go away Mr wolf, hop on pop.绘本拓展活动:涂色,配对,骰子,藏起来了,问答。 新进绘本:ape in a cape.拓展活动:abc歌 ...
  • 进入terrible two以来,抓抓老是爱哭鼻子。哭丧着个脸简直就是家常便饭。找不到妈妈哭一下,妈妈让她穿裤子或者刷牙不要不要,边说边哭。别人抢她的东西哇哇大哭。有时候做梦也会嗯嗯的做梦哭呢。想起来她7、8个月的时候逢人一脸笑的样子,真让妈妈我感叹这不是一个人吧。妈妈见她哭多了,反应也就淡了,从一 ...
  • 英音和美音学哪个好,这个问题在爸妈网已经成为了剑气之争了吧。我学的第一套英语材料是step by step,好经典的一套英音。后来大学每天都听的广播是voa,这个是美音的经典代表了。现在我的发音偏美式,听音辩音也是美音强过英音。昨天吃尾牙的时候,一个澳大利亚外教好久没有见,真的都很不习惯他的发音了。而 ...