  • 545377020
    2019-5-8 14:50
    关于剑桥大学 ESOL 考试部 KET/PET是剑桥大学ESOL(English Speakers of Other Languages英语为非母语人士)考试部开发的英语五级水平考试(简称剑桥五级)中的前两个级别。这一考试部在全球提供种类最全的外语考试,首次外语考试在1913年举行。现在,全球每年超过150万人参加它的各类考试,它在160多个国 ...
  • 545377020
    2019-4-10 16:32
    Matthew Youlden speaks nine languages fluently and understands more than a dozen more. In fact, for the longest time I didn’t even know he was British. When I told Matthew how I’ve been struggling to merely pick up a second language, he had the following advice for me. If you believe that you can ...