
选自英语世界On the Shoulders of a Hero

热度 1 已有 1550 次阅读 2011-11-18 22:28 系统分类:育儿心得 肩膀 , 眼睛 , 佛罗里达 , 暴风雪 , 责任感

On the Shoulders of a Hero





















My father went into intensive care, his heart not working right.. As word went out, each of his six grown children sped toward Venice Hospital in Florida, where he lay attached to various machines. Late that night, we stood around him with our mother, holding his hands and speaking close to his face as he strained against some powerful force that kept on pulling him away.

A breath left his body under our hands and we turned to watch the numbers on the machines. Then we made an involuntary, collective groan, and he was gone. He was 75 years old. .

With his passing, I was abruptly stripped of any illusions about my own immortality; no longer might I comfort myself with the thought that he was in line ahead of me .I was newly alone and vulnerable and, more than ever, responsible for my life.

Then I remembered one morning when I was five years old. After a snowstorm, Dad carried me on his shoulders for the mile from our apartment into town.. As he marched bravely thought the snowdrifts, I put my hands around his head to hold on, inadvertently covering his eyes with my mittens. “I can’t see,” my father said, but he walked on nevertheless, a blind hero making his way with me on his back through a strange, magi cal landscape of untrodden snow. He had returned recently from World War , and this ride would become my first experience with him to take hold as a genuine, lasting memory.

As he was buried, other memories flooded in.

From my teen-age years onward, I had expected a great deal of encouragement from my dad, but it seldom came. I told him, after senior year of high school, that I wanted to become an actor. He launched into a speech about the instability of such a career:The odds are you’d wind up holding a tin cup on the corner.

One time , after we had argued over my decision to take acting lessons in New York, he stormed up to my room. I met him at the doorway. We stood toe-to-toe, and I held up my first and glared at him , trembling, and said the issue was settled unless he wanted to fight. The red fury drained from his face, and he turned, shoulders slumped, to walk away. A rite of passage had taken place in a second, leaving me on my own without his resistance.

But his general air of caution continued. After I did become a professional actor, he came to see me in a Broadway show and later remarked:“Of course, it would be wise to have something else to fall back on .

I fell back , so to speak , on newspaper work , only to quit when my first book was published .Now ,he said , is the perfect time , with this credential , for you to apply to a corporation . When I told him I intended to remain self-employed for as long as possible , he fell silent .

As the years went by , his expressions of doubt in response to my unspoken pleas for a father’s blind faith became predictable . And I came to realize that my father’s warnings were his way of relating to me . In earlier years I had thought he didn’t care , but I came to understand that he was offering what he could .

I also realized that he had even inspired menot by words , but by what he had done . He had come home from a terrifying war to raise six kids in a house with a yard. . He had returned , with so many other men of his generation , to create stability and safety for those in his care and to give them a future .  

He spent two decades in advertising and longer in real estate , meanwhile always taking us on vacations and sending us through college . By providing a foundation , he enabled his children to feel strong enough to go their individual ways . As we scattered , he wrote frequent letters and planned our reunions .

Just two weeks before he died , my father held a birthday celebration for Mom . We flew from our separate homes to Florida and , during our stay , joined him on a fishing trip . Dad did not look well. .

We had no idea then how perilous his condition had become . As I look back , it’s clear that he had deliberately kept all of that hidden from us to avoid spoiling our fun .

The morning we were to leave Florida , he pulled me aside and pointed to a mysterious box about three feet long and two feet deep . Inside ,to my astonishment , were hundreds of clippings relating to almost everything I had done in my life . I figured you might like to have this ,Dad said .

We hugged each other , not knowing it would he for the last time , but my father must have sensed that he would not be around much longer .

Lifting the heavy box , I suddenly understood that no matter how negative his words had seemed ,nothing could erase his concrete act of filling the box , piece by piece , it turned out , he had been theresharing my life .

Then came word that he was dying , and then came the months of thinking about him . Now a full year and a half have gone by without him , and I miss him beyond words . What I miss most , ironically , is that time long ago when I was a boy trusting his father to carry him . The security lay in simply knowing he was there .

One day I found myself walking along with my own son , Benjamin , who was five years old . When I lifted him onto my shoulders , he reached his hands around my head so they covered my eyes . I can’t see , I said , but his little fingers maintained their grip . I walked on in the sudden darkness , groping , feeling his weight above me , the way my father had done for me when I was the same age . I felt ,then ,the first surge of hot tears since Dad died , and found myself becoming a new blind hero in the strange , magical land of fatherhood , where the journey always begins , in hope and uncertainty , over again.






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  • hidden wsfgyh

    2014-9-29 12:17
