
Why do the Chinese people rely on foreigners to learn English?

热度 2 已有 617 次阅读 2011-12-1 21:09 个人分类:基础英语 系统分类:英语学习 English , Chinese , people , learn

Most of the Chinese peope I have come across tell me that they have learnt English for atleast about 8 - 10 years, beginning in school or college, but are still unable to express themselves clearly in written or spoken English

1. Most of them tell me that they couldn't improve because of lack of practice
2. Most of them blamed it on bad teachers or lack of contact with foreigners

Here's what I have to say:
1. What stops Chinese people from practicing English with other Chinese people? I agree it would feel awkward in the beginning, but really who or what is stopping you from doing this? You can definitely get over the awkwardness if you try for a while. So, give it a try!

2. You have all the reference material in the world. You have innumerable English websites, English TV programs and news channels, English movies, books, magazines etc. you name it. Do you really need teachers or foreigners to tell you you're lacking something? Is
it the same with other things like sports, science or technical education in China? 

See, you cannot expect to get fluent in a language by voice chatting with someone for a couple of hours on the internet! This is the reason Chinese people should become self-reliant when it comes to learning English. Bring the learning home!

This is a long rant, but really, I felt the need to get this out! Tell me what you feel about this.





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  • hidden 860919899

    2011-12-2 20:17

    I agree with you.
  • hidden lemon077

    2011-12-2 20:19
