
本和霍利剧本 11 The King's Busy Day

热度 6 已有 390 次阅读 2015-11-5 13:01 个人分类:本和霍利的小王国 系统分类:英语学习 剧本

《本和霍利的小王国》动画介绍 + 资料

The King’s Busy Day

Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.

Everyone who lives here is very, very small.


HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly. (JINGLES) (RUFF!) Come on, let’s play!

BEN: Wait for us!

Ben and Holly both giggle

Narrator: Ben and Holly’s little Kingdom. (TRUMPET)

Narrator: Today’s adventure starts at the Little Castle.

Narrator: The King’s busy day


Mr Elf: Food delivery!

Holly: Hi, Ben.

Ben: Hi, Holly! I’m helping my dad today. He’s very busy.

Nanny Plum: Thank you, Mr Elf!

Mr Elf: Got to dash, on to our next delivery!

Ben: Bye, Holly!

Holly: Bye, Ben!

Holly: Daddy, are you busy?

King Thistle: I’m King Thistle. I’m always busy. I have lots of important work to do!

Holly: You’re not working now.

King Thistle: I am. I’m practicing sitting still without falling asleep.

Holly: That’s not work.

King Thistle: It’s King’s work. And it’s harder than it looks.

Holly: Oh, what else is King’s work?

King Thistle: Making speeches, shaking hands and waving a lot.

Holly: Hee, hee. That’s sound fun. Can I help you out today?

King Thistle: Of course, Holly!

Holly: Oh, goody!

(Medieval music)

Nanny Plum: Magic car, drive on!

King Thistle: Now, the first job for any king is waving. It’s a bit boring but you do it like this.

Jake: Ooh, look! It’s the King!

Jake and his parents: Hello, hello!

Holly: Hello.

Jake: It’s Princess Holly. Hello.

Holly: Hee, hee! This is fun.

King Thistle: Yes, a good wave will work wonders wherever you go.

Holly: Where are we going?

King Thistle: Nanny Plum, what’s the first bit of work I’m doing today?

Nanny Plum: You’re launching an elf boat, your majesty!

Holly: How do you launch a boat?

King Thistle: I’ll show you.

(Royal announcement music)

Nanny Plum: Princess Holly and King Thistle.

All: (Applaud) Hurray! Hurray!

King Thistle: This is where I make a speech. (Tests microphone) Ahem. Well done, elves, for building this boat. It’s, uh… looks like a good one. And I’m sure you will have a lot of, uh, fun with it. Jolly good show!

(All clap)

King Thistle: Now we smash a bottle of sparkling fairy juice against the side of the boat. Oh, but where is the fairy juice?


Mr Elf: Sorry, your majesty. We’re very busy today.

Ben: Hi, Holly!

Holly: Hi, Ben!

Mr Elf: Got to dash on to our next delivery.

Ben: Bye, Holly!

Holly: Bye! (Giggles)

King Thistle: I declare this elf boat well and truly launched.


All: (Clap) Hurray!

Holly: Daddy, what do we do now?

King Thistle: We shake hands and ask questions. Hello, and what do you do?

Elf A: I hammer metal, your majesty! (Bang, bang, bang)

King Thistle: How very interesting! Hello, and what do you do?

Elf B: I’m the ship’s cook, your majesty!

Holly: How very interesting! Hee, hee, hee! And what do you do?

Elf C: I’m the captain, Princess Holly!

Holly: How very interesting! Daddy, can we ride on the boat, please?

King Thistle: Good idea, Holly. I never get to try these things. Captain, would it be possible to ride on your boat, please?

Elf C: It would be an honor, your majesty! (Blows whistle)

(Ship’s horn)

(Quack! Quack!)

Holly: This is nice, daddy.

King Thistle: Yes, it is rather nice, isn’t it? I don’t know why I’ve never done this before.

Elf B: Would you like some lunch, your majesty?

King Thistle: Oh, yes. I am rather hungry.

Holly: Me too!

(Telephone rings)

Elf A: Telephone, your majesty. Someone called Nanny Plum.

King Thistle: Hello, Nanny Plum, yes, yes, of course. Right away! Nanny says I have to get back to work.

Holly: Oh, but daddy, what about lunch?

King Thistle: I know but there’s more important King work to be done!

Holly: But daddy, you’re the King! That means you’re in charge.

King Thistle: Ah, Holly. Everyone thinks I’m in charge. But really, I get told what to do all the time. When are we having lunch, Nanny?

Nanny Plum: There’s no time for lunch, your majesty! You have to judge a fairy fruit and vegetable competition.

Holly: How do you do that, Daddy?

King Thistle: How do I do that, Nanny?

Nanny Plum: You pick the biggest.

(Royal announcement music)

Mayor: Princess Holly and King Thistle.

All: (Clap) Hurray! Hurray! 

Mayor: Here are the finalists, your majesty! This is a tomato.

King Thistle: Very, ah, big.

Mayor: And this, a strawberry.

King Thistle: Also very big and ah… Red! Now I have to make another speech. Ah. (Tests microphone) Well done, everybody, for growing this, um, stuff. It all looks very big.

(All clap)

King Thistle: Now, without further ado, I judge that the winner is… the tomato.


King Thistle: Or perhaps the strawberry. No, no, the tomato.

Holly: Daddy, they keep using magic.

King Thistle: Yes, this happens every time.

Holly: Why don’t we just see which one tastes the best?

King Thistle: What a good idea! Let’s taste them.

Holly: Hee, hee. It can be our lunch.

King Thistle: First, the main course, the tomato. Hmm, delicious.

Holly: Now for pudding, the strawberry. Hmm, scrumptious.

King Thistle: Yum, yum. They’re both so very tasty. They both win.

All: Hurray! Hurray!

King Thistle: So where’s the trophy?


Mr Elf: Hope I’m not too late, your majesty!

King Thistle: No, you’re just in time. Well done, jolly good show!

All: Hurray! Hurray!

Holly: Hi, Ben.

Ben: Hi, Holly! Bye, Holly!

Holly: Bye!

King Thistle: That was delicious. Now I’d like a little nap.

Nanny Plum: I’m sorry, your majesty. There’s no time for that.

King Thistle: But I’m tired, Nanny.

Nanny Plum: You must make another speech at the festival of elves and fairies’ dancing.

King Thistle: Oh… I don’t know anything about dancing. How can I make a speech about it?

Holly: Daddy, I can do a speech. I’ve been watching you do it all day.

King Thistle: Excellent. You can make the speech, Holly!


(Royal announcement music)

Nanny Plum: Princess Holly and King Thistle!

All: (Clap) Hurray! Hurray!

Holly: Look, Mr Elf has brought the musical instruments.


Ben: Hi, Holly. That was the last delivery. Now we can play.

Holly: You might have finished, Ben. But I’m still working.

King Thistle: Holly, it’s time for your speech!

Holly: (Tests microphone) Hello, you all look very nice, and I hope you have fun dancing today. Uh…

King Thistle: Jolly good show!

Holly: Jolly good show!

All: Hooray!

Holly: What happens now? 

King Thistle: We have to sit still and not fall asleep!

Elf D: In honor of your majesty, we will now do a dance.

(Music plays)

King Thistle: How awful! Even worse!

(Applause and cheering)

King Thistle: Very good, very good!

Holly: Come on, daddy, let’s dance!

King Thistle: What? But I… well, alright. Could you play something a little bit more modern?

Mrs Elf: Righto!

(Modern music)

Holly: Hee, hee, I like your work, daddy! It’s fun!

King Thistle: (Laughs) You’re right, Holly! King’s work is fun!


Mr Elf: Whoa! That was a busy day!

King Thistle: Ho, ho! Yes, it was.

(King Thistle and Mr Elf snore)

(The end)





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  • hidden 黑皮兽

    2015-11-5 23:53

  • hidden jyt0910

    2015-11-6 05:46

  • hidden 黑皮兽

    2015-11-6 07:32

    太好了。 非常感谢!
  • hidden hehxyy

    2015-11-6 17:51
