
本和霍利剧本 63 Baby Dragon

热度 5 已有 334 次阅读 2015-11-8 11:32 个人分类:本和霍利的小王国 系统分类:英语学习 剧本 , 动画 , 资料

《本和霍利的小王国》动画介绍 + 资料



Baby Dragon

Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.

Everyone who lives here is very, very small.

BEN: I’m Ben Elf. *boo*

HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly.

             Come on, let’s play!

BEN: Wait for us!

BOTH: *giggle*

Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom.

Today’s adventure starts at the meadow.

Baby Dragon.

Holly: Go on Gaston, fetch!

*Gaston barks*

Barnaby: Good boy, Gaston.

Rosie: *giggles* Gaston loves his tummy being tickled.

*ALL giggle*

Ben: Gaston is the best pet in the world ever.

Nanny: OK, girls, playtime is over. (It’s) time for your magic lesson.

Strawberry: *Groans* Do we have to?

Nanny: Yes, Strawberry. 

             Now, who can show me some magic?

Holly: Um, I can make an egg appear.

Nanny: Eggs can be quite tricky, but have a go.

*Puff ”

Strawberry: Ugh! Stinky!

ALL: Ugh!

Gaston: *sniffs* *growls*

Nanny: Hmm, it looks like you’ve magicked up a dragon’s egg.

KING: Nanny Plum!

Nanny: *sighs* That’s the King! What does he want?

King: Nanny Plum! I can’t find my crown!

Nanny: Have you tried looking on your head?

King: Oh, yes! Now, where’s my wand? Nanny~!

Nanny: *sighs* I’ll have to go.


Holly: Ah. The dragon’s egg is hatching!

Barnaby:  My dad says dragons are dangerous wild animals. 

Rosie: And they breathe fire!

Strawberry: Ooh! I’m scared! Let’s run away!

*Hatched* *Gurgles*

Children: Aww…

Holly: Isn’t it cute! Hello…

*Dragon gurgles softly*

Strawberry: Aww, it’s so sweet!

*Gaston growls*

Ben: Gaston! Be nice to the baby dragon!

*Gaston growls*

Rosie: Bad Ladybird.

*Gaston whimpers* *Dragon gurgles*

Holly: What shall we call it?

Strawberry: How about Cuddles?

Ben: No! He should be called Fang!

???: Yeah, Fang!

Rosie: I like Snuggle Bunny.

Barnaby:  Fire-claw!

Strawberry: What about…Dave?

???: Dave the Dragon!

Children: Yay!

Holly: Dave- that’s your new name. 

*Dave giggles*

Rosie: Dave’s got really big paws.

???: That shows he’ll grow much bigger.

*Gaston barks*

Ben: What do you want, Gaston? Oh, alright. Fetch the stick!

*Dave got the stick!*

Children: Wow! Aren’t you clever, Dave?!


Strawberry: He wants his tummy tickled.

Children: Aww...

Strawberry: How cute!

Ben: Dave’s the best pet in the world ever!

*Gaston whimpers*

Strawberry: Where’s Gaston gone?

Holly: Oh, I don’t know.

Ben: Oh, well, it doesn’t matter. We’ve got Dave.

*Bell rings*

Nanny: Princess Holly! Home time! 

Holly: Oh. I’ve got to go now.

ALL: Bye!

Ben: Holly, the dragon’s following you.

Holly: No, Dave. You have to go home now.

Ben: But where is his home? You magicked him up.

Holly: I guess he hasn’t got one. Never mind, he can come home with me.

*Nanny Hums*

Holly: Nanny! Nanny!

Nanny: Hello, you two. *Dave enters*

Nanny: Ah! A baby dragon!

Holly: His name’s Dave. He’s going to live here.

Nanny: I’m sorry Holly. There’s no way the King’s going to let you keep a dragon.

King: Oh, look! A baby dragon. Ha-ha! Isn’t he cute?

Holly: Can we keep him?

King: Of course! why ever not?

*Dave spurts fire*

King: On second thoughts, Get That Dragon Out of Here!

Holly: oooh…

Ben: Dave can live in my house. I’m sure my parents won’t mind.

KING: Good. That’s sorted.

Ben: Come on, Dave! 

Holly: Ben, are you sure your parents won’t mind? 

Ben: They’ll be fine. But maybe Dave should stay out of sight at first.

Holly: Alright. Dave, stay!    *Dave sits* 

         Good boy.

Ben: Dad? Remember you said I could have a pet in my room one day?

Mr. Elf: Yes, Maybe it is time you had a pet of your own.

Mrs. Elf: Something small to start with. What about an ant?

Mr. Elf: Or a goldfish.

Ben: Yes. Or.. what about a…

Lizzy: DRAGON!

*Bell rings*

The Wise Old Elf: Dragon alarm! Fire-breathing dragon!

Mr. Elf:  Dragon alarm?

Mrs. Elf: Save the Elf Tree!

Mr. Elf:  Sorry, Ben, we must all help!

Mrs. Elf: The Elf Tree’s in danger. Dragon breathe fire! 


Mr. Elf: Phew! Looks like everything is under control. Anyway, back to your pet, Ben. What was it you wanted?

Ben: Uh, it was the dragon.

*ALL gasp*

Mr. Elf: You can’t have a dragon in your room! He could burn our house down. It’s the most dangerous pet you could have in a tree.

Mrs. Elf: Apart from woodworm.

Mr. Elf: It’s Ok everyone. My son is taking the dragon away.

*ALL sigh, mutter*

Holly: Where can Dave live?

Ben: How about Gaston’s house.

Holly: Yes! It would be nice for Gaston to have a friend to stay.

*knock knock knock*

Gaston: *barks happily*

Ben: *laughs* Hi, Gaston!

Holly: We’ve got a visitor for you.

*Gaston growls*

Ben: Look, he’s drinking Gaston’s water.

*Gaston growls*

Holly: He’s sleeping in Gaston’s bed.

Ben: He’s making himself at home

*Gaston growls*

Holly: Ben, you don’t think Gaston minds sharing his home, do you?

Ben: No, I think he’s pleased to have a new friend.    *Gaston growls*

Holly: Look, Dave got bigger!

Ben: Oh! We better get him out of here while we still can!

Both: Push… ah!

Nanny: I see the baby dragon is getting bigger.

Holly: Yes, Nanny. And it’s impossible to find anywhere for him to live.

Nanny: Hmm, he needs to go home.

Ben: But where is his home?

Nanny: Dragon Land, of course! Mind you, it’s a long, long way away.

Ben: My dad can fly us there in the Elf Plane. He’ll be happy to take us.

Mr. Elf: What?! Take a fire-breathing dragon on an airplane? Never!

Lizzy: The dragon’s back! Sound the alarm! 

The Wise Old Elf: Get that dragon out of here!

Mr. Elf: *sighs* Alright then. Load the dragon… Ready for take off!

             How’s the dragon? Not breathing any fire, is it?

Holly: Dave’s not silly, Mr. Elf. He knows not to do it in a plane.

*Dave spurts fire*

Mr. Elf: Everything OK back there?

Ben: Uh, yes, Dad.

Holly: Don’t do it again, Dave.

Ben: Nanny Plum, where is Dragon Land?

Nanny: Dragon Land isn’t marked on any maps.

            It’s the only place the dragons can get some peace and quiet nowadays.

Mr. Elf: Here we are, Dragon Land!

            I’ll open the back of the plane.

            Get ready to chuck him out.

Ben: Chuck him out?! Dad!

Mr. Elf: He can fly can’t he? Oh, alright. I’ll land. But we mustn’t stay long.

Ben: It’s so hot here. And everything’s burnt.

Nanny: Yes, Dave feels right at home.

Mr. Elf: Marvelous. Uh, let’s get going, then, shall we?

Holly: Nanny, how big is a grown-up dragon?

Nanny: Think of the biggest thing that you can think of, and it’s bigger than that.

Ben: Bigger than a horse?

Nanny: Much bigger.

Holly: Bigger than an elephant? 

Nanny: Yeah, you’re getting there.


Holy: Wow!

Ben: A grown-up dragon is ginormous!  <英口> 特大的;庞大的

Mr. Elf: Right, then, home time!

Holly: But we haven’t said goodbye to Dave.

Mr. Elf: Ok. Quickly!

Ben: Goodbye, Dave!

Holly: This is where you belong. This is your home. 

*Gaston barks* 

Holly: Don’t worry, Gaston, maybe Dave can come (and) visit you.

*Gaston growls*

Ben: Wow! More dragons!

Mr. Elf: Lovely. Well, maybe we should be thinking about leaving.

Ben: Can’t we stay a bit longer?

Mr. Elf: No. RUN!

Ben&Holly: Bye-bye, Dave!

*Dave gurgles*

Mr. Elf: Right, fasten seat-belts and off we go! Ho. Looks like we got away with that one. *gasps* Nice dragon. Don’t breathe fire now. Don’t breathe fire. Nice dragon.

ALL: whooa!

Mr. Elf: Phew! It’s a bit warm in here. Let’s open the door and get some fresh air.

*Gaston barks*

Ben: Gaston wants to play. Here, boy! Fetch the stick!

Holly: Oh! The back door is open!  *Gaston fetched*

ALL: Hurray! Gaston’s the best pet in the world ever!






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  • hidden 千金早早2006

    2015-11-8 14:00

  • hidden jyt0910

    2015-11-8 20:06

    哎呀,这篇我花了好长时间。播放一句写一句完成的。写完了还proofread 。质量应该可以。以后考虑要不要找现成的粘贴复制。呵呵。
  • hidden 31895550

    2015-11-9 08:29

    jyt0910: 哎呀,这篇我花了好长时间。播放一句写一句完成的。写完了还proofread 。质量应该可以。以后考虑要不要找现成的粘贴复制。呵呵。