  • Love is patient,Love is kind. What do you want to wear? Choose what you want to wear. I want wear a skirt today. what do you need to wear today? Today,you should wear your school uniform. Today,you need to wear your PE clothes. Get me my gym clothes. Shorts are not good for this wea ...
  • Mom: Don't walk around while you eat. Don't leave your food uneaten. Don't be picky with your food. You should eat by yourself. Be carefull,Not drop your food. Oops,You droped your food. It's ok, I'll clean it. Chew well. Use your chopsticks right. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don ...
  • Ages wrinkles the body,Quiting wrinkles the soul. MOM: Daddy is goning to work. Daddy is leaving, Say good bye. Say bye bye. Sweetie! Kids: Have a good day,Dad . good luck ,Dad. Mom:Give a kiss to Dad,Honey. Want to polish dad's shoes? Kids: L ...
  • 女儿唱:Rain rain go away,come again other day ,我:Mini wants to paly , Outsaide. 女儿:Mummy wants to play. 我: I don't want to paly outside. 女儿改唱: Rain rain go away,come again other day,Mummy wants to work.
  • 昨天陪她玩HIDE AND SEEK,小家说:Mommy,I count,you hide。我让她 count from one to twenty,她数完后:Here I come,Mommy。好了一会没找到我:where are you?Mommy。以前跟她玩过几次捉迷藏,这次是英语表达最完整的一次,而且是她自己主动说的哦。
  • 1 A. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where\'s the big black bear the big black bug bit? A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter ba ...
  • 趣趣英语 APP 里面的分级读物挺全 给它赞一个
  • 周末去的湿地公园,在排队登船的时候一位老太太,她大概60多岁的样子吧。我们在她前面的位置,等船的地有椅子 ,通道也宽敞,她倒是一边和他们家人说着话一边晃到了我们前面,我老公说请排队,完了那老太太扭头往回走,她背上的背包撞到了我女儿,女童踉跄歪倒还好我及时扶住,我老公说请注意你的包,老太太回头但什么也没 ...
  • 女儿发不好V的音,头疼ing! 这个音要用上牙齿咬着下嘴唇发出, 她发oube the ribe
  • 高考取消英语弊大于利 来源:四川在线 2014-05-19 5月17日,中国教育学会会长顾明远向记者确认,全国将执行高考新方案,从2017开始,英语不再是高考的必考科目,语文和数学的份量加重。对英语教育不了解,也不尊重,这种无知和傲慢,才是教育最大的敌人。 作者: 许星 5月17日,中国教育学会会长顾明 ...