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Rumor stops at indifference. 谣言止于漠不关心者。
2018-2-6 08:14 回复|
Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals. 酒后吐真言。
2018-2-6 08:13 回复|
Every jar can have a lid. 每个罐子都可以盖上属于它的盖子。
2018-2-4 07:43 回复|
Don't play your life that you are not good at for audiences who do not belong to you. 别为了不属于你的观众,去演绎你不擅长的人生。
2018-2-4 07:43 回复|
Everyone will lose, why me? Everyone can win, why not me? 每个人都会失败,为什么会是我?每个人都能成功,为什么不是我?
2018-2-4 07:42 回复|
Reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is that we may listen the more and talk the less. 我们有两只耳朵,一张嘴巴的原因是我们可以多听而少说。
2018-2-4 07:41 回复|
Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness. 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所模糊,被惰性所消磨。
2018-2-3 07:43 回复|
Learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more of who you are. 要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是...
2018-2-3 07:42 回复|
Not everything is meant to be. But everything is worth a try. 不是所有事情都能如愿以偿,但是任何事情都值得尝试。
2018-2-3 07:42 回复|
Money is not everything. There's MasterCard. 钞票不是万能的, 有时还需要信用卡。
2018-2-3 07:41 回复|
When you are unhappy,the devil wears a grin. —let the sunshine in 当你不快乐的时候,魔鬼就带着微笑。
2018-2-2 08:07 回复|
Life is short, and if you ever come across a beautiful, exciting, crazy moment in it, you gotta seize it while you can before that moment's gone.
2018-2-2 08:06 回复|
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not,and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad. - Criminal Minds 人人都有隐秘之苦,不为外人所知,我们常说人冷若冰霜,其实他只是黯...
2018-2-2 08:06 回复|
If you're prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform.   如果你愿意改变和学习,你就能脱胎换骨。
2018-2-2 08:05 回复|
There are only two creatures who can surmount the pyramids--the eagle and the snail. 能够登顶金字塔的生物只有两种--鹰和蜗牛。
2018-2-1 08:25 回复|
All drunken days have their tomorrows. 今日花天酒地,明日潦倒穷途。
2018-2-1 08:25 回复|
East or west, home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家的草窝。
2018-2-1 08:24 回复|
Money will come and go. 钱财乃身外之物。
2018-2-1 08:24 回复|
We made big sales the other day 我们前几天取得了很好的销售业绩。
2018-1-26 10:24 回复|
The report brought about a decisive change in the whole policy 这个报告使整个方针发生了决定性的变化。
2018-1-26 10:22 回复|