
Journal· 15 Jul- -The One Thing I Like To Change in This World

已有 292 次阅读 2012-7-16 21:55 个人分类:作文 系统分类:成长记录 Journal

Journal · 15 Jul 012

If you see a dash of smoke,

making the air black and soak.

It comes from a chimney of a factory,

no one seems to care.


My greatest wish is all about this.

To make clean air, you will find it fair.

If you like the smoke flee,

there will be fair air for you and me.


When you see smoke,

I think you know of finding a way to let it go,

We all know now to let smoke go,

Start work now and don’t say no.

If we don’t start now, how to live on, how?

The air will be as black as coke,

It’s hard to breath, oh, how to live?


The future is how you work now,

you wouldn’t want your children face death and bow

The three Rs is what to remember,

Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.

Even cars make air black,

ride a bike when you come back.


Start on the air, let it be clean as two peas, the pair

Ask yourself "what did I do on the air?"

every day,

or I bet you

will pay






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