  • TTmom
    2018-5-21 10:44
    Remeber not to swallow the toothpaste, its not edible.
  • TTmom
    2018-5-16 09:36
    We brush in circles again, but this time we start from the gums. 咱们还是转这圈刷,这次从牙龈开始。 We brush the teeth on the upper jaw first and then the teeth on the lower jaw. 咱们先刷上牙,再刷下牙。
  • TTmom
    2018-5-15 15:23
    We start with brushing the front and back of all your teeth in a circular motion. 首先,刷刷牙齿外面里面,转着圈刷。
  • TTmom
    2018-5-14 10:30
    Let me squeeze some toothpaste onto your toothbrush and fill up your rinse cup with water. 我来帮你挤上牙膏,把漱口杯里装上水。
  • TTmom
    2018-5-10 10:32
    Next,put on your pants, Bend your legs then put your legs through the pant legs。 然后穿裤子。弯腿,腿从裤腿里伸出来。
  • TTmom
    2018-5-9 15:14
    夹菜西方人怎么说 get the food by yourself, you can reach it 自己夹菜你够得着 eat it by yourself , you are too old to be fed。 你太大了,不能让别人再喂了。
  • TTmom
    2018-5-9 11:04
    Let me help you get changed .First ,take off your pajamas, Ubutton the buttons one by one. 我来帮你换衣服,首先脱掉你的睡衣,扣子一个一个解开! 宝宝起床后系列!!
  • TTmom
    2018-5-8 09:42
    三种电梯 1 升降电梯 美式英语 elecvator 英式英语lift 2 扶梯 escalator 3 水平扶梯 moving walking 美式英语 moving sidewalk英式英语 travolator
  • TTmom
    2018-5-8 09:39
    There is a rehearsal彩排 in the morning . We can't be late today . Otherwise you will miss it.
  • TTmom
    2018-5-7 10:10
    It's almost your turn, you have to gobackstage, gather with your class and wait for your turn. 马上就到你了,你得到后台和您们班集合,候场。