  • Hip hip hooray (also hippity hip hooray; Hooray may also be spelled and pronounced hoorah, hurrah, hurray etc.) is a cheering called out to express praise or approbation toward someone or something, in the English speaking world and elsewhere. 来自:wikipedia
  • 【警察用语】欧美电影和警匪类美剧里经常上演的片段,警察抓小偷啊疑犯之类的前会有命令句,这些话英语都怎么说呢? ①Freeze!别动! ②Don't move! Get down on the floor 别动!趴到地上! ③stay right where you are.站在原地别动! ④you are under arrest.你被捕了。 ⑤put your hands up.举起手来! ⑥dro ...
  • COME OUT AND PLAY 出来做游戏 Girls and boys, 男女孩子们, Come out and play, 出来做游戏, The moon does shine as bright as day. 月光明亮好天气。 Come with a hoop, 边跑边呐喊, Come with a call, 边跑边呼唤, Come with a good w ...
  • 所谓英语思维,我们最简单最粗俗的说,就是条件反射。就是通过母语的方式学习的,通过输入纯正的英语而自然形成的条件反射。这种思维是自然形成的,并且主要是依靠猜的方式来建立条件反射。就像罗赛达石碑一样,给出声音和图片,然后让学习者进行猜测匹配,从而建立起图片+声音的直接匹配,这样对该单词的含义,就是直接和 ...
  • 书单列表 0-12M Let's talk about me Look, Look!--Peter Linenthal Look at Baby's House!-- Peter Linenthal,同系列Look Look Outside! Baby's Day--Michel Blake Me and my familyfriends Global babies Carry me In my world: doing things All Fall Down--Helen Oxenbu ...