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Handwashing routine Semmelweis was convinced that the solution to the problem of cross-contamination was thorough handwashing. Believing that soap was not sufficently powerful, he introduc ...
2019-5-23 15:57 回复|
赞0 壮妈论英语学习32:凡是执行起来特别费劲的方法,就不是好方法 2015-03-05 12:36阅读:3,804 顺势而为是容易的,逆水行舟是困难的。我们探讨学习方法的好坏,就是在探讨什么是轻松又高效的方法。 有家长说:. ...
2019-5-20 06:56 回复|
Brideshead Revisited,故园风雨后,必须推荐!里面的文字啊,“Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all"
2019-5-17 09:17 回复|
Brideshead Revisited,故园风雨后,必须推荐!里面的文字啊,“Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all"
2019-5-17 09:17 回复|