  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-14 16:23
    有些词中文翻译总找不到合适的词汇,还是看英文解释更好理解。 n. action rather than thought or ideas. v. to do or play something regularly or repeatedly in order to become skilled at it. ___________ practice
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-13 16:17
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-13 14:49
    反复修改 确定主题——整理素材——搜集词汇——初拟草稿——完善细节
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-12 17:18
    入伏时间每年不固定 “夏至三庚数头伏” 从夏至后第3个“庚”日算起 初伏为10天 中伏为10天或20天 末伏为10天
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-12 15:40
    After-school programs are important to many parents returning to their offices and jobs in the coming months.
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-6 21:11
    My phone is going to die. My battery is low. My cellphone is out of power. My phone died. vibrate on ring 震动+铃声 vibrate on silent 震动+静音
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-6 16:47
    lemon My car is a lemon. 我的车真不行。 He just stood there like a lemon. 他傻乎乎的站在那儿。 peach She is a peach to work with. 她是个很好的工作伙伴。 top banana Tom got the chance to have an interview by the top banana. 他得到了大老板亲自面试的机会。
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-5 08:40
    The company is poised to reap the benefits of this investment. 该公司正从投资中获益。
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-5 08:24
    Whether this new techonology will stand the test of time remains to be seen. 这项新技术是否能经得起时间的考验,还有待观察。
  • 急性子妞妞
    2021-7-3 09:14
    写事情的文章 起——起因 和读者建立连接 承——经过1 承接和递进 转——经过2 转折或波折 合——结果 提炼中心