

热度 26 已有 1285 次阅读 2013-9-17 19:09 系统分类:成长记录 英文小说 , 连载


The Mystery

Chapter 1
I got off the schoolbus as I looked around the snowy playground of Star banner boarding High School .Boys and girls my age or bigger was hanging around before class.Car skidded to a halt beside me as I jumped backward but I was too late,cold muddy water splashed over me as the the two girls sitting on the bench feet from me laughed and jeered at me.I sagged as I hurried off into the warm classrooms hoping against hope that that only one or two students saw me.
The hall was packed with students chatting and laughing ,I didn't like my new school much I decided as I headed toward the fake fire at the end of the hall.I could already feel the electric warmth just as a group of mean looking girls blocked my way ,I recognized two girls on the bench that laughed at me and one look at these girls I knew(a)the two girls told the others about me and (b)these girls are the most popular.One girl called to me near the back of the group,"So, I see you had a splash ."she taunted me as the others giggled loudly,I was speechless. And another girl called "Lets leave the dirty thing alone ,I am done with her ."she said carelessly .The girl in the lead rounded on her just as someone said "she is right, leave her alone."I looked around , a good looking girl stood beside me. She wore a blue jacket and green jeans. She was clearly not afraid of the cold,or the girls. She pulled me into a nearby chair and as I faced the electric fire she sat down on a seat beside me and sighed "Hi, my name is Lily ."she said.

Chapter 2
I went with the girl that said her name was Lily ,and I told her my name was Jessica ."Jessica, just Jessica Crystal Note."I had said it rather stupidly ,only Lily didn't seem to notice then,she just nodded and said "Nice name."I guessed blushed a little at the time but I didn't care now,not anymore.All I wanted more that anything was that Lily Angle Fair could become my friend ,the best one.THE BEST BEST. Not just because Lily was nice,but also that she was good at almost everything ! And that also almost every mean person was afraid of her.Just perfect ,too perfect.I mean me hanging out with someone like Lily, impossible!Best thing in years! But then a thought hit me "why would Lily hang out with someone like me?"I wondered out loud "Didn't catch that ,what did you say?"Asked Lily beside me reading a book"Nothing."I mumbled quickly ,As Lily went to see the subject of our next class,dance. I smiled to myself as I went back having daydreams about Lily being my best friend .As  dance started I quickly changed into my ballet shirt and shoes as Lily hurried forward and told me the class subject ,"Swan Lake this month,"she said so breathlessly anybody could mistake she had just ran ten miles."me, you a team."she  continued more breathless than ever ."We have to work in teams ?"I asked surprised ,she nodded,"Together ?"she asked ,"Yeah, I guess so ."I said,Lily simply beamed and pulling me by the arm steered me into the dance room.
We started in dance by putting thick layers of wood and soft cotton in the tip of our dance shoes so we could stand on tiptoe without hurting as we pranced around the classroom on tiptoe holding our arms aloft.After ten minutes of  girls and boys saying ouch Mrs Ridding (our dance teacher)Clapped her hands and saying we shall stop."Please twirl on one foot now."she said"Do mind keeping your back strait Max!"she added sternly to a handsome boy who had hunched qhis well shaped back and was now giggling with his partner loudly .As the time dragged on I could feel the room getting colder and colder as the class neared the end.

Chapter 3
"Wow,that was just fabulous !"Lily said after dance ,I sighed as I packed my things "I don't know ........"I said uncertainly "not very easy ,is it though?"Rubbing my sprained ankle ,Lily shrugged as she picked up her pencil case and stuffed it into her bag."Which cabin are you in ?"She asked "The one that had 123 on the door,"I replied glumly as Lily beamed "Me Too!"she cried as she hugged me "Umm.....okay"I said as several people looked around at us .I was also stunned that my room was A12 and Lily 's was A13,so we were right next to each other! We even found a door between the two rooms so we could visit each other through the door ,meaning we could walk around without going into the corridor.All perfect.When me and Lily went down to lunch smaller kids were running around going mad,"What the heck is going on?"I asked Lily ,"No ,idea ." She replied smiling .I shrugged and walked down the hall alone."Great lunch ,"Lily told me happily as we met in cabin 123"Yeah fun."I said not really paying attention ,as I looked at my dance sheet:In Dance You Have Achieved 98/100 A-.Well ,they already did great and the dance scores are really hard ,so I guessed me and Lily did pretty good.

Chapter 4
I hurried into the hall later and as I turned a corner and stumbled into music ,Lily right behind me a sing song voice greeted us:"As I threw a wish down the well .....""We are learning Call Me Maybe?"Lily said puzzled ,glancing up at the learning sheet ,"Don't ask me and I never tell....."the sing song voice continued more and more happily."It sounds pretty good." I said as I threw my bag onto the floor and sat down on the chair beside the front table so hard I nearly fell off."Yeah, but it does sound a bit heartily ,"Lily said sitting down on the chair beside me,"It sounds okay to me,but it doesn't matter."I replied softly, listening to the music.It did sound very good indeed and I couldn't help humming along with it after a wile, but I couldn't stop noticing that Lily was not singing with the rest of the class although she seemed very tempted by this idea.But anything could be possible, maybe she had a bad voice,or something ?But the mystery didn't help me much later,a huge Math test was coming up tomorrow and French class was starting tomorrow too! And oh the homework ,piles and piles ,so much so much.When I was just settling down in my room A12 in cabin 123 when Lily burst through the door that me and she had together."You won't believe me, but this is really important !"She pushed me through the door and slammed it behind us, " This is bad,bad bad!"she continued ,"do you know who is in the room beside mine?""No,"I replied,stunned."I do,"she said as eagerly as in math,about to answer a question "It's Daisy Parknson!"she cried as she and I looked at the computer,"who is she?"I asked,"oh, that girl who was mean to you!"Lily said, flicking the mouse in the computer,so that bubbles rose out of the screen."Well at least she is not here in your-"I was cut short just as the door leading into the corridor opened as Daisy slouched inside with her giggling friends,"So ,...."

Chapter 5
So....."Daisy continued cunningly ,coming her long black hair with a pink comb,"So what?"Lily said in a polite,sweet tone as she moved the computer around so Daisy cannot,see the screen.
(To be continued)





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  • hidden sylphjane

    2013-9-19 08:19

  • hidden 2009tainlovely

    2013-9-19 22:38

  • hidden fuguicat

    2013-9-21 03:46

  • hidden shanljs

    2013-9-21 09:31

    fuguicat: 真不敢相信这是七岁孩子写的!
  • hidden wmimg0315

    2013-9-21 19:45

  • hidden 赢洲居士

    2013-9-21 21:22

  • hidden 学史鉴今

    2013-9-23 08:09

  • hidden nick2lemon

    2013-9-24 09:17

  • hidden 塞野

    2013-10-1 10:59

  • hidden shanljs

    2013-10-1 11:28

    塞野: 真心不错。
  • hidden 长沙琴童

    2013-10-16 10:50

  • hidden weng08

    2013-10-24 00:40

  • hidden hb可可2007

    2013-10-25 23:13

  • hidden shanshan2006

    2014-1-5 07:30

  • hidden 79248057

    2014-1-23 16:06
