  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-5-28 23:15
    动画:火车宝宝第一集Can't catch KOKO 粉红猪第二集第一集Bubbles Dr.Seuss's ABC 音频: 火车宝宝第一集Can't catch KOKO第二集Willson and elephant 绘本: Dr.Seuss's ABC ...
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-23 22:22
    院子里的小岛 youpi 我的大发现之树的故事 areyoumymother greeneggsandham Isthatyou,santa?
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-23 22:20
    thebigsnowball littlebliueandlittleyellow 小船小船漂啊漂 蚂蚁蚂蚁排排走 小海狸补轮胎
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-19 22:03
    little bliue and little yellow five little monkeys jumping on the bed Is that you,santa? 忙忙碌碌镇讲了第一个故事 咔嚓挖掘机
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-18 21:55
    Is that you,santa? Biscuit goes to school 抽拉书colors Duck in the truck 米米学收拾 莎娜的雪火车 来!大家一起修马路
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-17 21:54
    猜猜我有多爱你 baby's box of toys benny's big bubble
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-15 22:21
    莎娜的雪火车 米米学收拾 duck in the truck benny's big bubble little blue truck leads the way
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-15 14:56
    莎娜的雪火车 don't wake the baby 第三次阅读 ten little fingers and ten little toes duck in the truck
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-14 12:52
    爱德华真是顶呱呱 交通工具捉迷藏 刮风 don't wake the baby 10 little rubber ducks
  • 鸿宇妈
    2013-3-12 21:57
    ten little fingers and ten little toes my truck is stuck baby's box fo toys 爱德华真是顶呱呱 交通工具捉迷藏 刮风 don't wake the baby 10 little rubber ducks主要是喜欢最后一页可以发声的小橡皮鸭子 昨天不会的6个单词今天又重新复习一遍,全对