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andyandjasmine的个人空间 https://www.ebama.net/?98609 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]


  • spig11: 早上好 (5-28 07:36)
2014-5-28 07:22 回复|
2014-5-26 08:57 回复|
Two targets: Mummy diets, and daughter gets up early
2014-5-26 07:54 回复|
  Hot and humid
  • 兀正: 难受的天气啊 (5-25 14:12)
  • rongba: 还没有夏至呢 (5-25 14:21)
2014-5-25 13:47 回复|
2014-5-25 08:21 回复|
  • spig11: 晚上好 (5-24 23:56)
2014-5-24 23:45 回复|
2014-5-24 22:31 回复|
2014-5-24 21:13 回复|
finally back in shanghai
2014-5-23 12:36 回复|
2014-5-15 21:47 回复|
  Physical check today, all is fine except slightly too heavy,  
2014-5-15 20:52 回复|
2014-5-14 13:18 回复|
2014-5-14 11:23 回复|
2014-5-13 21:32 回复|
2014-5-12 22:22 回复|
2014-5-12 22:00 回复|
  • spig11: 早上好 (5-12 08:27)
2014-5-12 07:20 回复|
2014-5-11 11:27 回复|
2014-5-11 10:13 回复|
2014-5-9 21:23 回复|