

已有 244 次阅读 2012-10-11 18:59 系统分类:成长记录 音乐 , performed , together , settings


1. The Backyardigans 花园小子 (Nick Jr.)
这是一个以动画音乐冒险为题材,针对2-5岁儿童的电视节目。该节目的主角是5个 学前班的朋友,巴勃罗,泰隆,优尼卡,塔莎,奥斯汀,依靠其生动的想象力,将他们的后院变成完全不同的世界,他们在经过许多各种各样的故事和冒险。该节目 重点放在故事多达他们对音乐和舞蹈,与每一个具有不同风格的音乐类型如大乐队,雷鬼,意大利西部,波尔卡,汽车城,和迪斯科和4个新的歌曲。

The Backyardigans are five adorable friends who put their imaginations together to turn their backyards into fantastical settings as they sing and dance their way through epic adventures. Each CGI animated show features original music, and the dance steps are performed by real dancers whose movements are recreated in animation. The show is incredibly entertaining -- so much so that there are numerous parent blogs devoted to it -- and it exposes kids to all kinds of music from South African Township Jive to rock opera. The show presents clever and unique music, plots and settings in each episode. Fans can watch the show on Nick Jr. or find Backyardigans episodes and movies on DVD.

2. Super Why
阅读魔法(PBS KIDS)
Super Why -

在每一集里,神奇主人公们都会使用浑身法宝,带引孩子们去体验阅读探险。之所以说是阅读探险,因为他们玩耍的是故事游戏,而这些故事又是孩子们很熟悉的。这些游戏有认识字母、理解词意、学习拼读、记忆词汇和阅读理解等。更好玩的是,Super Why还会利用法术让每天的故事情节发生变化,并出现新的结局哦。比如,他可以把大野狼变成小乖狼。
小猪拥有了"字母神奇力量";小红帽可以实施"生字魔法 "Presto公主的"拼读法术",以及Super Why"阅读神功"。利用这些神奇的力量,大家就可以飞到图书里面,去寻找可以解决他们遇到的各种各样困难的办法,比如说为什么大野狼是"大大的""凶狠的"。一起跟着这些可爱的立体3D动画人物走进Super Why吧。

Super Why follows four friends -- Alpha Pig with Alphabet Power, Wonder Red with Word Power, Princess Presto with Spelling Power, Super Why with the Power to Read -- who use fairy tales to solve problems in their every day lives. The Super Readers invite Super YOU to come into the pages of a magical storybook world and help them. Kids follow along as the Readers read a story, talk with the characters, play word games, and relate the story's lesson to the problem they are trying to solve. The brightly colored characters make letters, spelling, and reading fun for preschoolers. Kids adore them, and fans of Super Why can be found searching for "super letters" in grocery stores, on signs, or wherever the now familiar symbols might pop out.

3. Bubble Guppies
泡沫孔雀鱼 (Nick Jr.)

Mixing learning, music, dancing, and fun in a variety show format, Bubble Guppies takes kids on under water adventures with adorable fish-tailed characters. Each episode finds the Bubble Guppies on their way to school. They always find some subject of interest on the way, and they explore the subject from many angles throughout the show. With the help of their teacher Mr. Grouper, the Bubble Guppies put their thinking and exploring skills into action as they have fun and learn. But, the best part of the show is the humor. Your kids will laugh out loud at the little jokes and silly situations that will tickle their funny bones as they watch and learn.
4. Team Umizoomi
数数城小兄妹 (Nick Jr.)
Team Umizoomi
(数数城小兄妹),讲述了在一个算术无处不在的数数城里,一对小兄妹MilliGeo,还有他们的跟班机器人,他们如何挑战各种各样的数字难题。这部电视动画片色彩感极强,适应学龄前儿童心理,故事情节针对父母和孩子做学前早期教育,趣味十足。将图案、数字和形状的知识融入动画,帮助幼儿用数学方法解决日常生活问题。制作团队是尼克著名节目Blue’s Clues的主力人马。这部动画美国上映仅9个月便一跃成为最受欢迎的婴幼儿电视节目,并创造了同类节目中近3年来的最高收视。

A 2D and 3D animated show from Nick Jr., Team Umizoomi educates and entertains kids as mini characters Milli, Geo, and their pal Bot use their mighty math powers to help children solve problems. In each episode, a real life child calls Team Umizoomi through Bot's belly TV for help with a problem or situation. Team Umizoomi gets right to work, using their mad mathematical skills to help them along the way. Kids have fallen in love with Milli and Geo, and math has taken on a whole new meaning.

5. Dora the Explorer
爱探险的朵拉(Nick Jr.)
爱探险的朵拉,由美国尼克频道制作,是一部风靡全球的美式英语教学片,专为学龄 前儿童设计的节目。它通过朵拉每一次探险的故事,教会小现众生活中有趣实用的英语单词和词组。这套节目精心的故事编排与美丽活泼的画面,会给您一个独特的 机会,让您与孩子一建立起思考学习,充分享受求知和探索的乐趣,帮助您的孩子建立快乐,自信和成功的人生观念。

A pioneer show in the realm of interactive cartoons for preschoolers, Dora the Explorer characters enlist the help of viewing kids, as Dora and her friends complete educational adventures. Kids learn about colors, numbers, shapes and more as they help Dora solve riddles and puzzles along her way. Dora, a seven-year-old Latina heroine, also throws in Spanish words, and kids are asked to repeat them or sing along with songs incorporating the words. The show has been a hit for over 8 years, and in 2008 Dora was updated with a new voice and some new curriculum points were added. This landmark children's series will continue to be in the top most loved learning shows for preschoolers for who knows how many years to come.

6. Between the Lions
我们一家都是狮 (PBS KIDS)
《我们一家都是狮》(Between the Lions)系列节目讲述的是居住在图书馆里的奥尔狮子家族,爸爸西奥、妈妈莉奥、哥哥莱奥和妹妹莉娜每天在图书馆翻看有趣的图书,孩子们会和它们一起在缤纷的动画和动听的歌曲里,分享精彩有趣的故事。

etween the Lions 节目主要的目的就是在教导学龄前儿童 Phonics(自然拼音),即不透过音标,直接由字母读音,以及培养儿童阅读兴趣,并利用地方公共图书馆资源。
这套节目在美国背后的金主,是美国教育部,他们有一个特别的计划叫做 Ready to Learn ,其主要目的是希望学龄前儿童透过观看节目的同时,也能够获取进入小学前所需的常识与技能,同时提供家长在教养以及亲子教育方面的技巧指引。
Between the Lions features a family of lions - Mom and Dad, named Cleo and Theo, and their children, Lionel and Leona - who run a library that is filled with the magic of books. The series combines puppetry, animation, live action and music to develop a literacy curriculum geared to beginning readers aged four to seven; however, younger preschoolers still enjoy the show and can get a lot out of it. Characters from books come alive, letters sing and dance, and words play in the world between the lions. Also, every episode addresses the five key areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and text comprehension. As far as TV shows go, educational content does not get any better than Between the Lions.
7. Sesame Street
芝麻街 (PBS KIDS)

《芝麻街》30多年长盛不衰的秘诀之一也归功于其富有创意的节目形式。一个教育节目要将学龄前儿童吸引在电视机前半个小时,本身就颇有挑战性。当时《芝麻街》制作单位——儿 童电视工作室认为,作为儿童教育节目的开路先锋,得用令人惊喜的全新视听效果吸引目标儿童。他们精心打造了一个热闹活泼的学习世界,来向儿童传递实用知 识、社会技能和价值观。《芝麻街》首创了木偶和真人同台表演的形式,融合动画、喜剧、记录片等多种风格,也加入很多流行文化元素,并且迎合孩子需求的变化 及时添加新人物。

Any list of top shows for preschoolers is obviously going to feature the main staple of kids' TV -- Sesame Street. The show has been on the air for decades (since 1969), and the characters are known by almost every kid alive. Still, there are things about the show that I didn't realize when I watched as a kid. For example, each new season of Sesame Street brings a new area of educational focus along with funny parodies (note the photo of "Pre-School Musical" -- Ha Ha!) and exciting characters. Sesame is continually assessing and refining the show to meet the educational needs of preschoolers, and there is also a wealth of online Sesame Street resources to help kids continue learning.

8. Imagination Movers
迪士尼英语儿童节目Imagination Movers《创意特工队》,用摇滚音乐来颠覆你的头脑及全身细胞。来自迪士尼动画片中的人物,瑞奇、史考特、史密提及大卫,还有他们的仓库老鼠,将在奇幻的故事、神奇节奏里产生无比创意。让孩子们在快乐音乐和舞蹈中追寻令人惊叹的创造思维。

Scott, Rich, Dave, and "Smitty" are in a rockin' band from New Orleans called the Imagination Movers. In this live-action series, the Movers hang out in their "idea warehouse," where they make music and solve "idea emergencies." If a problem needs solving, the Movers are up to the job. After a little brain-storming, they come up with some possible solutions and test them out. Imagination Movers uses upbeat music, comedy, and behavior modeling to entertain kids and teach them to think things through. The show also appeals to kids' sense of wonder and imagination through whimsical storylines and settings. The focus on thinking empowers kids to solve their own problems and tackle challenges with a positive attitude.
Read Review

9. The Little Einsteins
小爱因斯坦 (Disney)

The Little Einsteins series was created for preschoolers and incorporates classical music, art, and real world images to entertain and educate. Combining animation with the real life images, the Little Einsteins take kids on adventures that teach them about actual places and things. Sometimes, the setting of the adventure is actually an animated version of a famous work of art. Also essential to each themed show is the musical score, and the Little Einsteins incorporate musical terminology and concepts into each adventure. The show provides a great introduction to music and art, and kids may also learn about real things and places through the different adventures.

10. Sid the Science Kid
科学小子西德 (PBS KIDS)
《科学小子西德》是Jim Henson公司为PBS儿童频道制作的第一个系列节目,特点是有实际意义的科学课程,用音乐和幽默来激起儿童天生对于生活中方方面面的好奇心。精力充沛和好问的西德,每一集开始时,都有一个新问题(为什么我的鞋子缩小了?”“为什么香蕉变成糊状?),在家长和朋友的帮助下找到答案,一天充满着乐趣。

Always wondering "why?" or "how?," Sid's inquisitive nature and zeal for learning are contagious to kids. Each episode finds Sid with a scientific conundrum. His mom helps him explore the topic online, and at school his friends and teacher give him additional insight into the question. By the time he gets back home, Sid has a good handle on his new found knowledge, and he is ready to share it with his family and put it into practice. The animation is not the prettiest, in my opinion, but kids relate very well to the show and to Sid, and it teaches them to be excited about science and problem solving. Parents can also glean some good ideas from the show about ways they can incorporate science into kids' every day life.


Preschoolers - TV Shows by Subject
上一篇文章《北美学前儿童动画片排行榜Top10》,介绍了一组北美2-5岁孩子最喜欢看的动画片。本篇还是同一个话题,涉及的动画片更广泛,把动画片按学科进行分类。这篇文章的英文内容还是刊登于,英文部分的作者是Carey Bryson
TV for preschoolers can be both educational and entertaining. Parents can use TV time to supplement what kids are learning at home or at school, and glean ideas from games and activities on the shows to make learning fun for kids at home. Here are some of the top shows for preschoolers organized by subject. Some shows overlap, covering different curriculum elements, but I have listed them under the main educational focus of the show.

1. Early Literacy Skills and Reading
Preschoolers are all about learning the alphabet, phonics, and the basics of early literacy. The following shows help kids learn about a variety of literacy skills from the alphabet to storytelling, and a couple of them even aspire to teaching reading skills such as phonics and blending. Attaining literacy skills at an early age helps kids' confidence and makes other subjects easier, so it can't hurt to supplement your preschooler's learning during TV time too!

* Between the Lions
我们一家都是狮 (PBS)
* Super Why
* WordWorld
* Sesame Street
* Pinky Dinky Doo
* Wilbur
(Discovery Kids)
* Blue's Room
蓝色斑点狗的房间(蓝色斑点狗Blue's Clues的副产品)
(Nick Jr.)

2. Early Math Skills

Preschoolers' series based on a math curriculum are not as numerous as the literacy-based shows; however, concepts such as shapes, size, and color are pre-math skills and are often covered in TV shows for 2-5 year-olds. The following shows focus significantly on math skills and often include numbers and counting in addition to the pre-math concepts:

* Curious George
好奇的乔治 (PBS KIDS)
* Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
(Playhouse Disney)
* Special Agent Oso
(Playhouse Disney)
* Team Umizoomi
(Nick Jr.)
* Dora the Explorer
(Nick Jr., New season places added emphasis on math

3. Science and Nature

Science-based shows for preschoolers are becoming more popular, and they encourage thinking and exploration. Kids see examples of how show characters explore the world around them and become excited about the discovery process. The shows also teach kids fun facts about nature and science.
* The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!
戴帽子的猫知道 (PBS KIDS)
* Dinosaur Train
* It's a Big Big World
* Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies
* Sid the Science Kid
* Curious George
* Peep
(Discovery Kids)

4. Art & Music

While some of these shows often include a factual based curriculum as well, the main focus is art and/or music. Kids will have a blast singing and dancing along as they learn about creative arts.
* Little Einsteins
小爱因斯坦 (Playhouse Disney)
* Backyardigans
(Nick Jr.)
* Jack's Big Music Show

5. Social Skills, Life Skills, and Humor

Social topics such as cooperation, respect, and sharing (among many others) are very important for preschoolers. The characters on these shows model good social skills as they overcome their own challenges and pass on good manners and social skills to viewing children.

* Bubble Guppies
泡沫孔雀鱼 (Nickelodeon)
* Yo Gabba Gabba!
(Nick Jr.)
* Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
(Nick Jr.)
* Doc McStuffins
(Disney Junior)
* Johnny and the Sprites (Disney Juior)
* Bunnytown
(Disney Junior)

6. Problem Solving & Thinking Skills

Nothing is more important education wise than teaching kids how to think and solve problems on their own. The following shows model problem solving and thinking skills, often calling attention to the steps of problem solving with catchy songs or phrases that kids can remember during their day as the "Think, think think!"

* Blue's Clues
蓝色斑点狗 (Nick Jr.)
* My Friends Tigger & Pooh
(Playhouse Disney)
* Imagination Movers
(Playhouse Disney)
* Special Agent Oso
(Playhouse Disney)

7. Preschoolers' TV Shows Based on Book Series

These popular shows for preschoolers were first successful as book series. Now, kids can read about their favorite characters and watch them on TV too. The shows present an excellent opportunity for parents to instill a love of reading by incorporating books about the characters they love on TV.

* Caillou
* Max & Ruby
(Playhouse Disney)
* Charlie and Lola
(Playhouse Disney)

8. Foreign Languages and Culture

美国尼克动画公司在成功推出以拉丁裔女孩朵拉(Dora)为主角的动画系列篇后,又看好美国的中文学习和中国领养儿市场,推出以华裔小女孩为主角的另一动画系列《你好,凯兰!》(NiHaoKai-lan),此动画片具有多个中国因素:华裔主题,华裔动画设计师,华裔主角及中文学习。《你好,凯兰》Ni Hao Kai-lan ,在学前儿童交互式地探索凯兰充满丰富文化的美好世界的过程中向他们介绍普通话和中国文化。

Thanks to Dora and others, more and more shows for preschoolers are incorporating Spanish into the education and entertainment. Now, Ni Hao Kai-lan brings us a Chinese-focused series as well. Here are some shows that incorporate foreign languages and customs into the preschool curriculum:

* Dora the Explorer
爱探险的朵拉 (Nick Jr.)
* Go, Diego, Go!
(Nick Jr.)
* Ni Hao Kai-lan
(Nick Jr.)



需要提醒的是这份电视动画片清单,是美国电视台热播的内容。不包含英国的儿童动画片节目,例如《粉红猪小妹》Peppa Pig,《蓝色小考拉》Penelope,都没有出现在这组清单当中。另外,一些儿童教育机构制作的优秀动画节目DVD,例如Scholastic旗下Weston Woods制作的绘本动画、大红狗Clifford the Big Red Dog、忙忙碌碌镇Busytown MysteriesThomas & Friends、玛德琳Madeline、贝贝熊The Berenetain Bears,也未列在这组清单当中。这份清单也不是电视动画片大全,例如Nick Jr.制作的一些著名的节目Little BillLittle BearFranklinOswald,也未列在上面的清单当中。






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