

[加州语言] Journeys Gk 学习

本帖最后由 tarbaby 于 2013-2-1 15:06 编辑

这套教材论坛最近才有的,资源非常的丰富,由于加州教材GK的资源不太全,主要缺BIG BOOKS绘本系列(我自己收了一些,但也不全)所以相比之下,GK级别的journeys有一些优势。

journeys Gk 包括主课本,共6单元,每单元5课。配套的BIG BOOKS 也是每单元5本,共30本,PDF和音频都有,还有配套的retelling cards,可以练习复述。然后是分级阅读leveled readers, 每课有相应主题的阅读短文,后面还有问题。我目前使用的大约是这几个内容。我刚进行完第一单元。


D1 主课本  1课 WARMING UP  
D2-D3: big book 1课
D5: 每课配套分级读物(自主阅读)2本
D6: 每课配套分级读物(自主阅读)2本

个人感觉big books是重中之重,既可以积累词汇也可以引导孩子说说与自己相关的经历,觉得需要好好学学,所以做了BIG BOOKS的准备,给孩子讲之前理理自己的思路。记录在这里,希望自己能坚持下去。欢迎对这套材料感兴趣的一起来学,互相交流。


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bamboo8009 + 20 正在打印资料中。
LionX + 30 向你学习,一起加油!
keirei + 50 精神支持^^
zwyqs + 20 我就一道也来了
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  • 蓝色绽放76

    2013-2-1 14:19:19 使用道具


    蓝色绽放76于2013-2-1 14:20补充以下内容:
  • tarbaby

    楼主 2013-2-1 14:21:19 使用道具

    本帖最后由 tarbaby 于 2013-2-1 14:40 编辑

    Journeys Gk    Big Book 1 (主题: family)

    What makes a family?

    Everybody’s family is special.
    Families may include parents, sisters, and brothers.
    Families may include grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
    Sometimes, friends and neighbors are part of our families.
    Some families are small.
    Some families are big.
    Everybody’s family is special.
    Families may live close together.
    Families may live far apart.
    Families do many things together.
    Families celebrate together.
    Everybody’s family is special.
    Families help each other.
    When someone in your family says “I love you”, you feel warm inside.
    When someone says “I’m proud of you”, a special day feels happier.
    Families have memories.
    “I remember when you were a baby,” says a grandmother. She always remembers.
    Everybody’s family is special. What is special about your family?


    回答标题问题:What makes a family?  A family is made up of .../ A family includes...

    说一说:你的一家 有几个成员呢?都有谁呢?是小家庭还是大家庭?都住一起吗?在一起都做什么呢?你帮助过爸爸妈妈吗?他们爱你吗?你最喜欢听他们说什么呢?他们说这话的时候你感觉怎么样?
    画一画:和孩子一起画一棵你家的family tree 吧,贴上每个人的照片,那真的是very special啦。

    Frere Jacques (歌名是法语“雅各兄弟”,这是首法国儿歌,不过下面是英文的歌词,就是我们“两只老虎”的曲调。可以早上唱给孩子听。)

    Everybody Says

    Everybody says
    I look just like my mother.
    Everybody says
    I’m the image of aunt Bee.
    Everybody says my nose is like my father’s
    But I want to look like ME.
    (这个可以让孩子说说别人都说他像谁啊?他最愿意像谁呢?咱们汉语里常说:“这孩子和妈妈长得真像,和。。。是一个模子刻出来的,眼睛像。。。”这里是不是全有了?今天早上爸爸说帅帅像帅帅的叔叔时,帅帅说“I want to look like me.”)

    Tortillas for Mommy
    (A tortilla is a piece of thin flat bread that first came from Mexico, and is made from corn and eggs.)
    Mommy like tortillas
    steaming hot and yummy.
    Make them round and
    nicely browned
    for daddy’s hungry tummy.
    (香喷喷、热腾腾的玉米饼让人流口水啦,小诗里都用了那些形容词来描述好吃的玉米饼的?让孩子找找小诗里哪些词押韵呢?Find the words that rhyme. 你喜欢吃什么, 你知道你的妈妈爸爸都爱吃什么吗?)

  • tarbaby

    楼主 2013-2-1 14:26:24 使用道具

    本帖最后由 tarbaby 于 2013-2-1 14:42 编辑

    Lesson 2 主题 school 和rules

    Big book 2  How Does a Dinosaur Go to School? (著名的恐龙系列哈,咱得好好读读)

    How does a dinosaur go to school?
    Does he walk?
    Does he ride in a busy car pool ?

    (car pool: 是汽车池子吗?那是神马东西?)

    A car pool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. In American English, car pool is sometimes used to refer simply to people travelling together in a car.


    (Note: “school” and “pool” rhyme. )

    和孩子讨论下孩子怎么去上学的。让他猜猜恐龙会怎么去呢?会和人家拼一辆车吗?喜欢恐龙的小朋友可以问问知道画上的是什么恐龙吗?这是一只三角龙triceratops哈,可以看到头上的3spiky horns 和脖子上的bony frill

    Does he drag his long tail?
    Is he late for the bus?
    Does he stomp all four feet?
    Does he make a big fuss?
    (If you stomp somewhere, you walk there with very heavy steps, often because you are angry. 和孩子做下这个动作,孩子就明白了。那个Super Why 第1集里一开场Jill围着小猪的积木一边跳一边唱:“Up a hill, up a hill, stomp, stomp, stomp.” 把小猪的积木全踩倒了。)
    (Fuss is anxious or excited behavior which serves no useful purpose. If you make a fuss about something, you become angry or excited about it and complain.想起Ben and Holly里面的Nanny Plum常对wise old elf说:“Stop fussing.”这个fuss做动词用了。)
    这个画面上的小恐龙是要赶什么车呢?他会怎么make a big fuss呢?

    When he gets to school,
    does he roughhouse and punch?
    Does he make a quick grab
    a classmate’s packed lunch?
    roughhouse: play roughly or physically)
    punch: If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist.
    If you grab something, you take it or pick it up suddenly and roughly. 文中的grab是名词,但这词做动词用的更多。)
    Note: “punch” and “lunch” rhyme.
    说说画面上的恐龙在干什么呢?什么是packed lunch? 午餐都被pack在了哪里呢?你能做个grab的动作吗?
    问问孩子恐龙的这些行为是good manners吗?
    注意punch, lunch押韵

    Does he race up the stairs right ahead of the bell?
    (ahead of the bell: before the bell rings)
    问问孩子这是good manner吗?

    Does he interrupt the class with his own show-and-tell?
    (If you interrupt someone who is speaking, you say or do something that causes them to stop.)
    和孩子讨论下这幅画面上恐龙打断了谁呢?那个小女孩在show什么呢?恐龙为什么要打断她呢?恐龙想要show什么呢?被打断的小女孩高兴吗?老师高兴吗?问问孩子这是good manner吗?应该怎么做呢?(to wait his turn)

    Does a dinosaur yell?
    (If you yell, you shout loudly, usually because you are excited, angry, or in pain)
    问问孩子这是good manner吗?Is this allowed in your school?
    注意bell, tell, yell 押韵

    And when in the classroom,
    plunked down in the chair,
    does a dinosaur fidget,
    his tail in the air?
    (If you plunk yourself somewhere, or plunk down, you sit down heavily and clumsily.给孩子做下这个动作或让孩子做做这个动作。)
    If you fidget, you keep moving your hands or feet slightly or changing your position slightly, for example because you are nervous, bored, or excited.

    Does he like to growl
    during chalk talks,
    or roar out of turn?
    (Out of turn: not in the proper order)

    Does he make it too hard for the others to learn?

    Does he stir up the classroom by making a noise?

    Does he tease all the girls?
    Does he pick on the boys?
    (To tease someone means to laugh at them or make jokes about them in order to embarrass, annoy, or upset them
    If someone picks on you, they repeatedly criticize you unfairly or treat you unkindly.)

    A dinosaur carefully raises his hand.
    He helps out his classmates with projects they’ve planned.
    和孩子聊聊raise his hand, help out his classmates 是good manners吗?注意hand,planned押韵。

    At recess, he plays
    with a number of friends,
    and growls at the bullies
    till bullying ends.
    at recess: during breaks)
    注意下bully这个词的两种词性。名词指“恶霸”,动词指“欺负”。A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people.
    If someone bullies you, they use their strength or power to hurt or frighten you.

    He tidies his desk,
    then he leaps out the door.
    (If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance.)

    Good work.
    Good work, little dinosaur.

    这一课主要是说rules. 和孩子讨论rules.
    What are rules? Rules tell us what we can do and what we cannot do.
    Are rules important? Why?
    Rules help friends get along, so they can work and play well together.
    (Rules while playing: share and take turns
    Rules keep us safe and healthy.
    (i.e.: Wash your hands before and after eating.)
    We may get hurt if we break a rule.
    We may also hurt others.
    So we have to follow the rules.

    you can't smoke here.
    The sign says,"No smoking"
    You are not allowed to smoke here.
    Talking in the library is not allowed.
    Cars cannot be parked here.

    另外,课本里的生词只有一个like, 我想大多数孩子应该都知道是啥意思,不过需要记的是拼写,是个sight word。而big book当中会出现不少生词,而这篇故事里的动词用的非常生动,可以和孩子玩游戏,比如爸爸妈妈做动作,让孩子猜,来掌握这些动词。这课的动词大多可以用动作来表现,也可以3个人玩,妈妈做,让爸爸和宝宝一起猜。

  • saran

    2013-2-1 14:27:25 使用道具

    来得挺早, 学习下
  • 蓝阳光sunnyblue

    2013-2-1 14:34:06 使用道具

    本帖最后由 蓝阳光sunnyblue 于 2013-2-1 18:50 编辑

    今天打印了一张,picture cards.我觉得这个好,一套有650个单词量呢。有了这个为基础,能听懂简单英文能行了吧。只是有点发愁这个怎么教。要是有活动拓展就好了。
  • xuer304

    2013-2-1 14:40:18 使用道具

  • 淼淼的妈妈

    2013-2-1 14:41:01 使用道具

  • lewis

    2013-2-1 15:58:44 使用道具


    lewis于2013-2-1 15:58补充以下内容:
  • ysyllp

    2013-2-1 19:20:39 使用道具

  • xi_2926

    2013-2-1 21:56:59 使用道具

  • redsheep

    2013-2-2 14:25:42 使用道具

  • wycq2

    2013-2-3 11:04:00 使用道具

  • honlying

    2013-2-3 15:32:42 使用道具

    本帖最后由 honlying 于 2013-2-3 15:46 编辑
    tarbaby 发表于 2013-2-1 14:26
    Lesson 2 主题 school 和rules

    Big book 2  How Does a Dinosaur Go to School? (著名的恐龙系列哈,咱得 ...

    可以延伸下,乘坐什么交通工具去上学,复习下交通工具,还可以选用David goes to school那本书,一起复习rule,自制些rules的小卡片,问孩子如果有人在图书馆大声说话,要选哪张图(小孩),如果程度比较好的孩子就可以让孩子直接说句子。

  • honlying

    2013-2-3 16:25:25 使用道具

    tarbaby 发表于 2013-2-1 14:21
    Journeys Gk    Big Book 1 (主题: family)

    What makes a family? 前段时间自己做的ppt教案(第一课),没有你的内容这么丰富,不过加上了语法部分。
  • wensi

    2013-2-5 15:14:20 使用道具

  • lily_xuan

    2013-2-6 14:36:38 使用道具

  • yiyizhubaobao

    2013-2-6 15:48:36 使用道具

  • gloria1223

    2013-2-7 00:19:11 使用道具

  • blueapple

    2013-2-8 04:51:21 使用道具

  • 双城记_

    2013-2-8 09:27:08 使用道具

  • Wli14223

    2013-2-14 01:24:36 使用道具

  • daviddw

    2013-2-17 06:24:02 使用道具

  • redforestsea

    2013-2-17 08:02:11 使用道具

  • ant2009

    2013-2-17 08:31:50 使用道具

  • tarbaby

    楼主 2013-2-17 09:23:28 使用道具

    本帖最后由 tarbaby 于 2013-2-17 09:50 编辑


    第2课和孩子学校生活相关,孩子很喜欢,学的时候,讲了很多相关学校的事情。另外,我列出的是我大致看了课文后的一些想法,真正实施后,发现有些还是漏掉了。比如在进行第2课的时候,帅帅又发现了几个我漏掉的rhyming words。另外,我做动作,让帅帅和爸爸说词语的游戏进行得很成功,爸爸一个没答出来,帅帅全部答出来了,这样几个生词帅帅完全记住了。{:soso_e120:}

  • tarbaby

    楼主 2013-2-17 09:44:18 使用道具

    本帖最后由 tarbaby 于 2013-2-17 12:44 编辑

    Big Book 3 Please, Puppy, Please

    Lesson Topic: pets
    Pets are fun. But they also need a lot of care.
    The rules are necessary for everyone, including pets, to be safe at home.

    Characters: Who is the story about? (Two children and a puppy.)
    Setting: Where does it take place?(At the children’s house)
    Events: What happens in the story?
    (The children are telling the puppy what to do)

    P4. Look at the mess on the floor. Who do you think made the mess? (the puppy)
    Look at the gate. Why do the children tell the puppy to stay away from it? (The gate has a hole in it)
    What could happen if the puppy gets through the hole? (It might run away.)

    What happens after the children tell the puppy to stay away from the gate? (The puppy runs away.)

    The children want the puppy to cooperate. If it cooperates, will it run away, or stay? (stay. )
    Why do you think that?

    What is the puppy doing? (rolling in mud)
    What do the children say? (not the mud, puppy.)

    What are the children doing? (giving the puppy a bath)
    Why does the puppy need a bath? (because he rolled in the mud.)

    What new animal do you see on these pages?
    What is happening to the cat? (The puppy is chasing the cat and getting the cat wet.)

    What are the children talking about when they say “don’t do that”?
    (the puppy shaking off the water)
    What happens when the puppy shakes off the water? (everything around the puppy gets wet. The cat gets wet)
    Do you think the cat is happy?

    The children throw the ball and tell the puppy to fetch it. Do you think the puppy will get the ball?
    Tell why or why not.

    What is the puppy doing? (He caught the ball. He’s bringing it back.)

    The children say that the puppy is “doing just fine”. What do you think they mean? (He’s being good. He’s following the rules.)

    What happens at the end of the story?
    (The children pet the puppy. They walk away with the puppy and the cat.)
    Is the puppy being good or bad at the end? (good)

    What happened at the beginning of the story?
    (The puppy wasn’t following the rules.)
    What are some of the rules that the children trying to teach the puppy?
    (Stay in the yard.
    Do not run away.
    Do not harm the cat.
    Fetch the ball.)
  • jscy

    2013-2-17 09:45:51 使用道具

  • 急性子妞妞

    2013-2-18 16:54:15 使用道具

  • myfirst

    2013-2-18 17:24:24 使用道具
