Cleo’s fair share(c代表cleo,cl 代表clifford,t代表tbone master1代表cleo 主任   master2代表clifford的主人
L:lady C:Cleo  CL:Clifford   M1:master (CLEO’S MASTER)  M2:master2 (CLIFFORD’S MASTER)  T:T-BONE
L:Come on,baby,be a good little girl,
Th,my gosh,what are they doing with Cleo?
Cl:same thing they do everyweek,Tbone
They’re putting a ribbon in her hair
T:Cleo doesn’t like it very much,does she?
Cl:Not at all
Come on,T.let’s go and play,Cleo will meet us at the beach when she ‘s done
L:Oh,Mrs keybo,she is beautiful
M1: Since your’re such a good little  girl,mommy has a brand new toy for you
Arf arf
M1:Mm,I think she likes it
Cike it? I love  it
M:She ‘s gonna love playing it with her little doggy friends.
C:Tbo,catch,!throw  it to Clifford,Tbo
Co not worry ,no one else is gonna lay a paw on  you
Arf  arf
What a great toy, oh, here comes Clifford and  TBone
They are gonna play with you ,toy,you’re gonna hide
T:Hi ,cleo, what was that ?
CThat was nothing ,I was just…you know singing
CL:Cleo, you got to see the great blob of seaweed d we found at the beach
T :eah,come on
C:Eh,TBone  excuse yourself
CL:Come on ,let’s go
C:No thanks,Clifford
CL:What?why not
C:I do not wanna get out and dirty
Cl:But you loved to get dirty
Plus you’ve just got cleaned
C:I just do not feel like it today,ok?
well,ok I guess
cl:Come on .t bone,let’s dig
C:Getting dirty is fun ,but I have a new toy all to myself
M2:Clifford, I ‘ve  got a a surprise for you
M2:There you go,boy. like it? of course you do, everyone  loves  a new  toy
You are welcome
C:Arf, arf  look out. I’m gonna to get you
That’s was fun,now,what? about I hide you
Oh I can hardly do alone
I know,I close my eyes,throw you ,and then I sniff you out
Hah,oh,no ,it’s TBONE
,where’s my toy?
C:Hi ,t bo
T:Come on ,let’s go to the beach
T:Clifford just got a brand new dirty old tire
C:Really?sounds cool.I…
C:Nothing,it’s just ….there   is great spider behind you
T:A spider
C:Do not be panic,just slowly walk this way
T:Was that a spider?
T:Wait ,that’s doesn’t look like a spider
C:Well,I guess not
It’s a toy,slub puss
It’s mine
It’s brand new,I love it,it’s mine
C:I’m sorry,t bone,it’s just brand new,and I love it ,and I don’t wanna to get broken,it’s mine
Do not tell Clifford .ok
T:Why not?
Wow, you know, if he sees it, he is gonna want  to play with it. I  kinda do not want to do so, it’s better he doesn’t even know about it, right?
T:I guess
T:So you are gonna come and play with clifford’s tire with this?
T:You could bring your toy, I won’t  touch  it,I promise
CI don’t think so
T:Oh,well,ok,I’m gonna go then,have fun with your toy today
C:Do not worry, I will
CL:Ready,t bone
T:Ready ,
Got you
Wow,that was great
ClSo ,where ‘s cleo?she loves this
T:Cleo?i don’t know
Cl:She didn’t want to play yesterday,and  she isn’t here today.I hope she is ok
T:She is .she just has a new…
Cl:A new what ? tbo
T:A new …. A new’s brand new, and she really loves it. it’s all hers
Cl:Oh,well,ok,but she’s gonna play with us tomorrow,no matter what
Rember TBONE ,cleo is definitely coming with us ,it’s more fun when we all play togother
That’s ok Clifford
CL:Cleo,you are home
TI don’t think she is here
Cl:She’s sure she’s been acting strangely recently
C:Got  you ,got you
It’s be a lot of  more fun you got throw youself  toy
Oh ,cleo  oh ,come on ,let’s hide
Cl:How’re you doing back there,t no
T:Oh great ,swing me higher
Cl:Ok hold on
T:Maybe not that high
C:He can swing me that high
C:That looks  like fun
Cl:I wish cleo was here,she loves this
T:She sure would, I sureI would
Cl:Cleo ,where have you been
C:Where have I been ,,er,,,I ,,,
Cl:We’ve try t play with you 3days
C:I know.i ‘ve got this great new toy
I know
Cl:I really want you to try it
C:I know ,you always what to share your new stuff with me ,you’re the best sharer new suff I know.and I am the worst
Cl:What do you mean
C:I mean ,I do not want to share this with us,yeah
Cl:So that’s why you din’t want to play with us
C:Yeah,it’s hard to share .but you know what?
It’s no fun play with a new toy  all alone
Cl:Well,it’s a pretty cool toy
I do not  blame you  for not wanting to share  
C:Well ,I wanna share it now  
So let’s play
Tbo ,cacth
Got it
Throw  it to Clifford
Here it comes
This sure it’s a great toy
It’s even great when you share with your friends.
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