

大环境即将甚至是已经改变。在几十年前,即使你学的是完完全全的聋哑英语,只要能拿个词典翻译技术资料,你的这个能力都很有价值。可现如今技术发展一日千里,微软最新的语音识别技术,已经达到只有5.9%的差错率,和人类相近。基于此,微软还开发了翻译应用 Translator live——你就对着手机正常说话,手机几秒钟之内翻译好,说不同语言的人也可以在一起群聊。谷歌也有类似的技术,翻译能力非常强悍。







如果说80、90、甚至00后苦学出来的英语还能有点用——最起码,还能买张高等教育的入场券。但是等10后进入社会都什么时候了?十几年过去,2030年以后了!那时技术会发展成什么样子?彼时之于此时,就好比此时之于2000年,很多领域的变化超乎想象。2000年的时候,别的不说,大家在用什么手机? CPU速度多少?分辨率多高?网络带宽几何?











前者先开任督二脉获得内功,之后以内力驾驭招式则沾之即会,信手拈来毫不费力。后者简单粗暴,从一开始就透支身体,苦练招式,直奔“目标”而去——“因为考试考这个”。二者平时看来区别不大,动真格时则高下立现——前者英语应用自如,生活学习工作娱乐不在话下;后者则是张口结舌:“嗯……嗯…… English is very poor...”












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  • layefe

    2016-12-29 21:52:14 使用道具

    你用google 把你这篇文章翻译成英文看看?
  • layefe

    2016-12-29 21:54:37 使用道具

    For "after 10", English, if not close to the mother tongue level, or to pay the time and energy too much, it is better not to learn altogether - purely a waste of life.

    Times have been different.

    The environment is about to have even changed. In the decades before, even if you learn is completely deaf English, as long as you can get a dictionary translation of technical information, your ability is valuable. But now technology is developing rapidly, Microsoft's latest voice recognition technology, has reached only 5.9% error rate, and human similar. Based on this, Microsoft has developed a translation application Translator live - you talk to the normal phone, cell phone translated within a few seconds, that different languages can also be a group chat. Google also has a similar technology, translation capability is very powerful.

    What does this mean? It is clear--

    The low level of foreign language ability will soon lose the value of existence.

    First of all, speech recognition technology will further reduce the error rate, combined with artificial intelligence and sensor technology, machine translation will become more flexible. For example, before you need to translate, you can give artificial intelligence a scene: Siri, I am in the supermarket; or: Siri, I listen to psychology lectures. Then the background with the relevant algorithm will be able to significantly improve the translation accuracy. Even if you do not have to specifically tell the artificial intelligence, it can be done through the sensor to judge their own, such as using the camera to identify the opposite person is an acquaintance or stranger, your boss or subordinates, whether there is implied tone of voice information and so on. And all the information presented, it may be through the form of augmented reality, directly in front of you present to you. Even if you do not know a little foreign language, but also in the vast majority of cases cope with ease.

    Second, with the rise of professional knowledge services, the information gap between languages will be significantly reduced. China will be like Japan now, professional translation and publishing speed will be significantly accelerated, famous works may be translated and published a few months. A few months too long? No problem, expertise and even the first time in the essence of the essence of refining to you. For example, I subscribe to the Webmaster's column, the first time to understand the "human history," the author Yvarl Hera's new book "A Brief History of the Future."

    Finally, China's overall rise, the status of Chinese is also upgrading, which will bring a fundamental impact. Many foreign language cultural products such as books, magazines, news, movies, games and so will provide the Chinese version from the beginning, who would not make money with it? While the Chinese mother tongue, the English can also be comfortable to see than the Chinese characters?

    In short, for the Chinese people, English will gradually become "useless", into a "luxury" and "Dragon of the technology." In fact, there are clues, a lot of highly educated mother hard to learn English the biggest use is to counsel the child English, and even many also worry about their "accent" is not good, even counseling are not - both the case, the future and when how is it?

    If 80,90, or even 00 after hard to learn English can also be used - at least, but also to buy tickets for higher education. But after 10 so into the community are what time? Ten years in the past, after 2030! At that time technology will develop into what? At that time, like this time in 2000, many areas of change beyond imagination. 2000, the other does not say, we use what cell phone? CPU speed how much? How high is the resolution? Network bandwidth geometry?

    Technology development will tear many areas, English applications will be one of them.

    The future does not require two knives level of English, it is meaningless, only the ability to approximate the native language can come in handy. Because no matter how the development of technology, the real importance of the field can not be separated from the kind of real-time, with the temperature of human interaction - go to bars, go play golf, go bath ... ... these occasions you With a translation machine is certainly inappropriate, it is difficult to establish personal feelings of friendship and friendship between the communication.

    This demand, generally only produced in the real elite of all walks of life and cutting-edge areas, such as business sent out to do executives, academics do academic exchanges. The vast majority of ordinary people, because China's own population is enough, the economy is large enough, they exchange people are compatriots every day; daily work is to meet the needs of compatriots; daily entertainment, national film series books The first time there is a Chinese version; go abroad to play a cell phone all get - maybe the phone do not have, because then signs may have Chinese characters, the staff will be Chinese ... ... really need to use English, very few.

    See this, many of my friends may not agree - no more subjects to go, such as mathematics, junior high school and above the content in real life rarely used, can not be used because it does not learn it? Of course not - the scarcity of quality education resources, education needs to bear the screening function. All together from the actual use, simply learn and learn, it may be necessary for the cost of fairness. As a background of the civilian population, I am also the beneficiary of the college entrance examination system, I 100 million in favor of "mathematics and similar subjects" to the selection.

    - But English really does not fit that.

    Mathematics is good for singles. It is an abstract knowledge system, is a very fair subject - talent decision ceiling, to determine the ceiling, spend more money please no matter how good teacher role is limited, everyone has to pay a lot of effort to learn, genius No exception.

    But English is not the same. It is above all a language, and language can be said to be a human "instinct." Thousands of years, human babies do not need to pay deliberate effort to master the mother tongue, ignorance and feel relaxed and happy. This is the case in the mother tongue, and the second language is actually the same. There are many areas of the world's multilingual tradition, for children in these areas, second language and mother tongue is no difference, are unknowingly grasp.

    This is not a secret. In fact, for the Chinese elite (the ruling class and the rich) children, English is not learned, but "born" - Filipino maid, foreign teachers, international schools, American schools ... ... even from the sensible From the English can already get, and become their second language, followed by a horse Pingchuan - class can read novels; examination of what is not the difficulty, purely by feeling the answer can also get high scores; abroad test also mention. The elites do not need to know what SLA is, and since Filipino maids and international schools can solve this problem, I spend money on it.

    And ordinary middle class and to be middle-class children, subject to the public system, the examination system and traditional concepts, still have to repeat the old path of their parents - hard study! For them, English is still a need to struggling to overcome the obstacles, is still an end in the foreseeable long journey - pre-school initiation, the main content is a number of debris and fur, fruit animals singing and dancing; "Learning, back words, learning grammar, and everyone loves the" new concept "; early high school into the test track, do questions, examinations, all for the college entrance examination; into the university, to storm 46; Or not enough, most of the resume can not be brushed off plus a small weight, really want to use it to continue to "learn" ... ...

    "Natural" and "hard to learn" are two completely different path.

    The former to open the Governor of the second pulse to gain strength, then the internal force to control the moves will stick, will come in handy effortlessly. The latter is simple and crude, from the outset on the body, hard training moves, went straight to the "target" away - "because the examination test this. The two usually do not seem to distinguish between, when the real thing is to compete with the present - the former English application freely, live and work entertainment to mention; the latter is tongue-tied: "ah ... ah ... My ... My English is very poor ... "

    The former parents with children to see the original film, discussed in English
    "What kind of story do you think the film is about?"
    "Why did the protagonist make that decision at the time?"
    "If it was you, what would you do?"
    "What is the basis for it?

    The latter parents after school children blocking the corner reprimanded: "how then a few words did not write it down? Say! Just wrong a few! After the wrong wrong! Go home every copy 5 times!" - See, hear the ear. In some parents can participate in lectures in English training classes, this situation every day, can not help but directly in the class began to reprimand, and very common.

    This is like going to a place, the former directly on the plane, all the way singing and laughing; the latter back 100 pounds of weight, on foot.

    English and mathematics are not the same, it is neither "discipline", nor "fair", not suitable for selection. English exam road, and its derivative of the traditional teaching method, has a historical contribution, but the times and technology has changed, then the fifth of the drug of life-saving drugs now has become a malignant tumor, difficult to return, the tail can not afford to eat fatal.

    This is the case, but in another way, this system is actually "effective": the top US universities have deliberately useless Greek as the application conditions, the purpose is to curb more and more Jewish students - white upper class learning The Greek tradition and the ability, while the Jews did not. Let us be straightforward: If the college entrance examination to a very remote dialect set as compulsory subjects, and your baby 3 years old with my grandparents learned very authentic, you will not dream will wake up, and then hope that the system Forever?

    Parents love the child, is far-reaching. This article, of course, is not to persuade you to give up English, but hope you can realize: If the children continue to learn the old way of our hard work, the last is likely to draw a basket empty. Since you want to learn, do not follow the crowd, but to use the most scientific way to learn. When we get rid of the test-oriented pattern, and return to the real needs of the language, we will find another way has always been in sight: the real use-oriented, such as native English acquisition of the road. I call it -

    Natural acquisition of the road.

    I spent seven years exploring this road - teaching a lot of students, tried a lot of teaching methods, read a lot of books, and many parents, wrote dozens of articles, but also specifically to study the Master of Education - - I am more convinced that "natural learning" is the future of English education.

    I will build a community in 2017, with a small partner to go along the natural acquisition of the road, with parent-child English way, so that children within two years that is, a sense of English mother tongue, with the ability to self-development.

    If you want to join us, along the way, please pay attention to the details of the upcoming push it!
  • layefe

    2016-12-29 21:54:53 使用道具

    For "after 10", English, if not close to the mother tongue level, or to pay the time and energy too much, it is better not to learn altogether - purely a waste of life.

    Times have been different.

    The environment is about to have even changed. In the decades before, even if you learn is completely deaf English, as long as you can get a dictionary translation of technical information, your ability is valuable. But now technology is developing rapidly, Microsoft's latest voice recognition technology, has reached only 5.9% error rate, and human similar. Based on this, Microsoft has developed a translation application Translator live - you talk to the normal phone, cell phone translated within a few seconds, that different languages can also be a group chat. Google also has a similar technology, translation capability is very powerful.

    What does this mean? It is clear--

    The low level of foreign language ability will soon lose the value of existence.

    First of all, speech recognition technology will further reduce the error rate, combined with artificial intelligence and sensor technology, machine translation will become more flexible. For example, before you need to translate, you can give artificial intelligence a scene: Siri, I am in the supermarket; or: Siri, I listen to psychology lectures. Then the background with the relevant algorithm will be able to significantly improve the translation accuracy. Even if you do not have to specifically tell the artificial intelligence, it can be done through the sensor to judge their own, such as using the camera to identify the opposite person is an acquaintance or stranger, your boss or subordinates, whether there is implied tone of voice information and so on. And all the information presented, it may be through the form of augmented reality, directly in front of you present to you. Even if you do not know a little foreign language, but also in the vast majority of cases cope with ease.

    Second, with the rise of professional knowledge services, the information gap between languages will be significantly reduced. China will be like Japan now, professional translation and publishing speed will be significantly accelerated, famous works may be translated and published a few months. A few months too long? No problem, expertise and even the first time in the essence of the essence of refining to you. For example, I subscribe to the Webmaster's column, the first time to understand the "human history," the author Yvarl Hera's new book "A Brief History of the Future."

    Finally, China's overall rise, the status of Chinese is also upgrading, which will bring a fundamental impact. Many foreign language cultural products such as books, magazines, news, movies, games and so will provide the Chinese version from the beginning, who would not make money with it? While the Chinese mother tongue, the English can also be comfortable to see than the Chinese characters?

    In short, for the Chinese people, English will gradually become "useless", into a "luxury" and "Dragon of the technology." In fact, there are clues, a lot of highly educated mother hard to learn English the biggest use is to counsel the child English, and even many also worry about their "accent" is not good, even counseling are not - both the case, the future and when how is it?

    If 80,90, or even 00 after hard to learn English can also be used - at least, but also to buy tickets for higher education. But after 10 so into the community are what time? Ten years in the past, after 2030! At that time technology will develop into what? At that time, like this time in 2000, many areas of change beyond imagination. 2000, the other does not say, we use what cell phone? CPU speed how much? How high is the resolution? Network bandwidth geometry?

    Technology development will tear many areas, English applications will be one of them.

    The future does not require two knives level of English, it is meaningless, only the ability to approximate the native language can come in handy. Because no matter how the development of technology, the real importance of the field can not be separated from the kind of real-time, with the temperature of human interaction - go to bars, go play golf, go bath ... ... these occasions you With a translation machine is certainly inappropriate, it is difficult to establish personal feelings of friendship and friendship between the communication.

    This demand, generally only produced in the real elite of all walks of life and cutting-edge areas, such as business sent out to do executives, academics do academic exchanges. The vast majority of ordinary people, because China's own population is enough, the economy is large enough, they exchange people are compatriots every day; daily work is to meet the needs of compatriots; daily entertainment, national film series books The first time there is a Chinese version; go abroad to play a cell phone all get - maybe the phone do not have, because then signs may have Chinese characters, the staff will be Chinese ... ... really need to use English, very few.

    See this, many of my friends may not agree - no more subjects to go, such as mathematics, junior high school and above the content in real life rarely used, can not be used because it does not learn it? Of course not - the scarcity of quality education resources, education needs to bear the screening function. All together from the actual use, simply learn and learn, it may be necessary for the cost of fairness. As a background of the civilian population, I am also the beneficiary of the college entrance examination system, I 100 million in favor of "mathematics and similar subjects" to the selection.

    - But English really does not fit that.

    Mathematics is good for singles. It is an abstract knowledge system, is a very fair subject - talent decision ceiling, to determine the ceiling, spend more money please no matter how good teacher role is limited, everyone has to pay a lot of effort to learn, genius No exception.

    But English is not the same. It is above all a language, and language can be said to be a human "instinct." Thousands of years, human babies do not need to pay deliberate effort to master the mother tongue, ignorance and feel relaxed and happy. This is the case in the mother tongue, and the second language is actually the same. There are many areas of the world's multilingual tradition, for children in these areas, second language and mother tongue is no difference, are unknowingly grasp.

    This is not a secret. In fact, for the Chinese elite (the ruling class and the rich) children, English is not learned, but "born" - Filipino maid, foreign teachers, international schools, American schools ... ... even from the sensible From the English can already get, and become their second language, followed by a horse Pingchuan - class can read novels; examination of what is not the difficulty, purely by feeling the answer can also get high scores; abroad test also mention. The elites do not need to know what SLA is, and since Filipino maids and international schools can solve this problem, I spend money on it.

    And ordinary middle class and to be middle-class children, subject to the public system, the examination system and traditional concepts, still have to repeat the old path of their parents - hard study! For them, English is still a need to struggling to overcome the obstacles, is still an end in the foreseeable long journey - pre-school initiation, the main content is a number of debris and fur, fruit animals singing and dancing; "Learning, back words, learning grammar, and everyone loves the" new concept "; early high school into the test track, do questions, examinations, all for the college entrance examination; into the university, to storm 46; Or not enough, most of the resume can not be brushed off plus a small weight, really want to use it to continue to "learn" ... ...

    "Natural" and "hard to learn" are two completely different path.

    The former to open the Governor of the second pulse to gain strength, then the internal force to control the moves will stick, will come in handy effortlessly. The latter is simple and crude, from the outset on the body, hard training moves, went straight to the "target" away - "because the examination test this. The two usually do not seem to distinguish between, when the real thing is to compete with the present - the former English application freely, live and work entertainment to mention; the latter is tongue-tied: "ah ... ah ... My ... My English is very poor ... "

    The former parents with children to see the original film, discussed in English
    "What kind of story do you think the film is about?"
    "Why did the protagonist make that decision at the time?"
    "If it was you, what would you do?"
    "What is the basis for it?

    The latter parents after school children blocking the corner reprimanded: "how then a few words did not write it down? Say! Just wrong a few! After the wrong wrong! Go home every copy 5 times!" - See, hear the ear. In some parents can participate in lectures in English training classes, this situation every day, can not help but directly in the class began to reprimand, and very common.

    This is like going to a place, the former directly on the plane, all the way singing and laughing; the latter back 100 pounds of weight, on foot.

    English and mathematics are not the same, it is neither "discipline", nor "fair", not suitable for selection. English exam road, and its derivative of the traditional teaching method, has a historical contribution, but the times and technology has changed, then the fifth of the drug of life-saving drugs now has become a malignant tumor, difficult to return, the tail can not afford to eat fatal.

    This is the case, but in another way, this system is actually "effective": the top US universities have deliberately useless Greek as the application conditions, the purpose is to curb more and more Jewish students - white upper class learning The Greek tradition and the ability, while the Jews did not. Let us be straightforward: If the college entrance examination to a very remote dialect set as compulsory subjects, and your baby 3 years old with my grandparents learned very authentic, you will not dream will wake up, and then hope that the system Forever?

    Parents love the child, is far-reaching. This article, of course, is not to persuade you to give up English, but hope you can realize: If the children continue to learn the old way of our hard work, the last is likely to draw a basket empty. Since you want to learn, do not follow the crowd, but to use the most scientific way to learn. When we get rid of the test-oriented pattern, and return to the real needs of the language, we will find another way has always been in sight: the real use-oriented, such as native English acquisition of the road. I call it -

    Natural acquisition of the road.

    I spent seven years exploring this road - teaching a lot of students, tried a lot of teaching methods, read a lot of books, and many parents, wrote dozens of articles, but also specifically to study the Master of Education - - I am more convinced that "natural learning" is the future of English education.

    I will build a community in 2017, with a small partner to go along the natural acquisition of the road, with parent-child English way, so that children within two years that is, a sense of English mother tongue, with the ability to self-development.

    If you want to join us, along the way, please pay attention to the details of the upcoming push it!
  • 周鱼

    2016-12-29 22:06:23 使用道具

  • oranje

    2016-12-29 22:42:56 使用道具

    周鱼 发表于 2016-12-29 15:06
    楼主说的有点道理,以前没想到过电脑下围棋能战胜人,现在不也赢了,现在社会发展10年顶过去快100年,10年 ...

  • xuer304

    2016-12-29 23:35:22 使用道具

  • high5

    2016-12-30 04:49:16 使用道具

    我09 年刚开始混论坛的时候,和你持一致的观点。 这些年,科技日新月异,语音方面的应用以及翻译方面的应用发展的太快了。 虽然现在google 的翻译还不尽人意,但随着大数据,智能等方面科技的深入研发,中英互译会越来越精确的。
    所以,孩子学英语,不要为了学语言而学语言,而是将开发潜力,智能, 思维等结合在一起,让孩子了解其他国家民族的文化,传统,历史。 学习了解同样的问题,别人是如何解决的。。。成为具有国际视野,跨文化,具备良好独立思维能力的人。
  • lavalise

    2016-12-30 08:04:54 使用道具

  • 晨晨妈

    2016-12-30 08:22:49 使用道具

  • snipeer

    2016-12-30 08:35:00 使用道具

    提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
  • littleair

    2016-12-30 08:43:09 使用道具

  • xiaomuzi118

    2016-12-30 09:00:04 使用道具

  • 和颜悦色

    2016-12-30 09:07:26 使用道具

  • 菜青虫

    楼主 2016-12-30 09:42:19 使用道具

  • 木鱼

    2016-12-30 09:50:20 使用道具

  • leochenj

    2016-12-30 09:59:30 使用道具

    又来扯淡招生来了,I 服了 U.
  • 菜青虫

    楼主 2016-12-30 10:01:07 使用道具


  • blackwolfdog

    2016-12-30 10:14:40 使用道具

  • sue_xia

    2016-12-30 10:19:39 使用道具

  • Jurlique

    2016-12-30 10:25:00 使用道具

    菜青虫 发表于 2016-12-30 10:01
    大家有没有想过:其实像这样讨论“英语学习理念与方法”论坛的存在本身,就证明英语教学的发展阶段其实非常 ...




  • Jurlique

    2016-12-30 11:16:31 使用道具

    本帖最后由 Jurlique 于 2016-12-30 11:22 编辑


  • 菜青虫

    楼主 2016-12-30 12:12:20 使用道具

  • MamaGo

    2016-12-30 13:18:56 使用道具

    菜青虫 发表于 2016-12-30 10:01
    大家有没有想过:其实像这样讨论“英语学习理念与方法”论坛的存在本身,就证明英语教学的发展阶段其实非常 ...



  • sandyvanho

    2016-12-30 14:08:13 使用道具

    自然习得也就这十年以内比较流行吧,大家还处于摸石头走路不是很正常吗? 等真正自然习得的人大学毕业了,后面的大部队上来了,路线办法自然就清晰很多。菜青虫老师是近十年自然习得的第一批 ?
  • kingsflying

    2016-12-30 15:17:35 使用道具

  • Sunshine82

    2016-12-31 07:45:17 使用道具

    本帖最后由 Sunshine82 于 2016-12-31 07:53 编辑

  • kittywang1983

    2016-12-31 09:29:28 使用道具

  • chinesecod

    2016-12-31 12:16:45 使用道具

  • Lucie

    2016-12-31 12:24:38 使用道具
