Key Idea 1
Words are best learned if they are first seen in a text
Tip: Give your child as many texts to see as possible
Key Idea 2
Children need to organise the words they learn in thematic groups
Tip: Help your child tidy up the word they known in different mental drawers.
Key Idea 3
Children need to focus on the most common word (sight word, common words, 3000)
Tip: encourage your child to be selevtive; give him/her texts at the right level.
Key Idea 4:
it is almost always better to keep words in pairs or in phrases
Tip: encourage your child to avoid writing single words
Key Idea 5:
beads will fall off the string unless you tie a knot; little tests help tie this knot
Tip: help your child revise by giving him/her little tests from time to time
Key Idea 6:
Children need to "tie" their words to other words or ideas so as to remember them best
Tip:s help our child make as many such connections as possible
Key Idea 7:
Studying somthing again does not help much; taking a quiz does!
Tip: help your child by giving them little quizzes now and again
Key Idea 8:
Reading is the best way for children to expand their vocabulary
Tip: get your children to read as many readers as possible
Key Idea 9:
There are 4 things which can help children remember words better: rhythm - music- movement-feeling
Tips: help your children remember words by
using chants
singing songs
getting them to act out stories
colouring your voice to add emotions


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