本帖最后由 xuanxuanie 于 2017-6-7 09:56 编辑




1. Why did you choose this book? 你为什么选择这本书?

2. Give this book a star rating. 你对本书的评价如何?

3. Main Character/Main Idea. 主人公/主要内容。

3.1 (Fiction books) Describe the main character. Explain what character tree traits you see. 如果是小说,请描述一下书中的主人公。描述一下从这本书里你看到了哪些平日学校强调的品德树里的优秀品德。

3.2 (Fiction books) Explain how you could relate how the main character feeling at some point in the book. 如果这是本小说,请结合书中的主人公的某些感受谈谈自己的经历、感想和体会。

3.3 (Non-fiction books) Explain the main subject of the book. Give 5-8 interesting facts about the main subject. 如果这本书是非小说类书,请谈谈此书的主要内容,列出5-8个关于主题的有趣事实。

4. The Plot. 情节。

4.1 (Fiction books) What is the book about? Briefly tell the plot (tell a few events in the beginning, middle and end). 如果这是本小说,此书主要是讲的什么?简单说说故事情节(列举此书开头、发展和结束部分的数个事件)。

4.2 (Non-Fiction books) What text features helped you to better understand the content of the book? Give 2 examples describe how they helped you.如果是非小说类书,书中哪些写作方法帮助你更好地理解书的内容?举两个例子说说它们是如何帮助你理解的。

5. Your Opinion. 你的见解。

5.1 (Fiction books) What did you like about the book? Did it start in an exciting or interesting way? Does the author have a unique way of telling the story? Did it remind you of a memory? What was the absolute best part? 如果你的书是小说,你喜欢本书的什么?书的开头是否很有趣,很吸引人?作者有没有用一种特殊的方式来讲述这个故事?有没有让你想起遗忘的经历?此书哪部分写得最棒?

5.2 (Non-Fiction books) What important ideas stood out? How did reading this book change your thinking about the topic? Make a connection between this book and another topic you know about. 如果是非小说类,哪些重要的概念脱颖而出?读完此书,就本书的主题,你的想法有哪些改变?结合此书谈谈你所知道的其他相关主题。

6. The book’s theme or main message. 书的主题。

6.1 (Fiction books) What message about life is the author sharing? Use details in the story to explain. 如果书是小说,作者在此书中分享了哪些人生感悟?用书中具体详情解释。

6.2(Non-Fiction books) After reading this book, what do you think the author wants you to understand or do? 如果这是非小说类书,读完此书,你觉得作者希望你懂得什么道理或者学会做什么?



1. What were your feelings after readingthe opening chapter(s) of this book? After reading half of the book? After finishing the book? 读完这部书的开篇章节后,你的感受是什么?读完这部书的一半后,你的感受又是什么?读完这部书的全部后,你的感受又是什么?

2. Did this book make you laugh? Cry? Cringe? Smile? Cheer? Explode? Explain your reaction. 读这部书时,你感到可笑?你想哭?你感到恐惧而萎缩?你感到微笑?你感到愉悦?你感到勃然大怒?对你的每一个反应做出解释。

3. What connections are there between thebook and your own life? Explain. 本书和你自己的生活有什么联系?解释这种联系。这部书最精彩的部分是什么?为什么?再不说最糟糕的部分是什么?为什么?

4. What are the best parts of this book?Why? What are the worst parts of this book? Why? 关于生活,作者通过这部书说了什么?请解释。

5. What was the author saying about life andliving through this book? Explain. 这部书哪一部分最可信?为什么?哪一部分最不可信?为什么?

6. What parts of the book seem mostbelievable? Why? What parts seem unbelievable? Why? 你喜欢这部书的结尾吗?为什么喜欢?为什么不喜欢?

7. Do you like the ending of the book? Whyor why not? Do you think there is more to tell? What do you think might happennext? 你认为作者还有没说完的话吗?你觉得下一步会发生什么?

8. What do you feel is the most importantword in the book? The most important passage? The most important element (anevent, a character, a feeling, a place, a decision)? Why is it important? 你认为这部书中最重要的词是哪一个?最重要的段落是哪一段?最重要的要素(事件、人物、感受、地方或者决定)是什么?为什么那么重要?

9. In what ways are you like any of thecharacters? Explain. 你喜欢哪些人物的哪些方面?为什么?

10. Do any of the characters remind you offriends, family members, or classmates? Explain. 书中的人物让你回想起你的朋友?家人?同学?请解释。

11. What character would you like to be inthis book? Why? What personality traits of this character would you like toacquire? Explain. 在这部书里,你最喜欢什么人物?为什么?这个人物应具备什么样的个性?请解释。

12. What would you and your favoritecharacter talk about in your first conversation? Begin the conversation. 你和你最喜欢的人物在第一场对话中将说什么?这个人物应具备什么样的个性?请解释。

13. Do you think the title fits the book? Why or why not? 你认为这部书的书名正好适合这本书吗?为什么?为什么不?

14. What makes you wonder in this book?Why? What confuses you in this book? Why? 这本书让你想什么?为什么?这本书中什么让你感到迷惑?为什么?

15. What came as a surprise in the book? 这本书中什么让你感到惊奇?

16. Has this book helped you in any way? Explain. 这本书以什么方式对你有所帮助?请解释。

17. How have you changed after reading thisbook? Explain. 读完这部书,你有什么变化?请解释。

18. How do you picture the author of thisbook? Why do you picture him or her in this way? 读完这个书,作者是什么样的形象?为什么你这样刻画他的形象?

19. What questions would you like answeredafter reading this book? 读完这部书,你认为什么样的问题已经得到回答?

20. Who else should read this book? Why? Whoshouldn’t read this book? Why? 谁应该读这部书?为什么?谁不应该读这部书?为什么?


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  • aliasdong

    2017-6-2 14:44:12 使用道具

    very good!
  • 睿睿Daddy

    2017-6-2 15:25:50 使用道具

  • 哇哈886

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  • upboom

    2017-6-6 17:06:11 使用道具

  • wowplaoda

    2017-6-7 00:23:24 使用道具

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  • 杨乐乐2010

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  • baby_Evan

    2017-6-7 08:43:23 使用道具

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  • xx小熙

    2018-11-5 16:10:24 使用道具

  • xiahelu

    2018-11-29 09:41:51 使用道具

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