本帖最后由 amyxyq 于 2017-11-23 11:17 编辑

Amy:今天早晨 Daniel 老师互动答疑时间,今天早晨主题是关于儿童写作和诗歌,他会准备一个小课程给大家示范。
Keith Daniel
Hi everyone, I wanted to share a few simple activities you can try with your kids at home.
1) The first one couldn't be any simpler: read and draw.
The child must read a passage of description and draw what they see in their minds.  It'seven more fun when the kids can work with a partner.
Amy: 老师说他今天和大家分享一些家长可以和孩子在家操作的活动,第一个就是让孩子读一段文章然后给配上插图。
Why is it important to do that?
Keith Daniel
The description is best when itincludes figurative  language andinteresting vocabulary.
It forces thekids to read very carefully…think about exactly what the words are saying. It's good when it  isn't so straightforward.
Poems are greatfor this. Here's an example of one I like to use:


What is figurative?
Keith Daniel
It's when you describe something by comparing it tosomething else.
"her eyes shone like the moon"
can be metaphor: "the fog rolled in on littlecat feet"

Amy:老师给了一个例子,her eyesshone like a moon
Keith Daniel(536441967)9:51:30 or simile: "his belly was as round as a beach ball"

Amy: The fog rolled in little cat feet. 这个是比喻句.

Keith Daniel @Amy Good question. But no. Forclose reading, don't discuss first.The kids should see how much they can getjust from the text.
Keith Daniel: If they don't know a word, theycan do an image search on Baidu or Google.
Amy: So just read tothem?  
Keith Daniel:No, letthem read it.
For example,some of my students didn't know what color "pumpkin pie" was. If I just told them, they  would have no concrete image in their minds.
So in this way, it is also good to grow vocabulary.
Amy: 让孩子先自己读,遇到不懂的词汇去百度查找对应的图片.比如说 lemon pop.
You mean the vocabulary is built in one's mind bythe  sound combined with a picture?

Keith Daniel(536441967) 10:11:20

Yes, exactly. But also the act of discovery, thework of finding out, also helps a lot.

Amy: 我觉得这个活动一方面让孩子不得不仔细的阅读深度理解,要不然画画的时候他们肯定画不出来,另外一方面大脑里通过图片来建立和词汇的对应关系,不只是学会词汇,也教孩子如何成为视觉学习者。
Keith Daniel
Here's one follow up writing activity I did. I thinkit's   in one of the RAZ videos as well.Draw a monster and  use some figurativelanguage to write a description.  
Here's one Eric did:

This is my monster. He’s strong and scary.
He has a brown face with two rows of sharp teeth.  
He has awalkie talkie ear to contact with the outside. He has six eyes. They are like
bowling balls. Three eyes are as tall as trees. He uses his eyes to see and catch things. He has six hands without fingers. One hand has a gun, one hand has a bomb, one hand has a knife, one  hand has spikes, one hand has a map, one hand has treasures.
He has five legs. Two of them are people’s legs.Two  of them are car’s home. One leg canblast him off.
He lives in space. He lives in Mars every three months.

Haha…such a boy.

Amy:因为 Raz 孩子需要掌握的一个技能就是 visualizing。老师说我们的 Raz 录播课里面让孩子画一个怪兽,然后写小段文字来描绘你的怪兽。这个是他的一个学生,小学一年级男孩子 Eric 的写作。Eric 的怪兽真是太夸张了。不过我喜欢。孩子们就能想象出盒子以外,我们大人反而会不敢想。

Keith Daniel:
Another really fun activity you can do with yourchild: Sit back to back. One person looks at a picture. It can be of anything.
The other person cannot see the picture.
The person who can see the picture must describe itwhile the other person draws it.  


Keith Daniel
It may be good to give the students a sheet ofmore  interesting describing words to usewhile they do the activity.

Amy: 在这个活动开始前。老师可以给孩子一些描绘的词汇,这样孩子可以应用到他的描绘中.

for example…
Keith Daniel:
You can also use these to springboard into a longerwriting activity.  
For example, after the activity, we can revise partsof a story the student is working on.  
Amy: What isspringboard?  
Keith Daniel: "lead into"…you canuse it to practice the skill before applying it to a more meaningful, longerproject. The student's own composition.
Keith Daniel:Forexample, we can take a story the child has already written, and then choosesome parts where we want to improve the description.
Keith Daniel:There's(yet another) activity you can do before this: read the child's story to her,the child has to draw it. But can ONLY draw exactly what the words say. Thisway they can become aware of how the words might be different from what she wasthinking of.
Amy: you mean thechild has to write a story first。
Keith Daniel:Yeah…thisis how you can integrate it with a longer project. can be a story ornon-fiction
Amy: I see.

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