

[视频课程] follow me

情景剧中间,穿插了与情景剧语言功能相关的实景对话和歌曲,便于学习者扩展所学的语言知识。由60集组成,包括60个主题,涵盖了日常生活中常用的10项语言功能。在其中40集里穿插了一个句为Follow Me to Britain的纪录片,向学习者介绍英国的本土文化,使学习者有身临英国的感觉。20集里穿插播放了4个系列短剧,情节起伏跌宕,生动有趣。

1.( What’s your name).avi
2.(How are you).avi
3.(Can you help me).avi
4.(Left, right, straight ahead).avi
5.(Where are they).avi
6.(What’s the time).avi
7.(What’s this .What’s that).avi
8.(I like it very much).avi
9.(Have you got any wine).avi
10.(What are they doing).avi
11.(Can I have you name, please).avi
12.(What does she look like).avi
13.(No smoking).avi
14.(It’ on the first floor).avi
15.(Where’s he gone).avi
16.(Going away).avi
17.(Buying things).avi
18.(Why do you like it).avi
19.(What do you need).avi
20.(I sometimes work late).avi
21.(Welcome to Britain).avi
22.(Who’s that).avi
23.(What would you like to do).avi
24.(How can we get there).avi
25.(Where is it).avi
26.(What’s the date).avi
27.(Whose is it).avi
28.(I enjoy it).avi
29.(How many and how much).avi
30.(What have you done).avi
31.(Haven't we met before).avi
32.(What did you say).avi
33.(Please stop).avi
34.(How can I get to Brightly).avi
35.(Where can I get it).avi
36.(There's a concert on Wednesday).avi
37.(What's it like).avi
38.(What do you think of him).avi
39.(I need someone).avi
40.(What were you doing).avi
41.(What do you do).avi
42.(What do you know about him).avi
43.(You shouldn't do that).avi
44.(I hope you enjoy your holiday).avi
45.(Where can I see a football match).avi
46.(When will it be ready).avi
47.(Where did you go).avi
48.(I think it's awful).avi
49.(A room with a view).avi
50.(You'll be ill).avi
51.(I don't believe in strikes).avi
52.(They look tired).avi
53.(Would you like to).avi
54.(Holiday plans).avi
55.(The second shelf on the left).avi
56.(When you are ready).avi
57.(Tell them about Britain).avi
58.(I liked everything).avi
59.(Classical or modern).avi

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