一套专为儿童英语学习者所编撰的阅读与写作训练辅助教材。全套共六册,每册十个单元。阅读主题涵盖所有儿童主教材常见主题,同时也融入其他学科主题,包括自然科学、社会科学、艺术文化等。阅读体裁多样,随著级数渐进加深。第一册至第三册以四格漫画故事、传单、杂志文章等简短文章为主。第四册至第六册则加入广告、剧本、自传、小说、新闻故事、求生手册等长篇文章。每单元共四页,教材内容编排一致。第一页先列出重点单字接续为阅读文章,第二页为读后测验、第三页为单字複习、第四页则是写作练习。写作部份皆先提供一篇范文,做为练习的参考,从中学习写作基本概念,例如:句子顺序、标点符号、问句、缩写等,最后训练学习者写出完整文章。每册最后皆有每单元的主题延伸词汇介绍〈More words〉,可让学习者于课后做更多词汇练习。



A fun and colourful six-level supplementary series in American English, that develops reading and writing skills through a broad range of exciting texts.
With engaging texts and topics to develop reading and writing skills, Oxford Primary Skills is the perfect partner for
any course.It builds up reading skills through a wide variety of texts students want to read including websites and magazines. The
supportive writing tasks give students the opportunity to write 'real' texts about themselves such as emails and diary entries. And there's
optional vocabulary for every chapter.

Key features:

• Broad range of text types focusing on cross-curricular topics
• Step-by-step reading and graded writing tasks with a clear outcome
• Thorough development of reading sub-skills such as reading for gist and reading for detail
• Vocabulary section in each unit builds on words students meet in their coursebooks
• Accompanying Audio CD, plus online notes and support for teachers


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