本帖最后由 melaniezengxing 于 2012-2-17 10:34 编辑

Rosie's Walk 母鸡萝丝去散步
Owl Babies 小猫头鹰
When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry-菲菲生氣了:非常、非常的生氣
Hondo and Fabian  红豆和菲比
Five Minutes’ Peace 让我安静五分钟  by Jill Murphy
Mr. Gumpy’s Outing 和甘伯伯去游河
My mum 我妈妈
The Napping House 打瞌睡的房子
Swimmy 小黑鱼
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World 环游世界做苹果派
Sophie’s Masterpiece A Spider’s Tale 苏菲的杰作
My Dad 我爸爸
Go Away,Big Green Monster!
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 驴小弟变石头
Seven blind mice 七只瞎老鼠
From Head to Toe  by Eric Carle
There Is a Bird On Your Head!   by Mo Willems
Goodnight Moon 月亮晚安
Dear little fish 亲爱的小鱼
A Picture for Harold’s room 阿罗房间要挂画
Animals should definitely not wear clothing 动物绝对不应该穿衣服
Blackboard Bear 黑板熊
Father Cat's Busy Day 猫爸爸忙碌的一天 斯凯瑞
I like books 我喜欢书
Olivia 奥莉薇
The Missing Piece Meets the BIG O 失落的一角遇见大圆满
The Carrot Seed  胡萝卜种子
OWEN 欧文的小毯子   
owl moon 月下看猫头鹰
Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! 彩虹鱼营救新朋友
Something from Nothing 爷爷一定有办法 Phoebe Gilman
The Missing Piece 失落的一角
The true story of the 3 little pigs 三只小猪的真实故事
The very busy spider 非常忙的蜘蛛
The Wolf's Chicken Stew狼大叔的红焖鸡
This is Gossie 穿雨靴的小鹅
Miss Rumphius 花婆婆
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World环游世界做苹果派
Someday  有一天
Little Blue and Little Yellow 小黄和小蓝  
Little Pea 小豌豆
Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car 五只小猴子洗车
The Shape Game 形状游戏
Mr Piggott 朱家故事
Click Clack Moo Cows That Type 会打字的牛
Make Way for Duckling  让路给小鸭子
If you take a mouse to school 如果你帶老鼠一起去上學
Doctor De Soto 老鼠牙医地搜头
Clap Your Hands
When I Get Bigger
Llama llama red pajama BY Anna Dewdney
I love you like crazy cakes  BY Rose Lewis
One Fine Day 晴朗的一天
Always Room for One More
Prayer for a Child
Top 80 The stinky cheese
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Once Upon a Potty
Whoever You Are
Are You Growing Worries?
The Little House 小房子
The Paper Bag Princess 纸袋公主
The Relatives Came   Cynthia Rylant
There is Nightmare IN MY CLOSET
The Little Mouse, The RedRipe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 棕熊,棕熊,你看到什么?
The Mixed-Up Chameleon by EricCarle 拼拼凑凑的变色龙
The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle
Thunder Cake
Alexander and the Terrible,Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Amazing Grace
Amigo by Byrd Baylor
Frog and toad are friends : Spring 青蛙和蟾蜍
Frog and toad are friends : The Story 青蛙和蟾蜍
Frog and toad are friends: 3- A Lost Button 青蛙和蟾蜍
Frog and toad are friends: A Swim 青蛙和蟾蜍
Frederick 田鼠阿佛
The Cat In The Hat Comes Back 苏斯博士
kitten's first moon 小猫咪追月亮
A chair for my mother  妈妈的红沙发
Farmer duck  鸭子农夫
DUCK ON A BIKE   鸭子骑自行车
DAVID goes to school  大卫上学去
Love is a handful of honey  爱是一捧浓浓的蜂蜜
The Dot
We're Going on a Bear Hunt   我们要去捉狗熊
Baby Brains 布朗家的天才宝宝
my friend rabbit  我的兔子朋友
Little Snowflake's Big Adventureby Steve Metzger
The Story of Babar
Papa, Please get the moon for me  爸爸给我摘月亮
Song and Dance Man 歌舞爷爷
A giraffe and a half 一只加长十分之五的长颈鹿
Harold’s Fairy Tale  阿罗的童话王国
Grandpa 外公
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? 恐龙去看病?
I SPY 奇趣谜
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? 恐龙怎样道晚安?
No, David! 大卫,不可以!
Good Night, Gorilla 晚安,大猩猩
Have you seen my duckling?
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs  多云,有时下肉丸(incomplete)
Harold and the Purple  阿罗的紫色蜡笔
Love You Forever 永远爱你
A Visitor For Bear
There's An Alligator Under My Bed 我的床下有一只小鳄鱼
Five little monkeys sitting in a tree  五只猴子坐在树上面
Where the Sidewalk Ends 人行道的尽头 by Shel Silverstein
Five little Monkey reading in bed
The Happy day by Ruth Krauss
Willy the Dreamer 梦想家威利
Gorilla 大猩猩
David Gets in Trouble大卫惹麻烦
Diary of a Worm 蚯蚓日记
Don’t Bump the Glump! 稀奇古怪动物园
Lafcadio The Lion Who Shot Back 一只会开枪的狮子
How I Became a Pirate 千万别去当海盗
A Light in the Attic 阁楼的光
Barnyard Dance
Baby Beluga
The Going to Bed Book
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed  五只猴子床上蹦得高
Sir Small and the Dragonfly
The Right Number of Elephants
The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
The Town Musicians of Breman
Little Red Riding Hood  小红帽
Freight Train by Donald Crews
Frank and Izzy Set Sail
I Love You with All MY Heart
Henry Builds A Cabin
I Have Feelings
Mummy Laid an Egg
When I Grow Up
Tadpole's Promise
The Seven Chinese Sisters
Five Little Monkeys Play hide-and-seek 五只小猴捉迷藏
Five little Monkey with Nothing to do  五只小猴闲着没事干
Five little ducks
Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake 五只小猴烤生日蛋糕
When I was Young in the Mountains  山中记事
If kisses were colors 如果吻是颜色
Because I love you so much
Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale 古纳什小兔
Boomers Big Surprise
My Favorite Things 我最喜欢的东西
The trouble with Gran
The Gift of the Magi 麦琪的礼物
I will not ever never eat a tomatoe 我绝对绝对不吃番茄 查理和劳拉
Gruffalo 咕噜牛
When the wind stops 风到哪里去了
Blueberries for Sal 小塞尔采蓝莓
Don't let the pigeon drive the bus 鸽子系列:别让鸽子开巴士
Frog and toad are friends5: The Letter 青蛙和蟾蜍
Corduroy 小熊可可
Green Eggs & Ham 绿鸡蛋和火腿
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel 迈克马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机
The Gruffalo's Child 咕噜牛小妞妞
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears 为什么蚊子老在耳边
The Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼
Frank and Izzy Set Sail
50 Below zero
If you give a mosse a muffin
It’s mine! 这是我的!
John Patrick Norman McHennessy 迟到大王
Come away from the water , Shirley 莎莉,离水远一点
White snow bright snow 白雪晶晶
Peter's Chair 彼得的椅子
Whistle for willie
The most wonderful egg in the world 最奇妙的蛋
The best mouse cookie
Goldilocks and the Thress Bears 金发姑娘和三只熊
The Dog Who Cried Wolf 像狼一样嚎叫
Duck for President 鸭子总统
Big Dogs, Little Dogs, Cats and Kittens
Giggle, Giggle, Quack 吱咕、吱咕、嘎
Dooby Dooby Moo 呼噜、呼噜、哞
A color of his own  自己的顏色 By Leo Lionni
Butterflies in My Stomach and Other School Hazards
When I'm feeling loved
The Stars Will Still Shine
Good Night,Mr.Night
The Rat and the Tiger
The Day the Teacher Went BANANAS
Mrs.McNosh and the Great Squash
When I Was Little
It's ok to be different
APPLES & ORANGES  going bananas with pairs
The Pig's Picnic BY Keiko Kasza
When I'm Feeling Jealous BY Trace Moroney
The Peace Book BY Todd Parr
Room on the Broom 女巫扫帚排排坐
Badger’s Parting Gifts 獾的礼物
斯凯瑞故事集 The BUNNY BOOK
The Three Billy Goats Gruff 三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦
You and me: We're opposites
Daddy Hug
The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! 鸽子系列:鸽子找到了一个热狗!
ABC I Like Me!
Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, what do you see?
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, what do you see?
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what do you hear?
Zen Short 禅的故事
Angelo 鸽子的天使
elmer 艾玛
Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory 好奇猴乔治去巧克力工厂
The Best Excuse
Bad for Them, Good for Me
Abra Cadabra and the Tooth Witch by Nurit Karlin
Boy Soup
Caillou and Gilbert
Crazy for Canada
Crab Moon
Crazy for California
Old Mother Hubbard
Jack and The Bean Stalk
Martin Macgregor's Snowman By Lisa Cook
Odd Velvet
Pigs by Robert Munsch
I am dead at recess
Money Doesn't grow on Trees
Allen’s Fear
A wolf and his shadow 狼和它的影子
A Lion and a mouse
A Quiet Quiz
A Hot Air Balloon
A Country Road
Curious George and the Puppies
An Extraordinary Egg 一只奇特的蛋
Curious George Makes Pancakes 好奇的乔治做煎饼
Trouble AT school- 贝贝熊
The  Truth- 贝贝熊
Trouble with money-贝贝熊
Curious George Feeds the Animal 好奇猴乔治喂动物
Snowflake Bentley 雪花人
Curious George Goes to a Movie 好奇猴乔治要去看电影
Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon 好奇猴乔治和热气球
Curious George in the Snow 好奇猴乔治在雪里
Curious George’s Dream 好奇猴乔治的梦
Cornelius 鳄鱼柯尼列斯
Many moons 公主的月亮
Giraffes Can’t Dance
Winnie's Big Day
Frog and a Very Special Day
Frog is Frog
Frog and the Birdsong
Bear on a bike
Inch by Inch 一寸虫
The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee
There Is a Bird On Your Head! 你的头上有只鸟 by Mo Willems
You are much too small 你还小
From Head to Toe  by Eric Carle
Big Bear Hug 大熊抱抱 by Nicholas Oldland
Chick Chick Boom Boom
The Bronze Ring 青铜戒指
Slowly, slowly, slowly, Said the sloth
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
The Story of Little Kettle-head 长着汤锅脑袋的女孩
The Story of Little Black Sambo 小黑人桑宝的故事
Pumpkin Soup Background Information 南瓜汤
A Cloak For The Dreamer 夢想家的披風
A Pipkin of Pepper一點點胡椒
Ahoy There, Little Polar Bear小北極熊城市歷險記
The Apple King蘋果國王
The Big Big Sea大海
Christmas Cakes開門開門送蛋糕
Finn And The Fairies精靈舞衣的秘密
Five Little Fiends五隻小紅怪
King Bidgood's In The Bathtub澡缸裡的國王
Milo and the Mysterious Island米羅發現新世界
The Old Woman Who Named Things 愛取名字的老婆婆
Queen Of Christmas
Stellaluna 星月
Stranger In The Woods: A Photographic Fantasy 森林裡的陌生人
Verdi 綠笛
The Gardener 小恩的秘密花园
Grandfather’s Journey 爷爷的旅程
Lon Po Po 狼婆婆
A Mother for Choco 秋秋找妈妈
My lucky day
The Pig's Picnic
The Mightest
Bedtime for frances 法兰西要睡觉
I'm a little teapot--by Iza Trapani
Smelly Bill Stinks again 臭臭的比尔II
MADELINE's Christmas 玛德琳的圣诞节
I Want My Tooth
I Want My Mum
I Don't Want To Go To Bed
Nana upstairs& nana downstairs 樓上外婆樓下外婆
Zin! Zin! Zin! A violin 大家来听音乐会
Alice The Fairy  小仙女艾丽斯
Ella Sarah gets Dressed
A Dark Dark Tale 一个黑黑、黑黑的故事
The Three Robbers 三个强盗 (完整版)
Millions of Cats 100万只猫 by Wanda Gag (完整版)
The Story of Ferdinand 爱花的牛
The Tiny Seed 小种子
The Cat in the Hat
Winnie the witch--winnie's new computer
Ollie 穿雨靴的小鹅系列
Ollie the Stomper 穿雨靴的小鹅
The Berenstain Bears
Imogene's antlers 妞妞的鹿角 by David small
Dr. Seuss’s ABC
King Looie Katz 噜噜卡卡国王 Dr. Seuss’s Book
Willy the Wimp 胆小鬼威利
Happy Birthday To You! 祝你生日快乐 by Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
Kisses for Daddy 给爸爸的吻
The Tunnel 隧道
Cookies: bite-size life lessons 小饼干的大道理
Once a mouse 从前有一只老鼠
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers 高空走索人
Curious George Goes to Toy Store 好奇猴乔治去玩具店
Curious George and the Dump Truck 好奇猴乔治和翻斗车
The crow and the pitcher
The goose with the golden eggs 下金蛋的鹅
The old woman and her grandson
Clocks and More Clocks金老爷买钟(incomplete)
Knuffle Bunny too 古纳什小兔又来了
Froggy Gets Dressed
Maisy goes swimming
Like a Windy Day by Frank Asch and Devin Asch
Officer Buckle and Gloria巴警官与狗利亚
Curious George takes a train
Ish  味儿 Peter H. Reynolds
Charlie needs a Cloak 阿利的红斗篷
Black&White Rabbit黑兔和白兔
Would you Rather 你喜欢
Anna's new coat安娜的新大衣
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers 一个关于寻找与爱的故事
Maisy goes to bed
Meg and Mog
Bears in the night
What time is it Mr. Wolf?
Where's Spot?
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf 一片叶子落下来
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
The boat 小船 (incomplete)
The Important Book 重要书
A Squash and a Squeeze 小房子变大房子
The Smartest Giant in Town 城里最漂亮的巨人
Billy and the Big New School小阿力的大学校病(Incomplete)
A Day in the Luxembourg Garden 卢森堡公园的一天
The Giant Hug 会飞的抱抱 (incomplete)
Not My Fault 不是我的错
Snow 下雪了
fünfter sein 第五个 (德语文本和英语文本)
Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros? 谁要一只便宜的犀牛?(完整版)
Belinda, The Ballerina大腳丫跳芭蕾(完整版)
THE STRANGER by Chris Van Allsberg 陌生人(完整版)
Matthew's Dream 玛修的梦
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs  多云,有时下肉丸(complete)
Mr Gumpy's Motor Car和甘伯伯开车去兜风
Harold's Circus (1959)
Harold's Trip to the Sky
Harold's ABC
Harold at the North Pole
What do you do with a nose like this?这样的尾巴可以做什么?
Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
The mitten
Clifford--My Best Friend
Long Live Princess Smartypants 顽皮公主万万岁
Dr. Seuss’s ABC
Frog and toad 6- Down the Hill
Frog and toad 7- The Corner
Frog and toad 8-Ice Cream
Frog and toad 9-The Surprise
Frog and toad 10-Christmas Eve
Frog and toad 11-A list
Frog and toad 12-The Garden
Frog and toad 13- Cookies
Frog and toad 14-Dragons and Giants
Frog and toad 16-Tomorrow
Frog and toad 17-The Kite
Frog and toad 18-Shivers
Frog and toad 19-The Hat
Frog and toad 20-Alone
winnie the witch--Winnie the witch
winnie the witch--winnie in winter
HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT? - by Eric Carle
MICE SQUEAK, WE SPEAK --- by Arnold Shapiro and Tomie dePaola
MY FRIEND IS SAD --- by Mo Willems
TODAY I WILL FLY --- by Mo Willems
I AM INVITED TO A PARTY --- by Mo Willems
Mummy Laid an Egg
THE GIANT HUG 会飞的抱抱 (complete)
Stellaluna ~ Janell Cannon
So Many Bunnies by Rich Walton
I’ll Always Love You 我永远爱你
Through The Magic Mirror by Anthony Browne
The Sun Tree
How the Mice Beat the Men
Princess SmartyPants 頑皮公主不出嫁
The Paper Bag Princess 纸袋公主~ by Robert N. Munsch
Winnie’s Magic Wand 温妮的魔法棒
changes 小凯的家不一样了
Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse 亚力山大和发条老鼠
Now One Foot, Now the Other 先左脚,再右脚


参与人数 7 贝壳 +180 理由 收起
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  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:41:15 使用道具

    本帖最后由 melaniezengxing 于 2012-2-17 10:36 编辑


    Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away.
    So he said to his mother, “I am running away.”
    “If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you.
    For you are my little bunny.”

    “If you run after me,” said the little bunny,
    “I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you.”

    “If you become a fish in a trout stream,” said his mother,
    “I will become a fisherman and I will fish for you.”

    “If you become a fisherman,” said the little bunny,
    “I will become a rock on the mountain, high above you.”

    “If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,”
    Said his mother, “I will be a mountain climber,
    And I will climb to where you are.”

    “If you become a mountain climber,” said the little bunny,
    “I will be a crocus in a hidden garden.”

    “If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,” said his mother,
    “I will be a gardener. And I will find you.”

    “If you are a gardener and find me,” said the little bunny,
    “I will be a bird and fly away from you.”

    “If you become a bird and fly away from me,” said his mother,
    “I will be a tree that you come home to.”

    “If you become a tree,” said the little bunny,
    “I will become a little sailboat, and I will sail away from you.”

    “If you become a sailboat and sail away from me,” said his mother,
    “I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go.”

    “If you become the wind and blow me,” said the little bunny,
    “I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.”

    “If you go flying on a flying trapeze,” said his mother,
    “I will be a tightrope walker, and I will walk across the air to you.”

    “If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air,” said the bunny,
    “I will become a little boy and run into a house.”

    “If you become a little boy and run into a house,” and the mother bunny,
    “I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you.”

    “Shucks,” said the bunny, “I might just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.”

    And so he did. “Have a carrot,” said the mother bunny.


    Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare’s very long ears.

    He wanted to be sure that Big Nutbrown Hare was listening.
    “Guess how much I love you,” he said.
    “Oh, I don’t think I could guess that,” said Big Nutbrown Hare.

    “This much,” said little Nutbrown Hare, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go.

    Big Nutbrown Hare had ever longer arms. “But I love you this much,” he said.
    Hmm, that is a lot, thought Little Nutbrown Hare.

    “I love you as high as I can reach,” said Little Nutbrown Hare.

    “I love you as high as I can reach,” said Big Nutbrown Hare.
    That is very high, thought Little Nutbrown Hare. I will I had arms like that.

    Then Little Nutbrown Hare had a good idea. He tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet.
    “I love you all the away up to my toes!” he said.

    “And I love you all the way up to your toes,” said Big Nutbrown Hare, swinging him up over his head.

    “I love you as high as I can hop!” laughed Little Nutbrown Hare, bouncing up and down.

    “But I love you as high as I can hop,” smiled Big Nutbrown Hare – and he hopped so high that his ears touched the branches above.
    That’s good hopping, thought Little Nutbrown Hare. I wish I could hop like that.

    “I love you all the way down the lane as far as the river,” cried Little Nutbrown Hare.
    “I love you across the river and over the hills,” said Big Nutbrown Hare.

    That’s very far, thought Little Nutbrown Hare.
    He was almost too sleepy to think anymore.
    Then he looked beyond the thorn bushes, out into the big dark night. Nothing could be farter than the sky.

    “I lover you right up to the moon,” he said, and closed his eyes.
    “Oh, that’s far,” said Big Nutbrown Hare. “That is very, very far.”

    Then he lay down close by and whispered with a smile, “I love you right up to the moon – and back.”
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:41:36 使用道具



    In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.
    One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and – out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.

    He started to look for some food.

    On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.

    On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.

    On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.

    On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.

    On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.

    On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.

    The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, and after that he felt much better.

    Now he wasn’t hungry and more – and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, fat caterpillar.

    He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and ------

    He was a beautiful butterfly!
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:42:01 使用道具

    Rosie's Walk

    By Pat Hutchins

    Rosie the hen went for a walk
    across the yard
    around the pond
    over the haystack
    past the mill
    through the fence
    under the beehives
    got back
    in time
    for dinner.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:42:24 使用道具

    Owl Babies

    Once there were three baby owls: Sarah and Percy and Bill.
    They lived in a hole in the trunk of a tree
    with their Owl Mother.
    The hole had twigs and
    leaves and owl feathers in it.
    It was their house.

    One night they woke up and
    their Owl Mother was GONE.

    "Where's Mommy?" asked Sarah.
    "Oh my goodness!" said Percy.
    "I want my mommy!" said Bill.

    The baby owls thought
    (all owls think a lot) ━
    "I think she's gone hunting," said Sarah.
    "To get us our food!" said Percy.
    "I want my mommy!" said Bill.

    But their Owl Mother didn't come.

    The baby owls came out of
    Their house, and they sat
    On the tree and waited.
    A big branch for Sarah,
    A small branch for Percy,
    and an old piece of ivy for Bill.

    "She'll be back," said Sarah.
    "Back soon!" said Percy.
    "I want my mommy!" said Bill.

    It was dark in the woods and
    they had to be brave, for things
    moved all around them.

    "She'll bring us mice and
    things that are nice," said Sarah.
    "I suppose so!" said Percy.
    "I want my mommy!" said Bill.

    They sat and they thought
    (all owls think a lot) ━
    "I think we should all
    sit on my branch," said Sarah.

    And they did,
    all three together.

    "Suppose she got lost," said Sarah,
    "Or a fox got her!" said Percy.
    "I want my mommy!" said Bill.

    And the baby owls closed
    their owl eyes and wished their
    Owl Mother would come.


    Soft and silent, she swooped
    through the trees
    to Sarah and Percy
    and Bill.

    "Mommy!" they cried,
    and they flapped and they danced,
    and they bounced up and down
    on their branch.

    their Owl Mother asked.
    "You knew I'd come back."

    The baby owls thought
    (all owls think a lot) ━
    "I knew it," said Sarah.
    "And I knew it" said Percy.
    "I love my mommy!" said Bill.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:43:13 使用道具

    When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry----

    Sophie was busy playing when …
    …her sister grabbed gorilla.

    “No!” said Sophie.
    “Yes!” said her mother.
    “It is her turn now, Sophie.”
    As her sister snatched Gorilla away …
    …Sophie fell over the truck.

    Oh, is Sophie ever angry now!

    She kicks. She screams. She wants to smash the world to smithereens. SMASH

    She roars a red, red roar.  ROAR
    Sophie is a volcano, ready to explode.
    And when Sophie gets angry – really, really angry …   EXPLORDE

    PABAM!  …She runs!
    She runs and runs and runs until she can’t run anymore.

    Then, for a little while, she cries.

    Now she sees the rocks, the trees and ferns. She hears a bird.  TWEET

    She comes to the old beech tree. She climbs.

    She feels the breeze blow her hair. She watches the water and the waves.

    The wide world comforts her.

    Sophie feels better now. she climbs back down …

    … and heads for home.

    The house is warm and smells good. Everyone is glad she’s home.


    And Sophie isn’t angry anymore

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:43:30 使用道具

    Laura Joffe Nummeroff   ILLURATED BY Felicia Bond

    If  you  give  a  mouse  a  cookie
    He’s  going  to  ask  for  a  glass  of  milk.
    When  you  give  him  the  milk,
    He’ll  probably  ask  you  a  straw.
    When  he’s  finish, he’ll  ask  for  a  napkin.
    Then  he’ll  want  to  look  in  a  mirror
    To  make  sure  he  doesn’t
    Have  a  milk  mustache.
    When  he  looks  into  the  mirror,
    He  might  notice  his  hair  needs  a   trim.
    So  he’ll  probably  ask
    For  a  pair   of  nail  scissors.
    When  he’s  finish  giving  himself  a  trim,
    He’ll  want  a  broom  to  sweep  up.
    He’ll  start  sweeping.
    He  might  get  carried  away  and
    Aweep  every  room  in  the  house.
    He  may  even  end  up  washing   the  floors  as  well!
    When  he’s  done,
    He’ll  probably  want  to  take  a  nap.
    You’ll  have  to  fix  up  a  little  box  for  him
    With  a   blanket  and  a  pillow.
    He’ll  crawl  in,
    Make  himself  comfortable
    And  fluff  the  pillow  a  few  times.
    He’ll  probably  ask  you  to  read  him  a  stoty.
    So  you’ll  read  to  him  from  one  of  your  books,
    And  he’ll  ask  to  see  the  picture.
    When  he  looks  at  the  pictures,
    He’ll  get  so  excited  he’ll  want  to  draw
    One  of  his  own,  He’ll   ask  for  paper  and  crayons.
    He’ll   draw  a  picture  
    When  the  picture  is  finished.
    He’ll  want  to  sign  his  name
    With  a  pen  
    Then   he’ll  want  to  hang
    His   picture  on  your  
    Which  means  he’ll  need
    Scotch   tape
    He’ll  hang  up  his  drawing
    And  stand   back  to  look  at  it.
    Looking   at  the  refrigerator
    Will  remind  him  that
    He’s  thirsty
    So `````````
    He’ll  ask  for  a  glass  of  milk.
    And   chances  are  if  he  ask  for
    A  glass  of  milk
    He’s  going  to  want  a  cookie  to  go  with  it.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:43:56 使用道具

    Hondo and Fabian

    Hondo  and    Fabian

    Fabian on the windasill, Honda on the floor- two sleepy pets in their favorite places.

    “Wake up, Honda.Time to go !”
    Hondo will have an adventure.
    Fabian will stay home.
    Where is Hondo going, riding in a car?

    Hondo is going to the beach to meet his friend Fred.
    Fabian is going to the living room to play with the baby.
    Two happy dogs dive in the waves.

    Fabian dives for the door.
    Hondo has fun with Fred.
    Fabian has fun,too.

    Now Hondo is getting hungry.
    He wishes he could eat the fish.
    Fabian is getting hungry,too.

    He wishes he could eat the turkey sandwich.
    At last Hondo comes home.
    It’s time for dinner!
    Side by side Hondo and Fabian eat their food.

    Hondo and Fabian, full and fat in their favorite places once again.
    “Good night,Hondo!”
    “Good night, Fabian!”
    “Good night, Baby!”
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:46:59 使用道具

    Five Minutes’ Peace by Jill Murphy

    The children were having breakfast.
    This was not a pleasant sight.

    Mrs. Large took a tray from the cupboard.
    She set it with a teapot, a milk jug, her
    favorite cup and saucer, a plate of
    marmalade toast and a leftover cake
    from yesterday. She stuffed the morning
    paper into her pocket and sneaked off
    toward the door.

    “Where are you going with tray, Mom?” asked Laura.
    “To the bathroom,” said Mrs. Large.
    “Why?” asked the other two children.
    “Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs. Large.
    “That’s why.”

    “Can we come?” asked Lester as they trailed up the stairs behind her.
    “No,” said Mrs. Large, “you can’t.”
    “What shall we do then?” asked Laura.
    “You can play,” said Mrs. Large. “Downstairs. By yourselves. And keep an eye on the baby.”
    “I’m not a baby,” muttered the little one.

    Mrs. Large ran a deep, hot bath.
    She emptied half a bottle of bubble bath into the water, plunked on her shower cap and got in.
    She poured herself a cup of tea and lay back with her eyes closed.
    It was heaven.

    “Can I play you my tune?” asked Lester.
    Mrs. Large opened one eye. “Must you?” she asked.
    “I’ve been practicing,” said Lester, “You told me to. Can I? Please, just for one minute.”
    “Go on then,” sighed Mrs. Large.
    So Lester played. He played “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” three and a half times.

    In came Laura. “Can I read you a page from my reading book?” she asked.
    “No, Laura,” said Mrs. Large. “Go on, all of you, off downstairs.”
    “You let Lester play his tune,” said Laura.
    “I heard. You like him better than me. It’s not fair.”
    “Oh, don’t be silly, Laura,” said Mrs. Large
    “Go on then. Just one page.”
    So Laura read. She read four and a half pages of “Little Red Riding Hood.”

    In came the little one with a trunkful of toys.
    “For you!” he beamed, flinging them all into the bath water.
    “Thank you, dear,” said Mrs. Large weakly.

    “Can I see the cartoons in the paper?” asked Laura.
    “Can I have the cake?” asked Lester.
    “Can I get in with you?” asked the little one.
    Mrs. Large groaned.

    In the end they all got in. The little one was in such a hurry that he forget to take off his pajamas.

    Mrs. Large got out. She dried herself, put on her bathrobe and headed for the door.
    “Where are you going now, Mom?” asked Laura.
    “To the kitchen,” said Mrs. Large.
    “Why?” asked Lester.
    “Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs. Large. “That’s why.”

    And off she went downstairs, where she had three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace before they all came to join her.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:47:22 使用道具

    Mr. Gumpy’s Outing

    Mr. Gumpy’s Outing
    by John Burningham

    This is Mr. Gumpy.

    Mr. Gumpy owned a boat and his house was by a river.

    One day Mr. Gumpy went out in his boat.
    “May we come with you?” said the children.
    “Yes,” said Mr. Gumpy,
    “if you don’t squabble.”

    “Can I come along, Mr. Gumpy?” said the rabbit.
    “Yes, but don’t hop about.”

    “I’d like a ride,” said the cat.
    “Very well,” said Mr. Gumpy.
    “But you’re not to chase the rabbit.”

    “Will you take me with you?” said the dog.
    “Yes,” said Mr. Gumpy.
    “But don’t tease the cat.”

    “May I come, please, Mr. Gumpy?” said the pig.
    “Very well, but don’t muck about.”

    “Have you a place for me?” said the sheep.
    “Yes, but don’t keep bleating.”

    “Can we come too?” said the chickens.
    “Yes, but don’t flap,” said Mr. Gumpy.

    “Can you make room for me?” said the calf.
    “Yes, if you don’t trample about.”

    “May I join you, Mr. Gumpy?” said the goat.
    “Very well, but don’t kick.”

    For a little while they all went along happily but then…
    The goat kicked
    The calf trampled
    The chickens flapped
    The sheep bleated
    The pig mucked about
    The dog teased the cat
    The cat chase the rabbit
    The rabbit hopped
    The children squabbled
    The boat tipped…
    and into the water they fell.

    Then Mr. Gumpy and the goat and the calf and the chickens and the sheep and the pig and the dog and the cat and the rabbit and the children all swam t the bank and climbed out to dry in the hot sun.
    “We’ll walk home across the fields,” said Mr. Gumpy.
    “It’s time for tea.”

    “Goodbye,” said Mr. Gumpy.
    “Come for a ride another day.”
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:49:02 使用道具

    My mum

    My mum

    She’s nice ,my mum.

    My mum's a fantastic cook,

    and a brilliant juggler.

    She's a great painter,

    and the STRONGEST
    woman in the world!
    She's really nice, my mum.

    My mum's a magic gardener.
    She can make ANYTHING grow.

    And she's a good fairy.
    When I'm sad she can make me happy.

    She can sing like an angel,

    and roar like a lion.
    She's really, REALLY nice, my mum.

    My mum's as beautiful as a butterfly,

    and as comfy
    as an

    She's as soft as a kitten,

    and as tough as a rhino.
    She's really, REALLY,
    REALLY nice, my mum.

    My mum could be a dancer,

    or an astronaut.

    She could be a film star,
    or the big boss. But she's MY mum.

    She's a SUPERMUM!

    And she makes me laugh. A Lot.

    I love my mum.
    And you know what?

    (And she always will.)

  • Appletree123

    2012-2-9 08:49:06 使用道具

  • hexingying

    2012-2-9 08:49:30 使用道具

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:50:02 使用道具

    The Napping House

    By Audrey Wood and Don Wood

    For Maegerine Thompson Brewer

    There is house,
    a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And in that house
    there is bed,
    a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that bed
    there is a granny,
    a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that  granny
    there ia child,
    a dreaming child
    on a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that child
    there is a dog,
    a dozing dog
    on a dreaming child
    on a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that dog
    there is a cat,
    a snoozing cat
    on a dozing dog
    on a dreaming child
    on a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that cat
    there ia mouse,
    a slumbering mouse
    on a  snoozing cat
    on a dozing dog
    on a dreaming child
    on a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    And on that mouse
    there is a flea...

    Can it be?
    A wakeful flea
    on a slumbering mouse
    on a  snoozing cat
    on a dozing dog
    on a dreaming child
    on a snoring granny
    on a cozy bed
    in a napping house,
    where everyone is sleeping.

    A wakeful flea
    who bites the mouse,

    who scares the cat,

    who claws the dog,

    who thumps the child,

    who bumps the granny,

    who breaks the bed,

    in a napping house
    where no one now is sleeping.

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:50:23 使用道具

    A happy school of little fish lived in a corner of the sea somewhere.They were all red.Only one of themwas as black as a mussel shell.He swam faster than his brothers and sisters.His name was Swimmy.
    One bad day a tuna fish,swift ,fierece and very hungry,came darting through the waves.In one gulp he swallowed all
    the little red fish.Only Swimmy escaped.
    He swam away in the deep wet world.He was scared ,lonely and very sad.
    But the sea was full of wonderful creatures,and as he swam from marvel to marvel Swimmy was happy  again.
    He saw a medusa made of ranibow jelly.
    a lobster ,who walked about like a water-moving machine...
    strange fish,pulled by an invisibel thread...
    a forest of seaweeds growing from sugar-candy rocks....
    an eel  whose tail was almost too far away to remember...
    and sea anemones,who looked like pink palm trees swaying in the wind.
    Then ,hidden in the dark shade of rocks and weeds,he saw a school of little fish ,just like his own.
    "let's go and swim and play and SEE things !"he said happily.
    "We can't ,"sid the little red fish ."the big fish will eat us all."
    "But you can't just lie there,"said Swimmy."We must THINK of smomething."
    Swimmy thought and thought and thought .
    Then suddenly he said,"I have it !"
    "We are going to swim all together like the biggest fish in the sea!"
    He taught them to swim close together ,each in his own place ,
    and when they had learned to swim like one giant fish ,he said,"I'll be the eye."
    And so they swam in the cool morning water and in the midday sun and chased the big fish away.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:50:47 使用道具

    How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

    How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
    By Marjorie Priceman

              Making an apple pie is really very easy. First, get all the ingredients at the market. Mix the well, bake, and serve.
         Unless, of course, the market is closed.
         In that case, go home and pack a suitcase. Take your shopping list and some walking shoes. Then catch a steamship bound for Europe. Use the six days on board to brush up on your Italian.
          If you time it right, you'll arrive in Italy at harvest time. Find a farm deep in the countryside. Gather some superb semolina wheat. An armful or two will do.
        Then hop a train to France and locate a chicken.
        French chickens lay elegant eggs-and you want only the finest ingredients for your pie. Coax the chicken to give you an egg. Better yet, bring the chicken with you. There's less chance of breaking the egg that way. Get to Sri Lanka any way you can.
       You can't miss it. Sri Lanka is a pear-shaped island in the Indian Ocean. The best cinnamon in the world is made there from the bark of the native kurundu tree and peel off some bark. If a leopard is napping beneath the tree, be very quiet.
       Hitch a ride to England. Make the acquaintance of a cow. You'll know she's an English cow from her good manners and charming accent. Ask if you can borrow a cup or two of milk. Even better, bring the whole cow with you for the freshest possible results.
       Stow away on a banana boat headed to Jamaica. On your way there, you can pick up some salt. Fill a jar with salty sea water.
       When the boat docks in Jamaica, walk to the nearest sugar plantation. Introduce yourself to everyone. Tell them about the pie you're making. Then go into the fields and cit a few stalks of sugar cane.

        Better fly home. You don't want the ingredients to spoil.
        Wait a minute. Aren't you forgetting something? WHAT ABOUT THE APPLES? Have the pilot drop you off in Vermont.
       You won't have to go far to find an apple orchard. Pick eight rosy apples from the top of the tree. Give one to the chicken, one to the cow, and eat one yourself. That leaves five for the pie. Then hurry home.
       Now all you have to do is mill the wheat into flour, grind the kurundu bark into cinnamon, evaporate the seawater from the salt, boil the sugar cane, persuade the chicken to lay an egg, milk the cow, churn the milk into butter, slice the apples, mix the ingredients, and bake the pie. While the pie is cooling, invite some friends over to share it with you.
    Remember that apple pie is delicious topped with vanilla ice cream, which you can get at the market. But if it happens to be closed...
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:51:24 使用道具

    Sophie’s Masterpiece        A Spider’s Tale

    Sophie was no ordinary house spider

    Sophie was an artist.

    She spun webs more wondrous than anyone had ever seen. Her playmates called her incredible. Her mama was proud.

    Someday, they said, she’s going to spin a masterpiece.

    When Sophie arrived at that age when a young spider must strike out on her own, she moved to Beekman’s Boardinghouse.

    The first thing she did was look around. She saw dull green walls, faded rugs, and old window shades. The place cried out for her talents.
    Sophie set to work.. Her first project was to weave a web of curtains for Beekman’s front parlor.
    Day after day she whizzed along, blending a golden thread of sun into her silk.

    Then one day the landlady noticed her and screamed, “I’ll have no spider in my parlor!” She swatted at Sophie with a dust rag.
    Sophie knew when she wasn’t wanted. She scampered across the wall and up the stairs into the tugboat captain’s closet.

    When she finally settled down, she looked around and saw nothing but gray. Gray shirts. Gray pants. Gray sweaters.
    The captain needs a new suit, Sophie decided. Something bright. Blue. Like sky. She began to spin patiently. A sleeve. A collar.
    One day the tugboat captain caught Sophie at work.
    He screeched, “A spider!”
    Then he climbed onto the windowsill and out to the roof.
    Sophie did not want anyone falling off the roof on her account. She scuttled out of the closet, down the hall, and into the cook’s bedroom slipper.

    Cook’s bedroom slippers were patched and dirty.
    I’ll spin Cook a new pair, Sophie thought. After I rest a bit.
    No sooner had Sophie snuggled into the toe, than she was being flung to the floor.
    Was it an earthquake?
    It was Cook who had shaken Sophie out. “Yuck! “ scowled Cook.
    “Look at that ugly, disgusting spider.”
    Sophie’s feelings were hurt. With great dignity she journeyed across the rug and under Cook’s door. She made the long, long climb up the steep stairs to the third floor where a young woman lived. Wearily Sophie slipped into the young woman’s knitting basket and fell asleep.

    By this time, many spider years had passed. Sophie was older. She only had energy to spin a few small things for herself…a tiny rose-patterned case for her pillow, eight colorful socks to keep her legs warm.
    But mostly she slept.

    Then one day the young woman discovered Sophie.
    Oh, no, thought Sophie, close to tears. She knew she did not have the strength for any more journeys.
    But the young woman did not swat at Sophie with a dust rag.
    She did not climb on the roof.
    She did not say that Sophie was ugly.
    She simply smiled.

    And without disturbing Sophie in the least, the young woman picked up her needle and yarn.
    Sophie watched as the young woman knitted, day after day.
    “Booties!” cried Sophie.
    The young woman was going to have a baby.
    After the booties were finished, the young woman knitted a baby sweater.
    Then the yarn was gone.
    The young woman did not have enough money to buy yarn for a baby blanket.
    “Never mind.” the landlady told her. “There’s an old brown quilt in the hall closet. Your baby can use that.”
    Sophie had seen that quilt. It was scratchy and drab. Not fit for a baby.

    Sophie knew the answer. She would have to spin a blanket herself.
    In her younger days, this would not have been a problem. But Sophie had grown frail and weak. The baby was due any day. Could Sophie complete the blanket in time?
    She climbed out of the yarn basket.
    She traveled to the wide windowsill.
    Strands of moonlight fell into the room. Excellent! she thought. I’ll weave those strands into the baby’s blanket. Some starlight, too.
    Sophie began. As she spun, new ideas came to her. She worked them into the blanket … snippets of fragrant pine … wisps of night … old lullabies … playful snowflakes…

    Sophie spun without blinking.
    Or eating.
    Or sleeping.
    She was never more exhausted. Or determined.
    On and on she spun.

    She was down to the farthest corner of the blanket when she heard the cry of the young woman’s newborn baby. And there, on that farthest corner, is where Sophie wove into the blanket her very own heart.

    That night as the young woman was about to cover her infant with the landlady’s quilt, something on the windowsill caught her eye.
    It was a blanket, so soft, so beautiful as to be fit for a prince.
    The young woman knew this was no ordinary blanket.
    She placed it with love and wonderment around her sleeping baby.
    And went to sleep herself with her hand upon the little spider’s last spinning.
    Sophie’s masterpiece.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:51:46 使用道具

    My Dad

    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad isn’t afraid of ANYTHING,
    even the Big Bad Wolf.
    He can jump right over the moon,
    and walk on a tightrope (without falling off).
    He can wrestle with giants,
    or win the fathers’ race on sports day, easilly.
    He’s all righ, my dad.
    My dad can eat like a horse,
    and he can swim like a fish.
    He’s as strong as a gorilla,
    and as happy as a hippopotamus.
    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad’s as big as a house,
    and as soft as my teddy.
    He’s as wise as an owl,
    except when he tries to help.
    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad’s a great dancer,
    and a brilliant singer.
    He’s fantastic at soccer,
    And he makes me laugh. A lot.
    I love my dad. And you know what?
    (And he always will.)
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:52:17 使用道具

    Go Away,Big Green Monster!

    Big Green Monster has two big yellow eyes,
    a long bluish-greenish nose,
    a big red mouth with sharp white teeth,
    two little squiggly ears,
    scraggly purple hair,
    and a big scary green face! but...
    SO GO AWAY, scraggly purple hair!
    GO AWAY,two little squiggly ears!
    GO AWAY,long bluish-greenish nose!
    GO AWAY,big green face!
    GO AWAY,big red mouth!
    GO AWAY,sharp white teeth!
    GO AWAY,two big yellow eyes!
    GO AWAY,Big Green Monster!
    and DON'T COME BACK! Until I say so.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:53:11 使用道具

    Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 驴小弟变石头

    Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

    by William Steig

    Sylvester Duncan lived with his mother and father at Acorn Road in Oatsdale. One of his hobbies was collecting pebbles of unusual shape and color.

    On a rainy Saturday during vacation he found a quite extraordinary one. It was flaming red, shiny, and perfectly round, like a marble. As he was studying this remarkable pebble, he began to  shiver, probably from excitement, and the rain felt cold on his back, “I wish it would stop raining,” he said.

    To his great surprise the rain stopped. It didn’t stop gradually as rains usually do, it CEASED. The drops vanished on the way down, the clouds disappeared, everything was dry, and the sun was shining as if rain had never existed.

    In all his young life Sylvester had never had a wish gratified so quickly. It struck him that magic must be at work, and he guessed that the magic must be in the remarkable-looking red pebble.(where indeed it was.) to make a test, he put the pebble on the ground and said, “I wish it would rain again.” Nothing happened. But when he said the same thing holding the pebble in his hoof, the sky turned black, there was lightning and a clap of thunder, and the rain came shooting down.

    “What a lucky day this is!” thought Sylvester. “From now on I can have anything I want. My father and mother can have anything they want. My relatives, my friends, and anybody at all can have everything any body wants!”

    He wished the sunshine back in the sky, and he wished a wart on his left hind fetlock would disappear, and it did, and he started home, eager to amaze his father and mother with his magic pebble. He could hardly wait to see their faces. Maybe they wouldn’t even believe him at first.

      As he was crossing Strawberry Hill, thinking of some of the many, many things he could wish for, he was startled to see a mean, hungry lion looking right at him from behind some tall grass. He was frightened. If he hadn’t been so frightened, he could have made the lion disappear, or he could have wished himself safe at home with his father and mother.

    He could have wished the lion would turn into a butterfly or a daisy or a gnat. He could have wished many things, but he panicked and couldn’t t think carefully.

    “I wish I were a rock,” he said, and he became a rock.

    The lion came bounding over, sniffed the rock a hundred times, walked around and around it, and went away confused, perplexed, puzzled, and bewildered. “I saw that little donkey as clear as day. Maybe I’m going crazy,” he muttered.

    And there was Sylvester, a rock on Strawberry Hill, with the magic pebble lying right beside him on the ground, and he was unable to pick it up. “Oh, how I wish I were myself again,” he thought, but nothing happened. He had to be touching the pebble to make the magic work, but there was nothing he could do about it.

    His thoughts began to race like mad. He was scared and worried. Being helpless, he felt hopeless. He imagined all the possibilities, and eventually he realized that his only chance of becoming himself again was for someone to find the red pebble and to wish that the rock next to it would be a donkey. Someone would surely find the red pebble—it was so bright and shiny—but what on earth would make them wish that a rock were a donkey? The chance was one in a billion at best.

    Sylvester fell asleep. What else could he do? Night came with many stars.

    Meanwhile, back at home, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan paced the floor, frantic with worry. Sylvester had never come home later than dinner time. Where could he be? They stayed up all night wondering what had happened, expecting that Sylvester would surely turn up by morning. But he didn’t, of course. Mrs. Duncan cried a lot and MR. Duncan did his best to soothe her. Both longed to have their dear son with them.

    “I will never scold Sylvester again as long as I live,” said Mrs. Duncan, “no matter what he does.”

    At dawn, they went about inquiring of all the neighbors.

    They talked to all the children—the puppies, the kittens, the colts, the piglets. No one had seen Sylvester since the day before yesterday.

    They went to police. The police could not find their child.

    All the dogs in Oatsdale went searching for him. They sniffed behind every rock and tree and blade of grass, into every nook and gully of the neighborhood and beyond, but found not a scent of him. They sniffed the rock on Strawberry Hill, but it smelled like a rock. It didn’t smell like Sylvester.

    After a month of searching the same places over and over again, and inquiring of the same animals over and over again, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan no longer knew what to do. They concluded that something dreadful must have happened and that they would probably never see their son again. (though all the time he was less than a mile away.)

    They tried their best to be happy, to go about their usual ways. But their usual ways included Sylvester and they were always reminded of him. They were miserable. Life had no meaning for them any more.

    Night followed day and day followed night over and over again. Sylvester on the hill woke up less and less often. When he was awake, he was only hopeless and unhappy.

    He felt he would be a rock forever and he tired to get used to it, he went into an endless sleep. The days grew colder. Fall come with the leaves changing color. Then the leaves fell and the grass bent to the ground.

    Then it was winter. The winds blew this way and that. It snowed. Mostly, the animals stayed indoors, living on the food they had stored up.

    One day a wolf sat on the rock that was Sylvester and howled and howled because he was hungry.

    Then the snows melted. The earth warmed up in the spring sun and things budded

    Leaves were on the trees again. Flowers showed their young faces.

    One day in may, Mr. Duncan insisted that his wife go with him on a picnic. “Let’s cheer up,” he said. “let us try to live again and be happy even though Sylvester, our angle, is no longer with us.” They went to Strawberry Hill.

    Mrs. Duncan sat down on the rock. The warmth of his own mother sitting on him woke Sylvester up from his deep winter sleep. How he wanted to shout, “Mother! Father! It’s me, Sylvester, I’m right here!” but he couldn’t talk. He had no voice. He was stone-dumb.

    Mr. Duncan walked aimlessly about while Mrs. Duncan set out the picnic food on the rock—alfalfa sandwiches, pickled oats, sassafras salad, timothy compote. Suddenly Mr. Duncan saw the red pebble. “what a fantastic pebble!” he exclaimed. “Sylvester would have  loved it for his collection.” He put the pebble on the rock.

    They sat down to eat. Sylvester was now as wide awake as a donkey that was a rock could possibly be. Mrs. Duncan felt some mysterious excitement.” You know, Father,” she said suddenly, “I have the strangest feeling that our dear Sylvester is still alive and not far away.”

    “I am, I am!” Sylvester wanted to shout, but he couldn’t. if only he had realized that the pebble resting on his back was the magic pebble!

    “Oh, how I wish he were here with us on this lovely May day,” said Mrs. Duncan. Mr. Duncan looked sadly at the ground. “Don’t you wish it too, Father?” she said. He looked at her as if to say,” How can you ask such a question?”

    Mr. and Mrs. Duncan looked at each other with great sorrow.

    “I  wish I were myself again, I wish I were my real self again!” thought Sylvester.

    And in less than an instant, he was!

    You can imagine the scene that followed—the embraces, the kisses, the questions, the answers, the loving looks, and the fond exclamations!

    When they had eventually calmed down a bit, and had gotten home, Mr. Duncan put the magic pebble in an iron safe. Some day they might want to use it, but really, for now, what more could they wish for? They all had all that they wanted.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:53:42 使用道具

    Seven blind mice《七只瞎老鼠》

    Seven blind mice

    One day seven blind mice were surprised

    to find a strange Something by their pond.
    ”What is it?”they cried ,

    and they all ran home.

    On Monday,

    Red Mouse went first to find out.
    “It’s a pillar,”he said.
    No one believe him.

    On Tuesday,

    Green Mouse set out.
    He was the second to go.
    “It’s a snake,”he said.


    said Yellow Mouse on Wednesday.
    “It’s a spear.”
    He was the third in turn.

    The fourth was Purple Mouse.
    He went on Thursday.
    It’s a great cliff,”he said.

    Orange Mouse went on Friday,

    the fifth to go.
    It’s a Fan!

    ”he cried.”

    ”I felt it move.”

    The sixth to go was Blue Mouse.
    He went on Saturday and said,

    ”It’s nothing but a rope.”

    But the others didn’t agree.
    They began to argue.
    “A snake!”

    “A rope!”

    “A fan!”

    “A cliff!”

    Until on Sunday,  White Mouse,

    the seventh mouse, went to the pond.

    When she came upon the Something,
    she ran up one side,and she ran down the other.
    She ran across the top and from end to end.

    “Ah,”said White Mouse.
    ”Now,I see.The Something is

    as sturdy as a pillar,
    supple as a snake,
    wide as a cliff,
    sharp as a spear,
    breeze as a fan,
    stringy as a rope,
    but altogether the Something is…

    an elephant.”

    And when the other mice

    ran up one side and down the other,

    across the Something from end to end,

    they agreed.
    Now they saw,too.

    The Mouse Moral:
    Knowing in part may make a fine tale,
    but wisdom comes from seeing the whole.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:54:55 使用道具

    From Head to Toe --- by Eric Carle

    I am a penguin and I turn my head.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a giraffe and I bend my neck.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a buffalo and I raise my shoulders.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a monkey and I wave my arms.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a seal and I clap my hands.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a gorilla and I thump my chest.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a cat and I arch my back
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a crocodile and I wriggle my hips.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a camel and I bend my knees.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am a donkey and I kick my legs.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am an elephant and I stomp my foot.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it.

    I am I and I wiggle my toe.
    Can you do it?
    I can do it! I can do it!
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:55:32 使用道具

    There Is a Bird On Your Head! (An Elephantand Piggie Book) --- by Mo Willems

    E: Piggie!
    E: Is something on myheard?
    P: Yes.
    P: There is a bird onyour head.
    E: There is a bird onmy head?
    E: Aaaaaaaaaggghhh!!!
    E: Is there a bird onmy head now?
    P: No.
    P: Now there are twobirds on your head.
    E: What are the twobirds doing on my head?
    P: They are in love.
    E: The birds on my headare in love?
    P: They are love birds!
    E: Love birds!
    E: How do you know theyare love birds?
    P: They are making anest!
    E: Two birds are makinga nest on my head?
    E: Why would two birdsmake a nest on my head?
    E: I am afraid to ask…
    E: Do I have an egg onmy head?
    P: One.
    P: Two.
    P: Three!
    P: You have three eggson your head.
    E: I do not want threeeggs on my head.
    P: Then I have goodnews!
    E: The eggs are gone?
    P: The eggs arehatching!
    E: The eggs on my headare hatching?
    Birds: Cheep! Cheep!Cheep!
    P: They have hatched.
    E: Now, I have threebaby chicks on my head!
    P: And two birds and anest!
    E: I do not want three babychicks, two birds, and a nest on my head!
    P: Where do you wantthem?
    P: Why not ask them togo somewhere else?
    E: Ask them?
    P: Ask them.
    E: Okay. I will tryasking.
    E: Excuse me, birds.Will you please go somewhere else?
    Birds: No problem.
    E: It worked!
    Birds: Bye!
    E: Now there are nobirds on my head!
    E: Thank you. Piggie!Thank you very much!
    P: You are welcome…
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:55:53 使用道具

    《大熊抱抱》(Big Bear Hug)

    Big Bear Hug --- by Nicholas Oldland

    There once was a bear so filled with love and happiness that whenever he roamed the forest and came across another living thing, he would give it a hug.

    Everywhere he wandered,the bear shared his love hug by hug.

    He even hugged creatures that bears have been known to eat. This bear could meet the roundest little rabbit, and he would just stop, smile and give it a great big hug.

    No animal was too big… Toos mall… Too smelly… Or too scary to hug.

    But what this bear loved to hug most were the trees.

    The bear never met a tree he did not like. Big trees… Little trees…

    Apple trees… Pear trees…Peach trees. This bear hugged them all.

    One day while the bear was trying to hug a beaver and a tree at the same time, he noticed a man with an axe walking into the forest.

    The bear followed the man until he stopped at one of the tallest, oldest and most beautiful trees in the forest. The man spent so much time looking at this magnificent tree that the bear thought he must love trees, too.

    But to the bear’s horror, the man started to chop the tree down.
    For the first time in his life, the bear didn’t feel like hugging at all.

    Then, just as he was about to sink his teeth into the man, the bear stopped.
    He realized that no matter how angry he was, he simply could not eat the man. It just wasn’t in hisnature. The bear sighed. And then he decided to do what he did best.

    He gave the man a HUG!

    The man was not used to getting real big bear bugs, so once the bear let go, the man dropped his axe and ran far, far away.

    And do you know what the bear did next?

    The bear smiled and gave the tree a great big hug.

    The tree fell muchbetter.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:57:16 使用道具

    Goodnight Moon月亮晚安
    --- by Margaret Wise Brown Picture by Clement Hurd 译 黄迺毓

    In the great green room在这个绿色的大房间里
    There was a telephone有一支电话
    And a red balloon一个红气球
    And a picture of ---和一幅画,画里有---

    The cow jumping over the moon跳过月亮的牛
    And there were three little bears sitting on chairs另外一幅画里有三只熊宝宝坐在椅子上

    And two little kittens还有两只小猫
    And a pair of mittens一副手套
    And a littl1 toyhouse一座小小的玩具屋
    And a young mouse一只小老鼠。

    And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush一把梳子、一把刷子和一碗麦片粥
    And a quiet old lady who was whispering “hush” 还有一位安静的老太太小声的:“嘘……”

    Goodnight room房间 晚安
    Goodnight moon月亮 晚安
    Goodnight cow jumping over the moon跳过月亮的牛 晚安
    Goodnight light台灯 晚安
    And the red balloon红气球 晚安
    Goodnight bears熊宝宝 晚安
    Goodnight chairs小椅子 晚安
    Goodnight kittens小猫 晚安
    And goodnight mittens手套 晚安
    Goodnight clocks时钟 晚安
    And goodnight socks袜子 晚安
    Goodnight little house 小屋 晚安
    And goodnight mouse老鼠 晚安
    Goodnight comb梳子 晚安
    And goodnight brush刷子 晚安
    Goodnight nobody 晚安 晚安
    Goodnight mush麦片粥 晚安
    And goodnight to the old lady whispering “hush” 安静的老太太 晚安
    Goodnight stars星星 晚安
    Goodnight air空气 晚安
    Goodnight noises everywhere全世界的声音 晚安
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:57:50 使用道具


    Dear little fish, I love you so
      I’ll feed you bread so you will grow.
      Each day, I’ll give you one sweet kiss
      And promise you I’ll never miss!
      But on the day , my dear little fish,
      You grow too big for your small dish.
      I will take you to the sea,
      And in one move, I’ll let you free.
      How you’ll be so glad to go,
      But dear little fish, I’ll miss you so.
      I will wait all through the day
      To see if you turn’ round this way.
      And I will wait all trough the night,
      To see if you come back in sight.
      Oh! I will throw my only hat
      To see if you will bring it back
      And the first joy that I will see,
      Is when you bring it home to me.
      Your back will be my favourite boat,
      And together we will sail and float.
      Over the river and cross’ the sea,
      To a small island with a palm tree.
      There we will both live and play,
      “Catch the hat” by night and day. And I will know your love for me
      For you came home when I set you free.

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 08:59:04 使用道具

    A Picture for Harold’s room

    A Picture for Harold’s room

    “I want a picture to put on my wall,” said Harold.

    He drew a house with his purple crayon.

    More houses made a little town.

    It was far away.

    The town had woods and hills around it.

    And it was at the end of a long road.

    “It will look pretty in the moonlight,” said Harold.

    And he stepped up into the picture to draw the moon.

    He looked down at the houses.

    “I am a GIANT!” he said.

    But a giant would scare all the people in town.

    “It is good no one woke up and saw me,” said Harold.

    He walked over the hills.

    “How big I am!” he said.

    Harold’s head was above the clouds.

    With a few steps he came to the end of the land.

    And at the end of any land there is water.

    “It is the sea,” said Harold.

    “There are sea gulls.”

    Harold was big enough to walk through the sea.

    A great big ship went by.

    It was an ocean liner.

    A big whale came up in the waves, spouting water.

    And just ahead of Harold was an old sailing ship.

    He easily caught up with it and passed it.

    The sea ended against a steep hill.

    Harold needed some rocks to step on.

    He climbed out of the sea and onto the hill.

    Then he saw that the ship was too near the rocks.

    He put up a lighthouse to show the sailors.

    And he went on his way over high mountains.

    Harold was taller than the highest mountain.

    “I am higher than anything!” he said.

    Then, suddenly, he thought of airplanes.

    Harold ducked his head just in time.

    It was a big jet plane, flying very fast.

    There might have been a bad accident.

    Harold found a low place in the mountains.

    It was a good place for a railroad to go through.

    It came out onto a long flat field.

    Harold put some birds and flowers near the tracks.

    “People like to see things from trains,” he said.

    He went on, drawing tracks and birds and flowers.

    And he had to keep looking out for trains.

    It was a big job for a small boy.

    And all of a sudden he saw how small he had become.

    He was half the size of a daisy!

    He was smaller than a bird!

    How would he get home?

    He could not wade home through the ocean.

    He could not climb those high mountains.

    And, just then, he fell into a mouse hole.

    “Excuse me,” he said to the mouse.

    Then Harold sat down on a pebble to think.

    After a minute or two he stood up again.

    “This is only a picture!”

    he said.

    And he took his crayon

    and he crossed it out.

    “I am not big or little.

    I am my usual size!”

    But how could he be sure about that?

    At home he was always his usual size.

    So he drew the door of his room.

    There was a long mirror on the back of the door.

    “Yes,” said Harold.

    “I am my usual size.”

    He was glad to be back in his room. He was tired.

    But he had no picture to hang on his wall.

    So, before he went to bed,

    he drew another picture.
  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 09:02:01 使用道具

    Animals should definitely not wear clothing

    Animals should definitely not wear clothing
    because it would be disastrous for a porcupine,
    because a camel might wear it in the wrong places,
    because a snake would lose it,
    because a mouse could get lost in it,
    because a sheep might find it terribly hot,
    because it could be very messy for a pig,
    because it might make life hard for a hen,
    because a kangaroo would find it quite unnecessary,
    because a giraffe might look sort of silly,
    because a goat would eat it for lunch,
    because it would always be wet on a walrus,
    because a moose could never manage,
    because opossums might wear it upside down by mistake,
    and most of all, because it might be very embarrassing.

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 09:03:45 使用道具

    Blackboard Bear

    Can I play?

    Of course not. You're too little.

    You can't use a blow and arrow.

    You can't lasso anyone.

    Can I play?

    Of course not. You're too little. You can't shoot a gun.

    Go play with your teddy bear.

    What a great bear! Can we hold his leash?

    Of course not. He only lets me hold it.

    Look at that big, fuzzy bear! Can I pat him?

    Of course not. He doesn't let anyone else pat him. Only me.

    I have to go feed my bear now. I'll see you.

    Can you and your bear come fishing?

    I'll ask him when he finishes his lunch.

    I'll Never Share You, Blackboard Bear

    I'm bored.  There's nothing to do around here.

    Go for a walk?  Good idea.

    Hi, Anthony.  Are you taking your bear out to play?

    You're so lucky to have a bear.  I want one too.

    There are NO more bears like mine, Gloria.

    He is the only one in the whole world.

    Well, Anthony, I have hundreds of toys.

    I'll trade you all of them for your bear.

    No, Gloria! My bear says NO, NO, NO.

    What's going on here, Gloria?

    Oh hi, Stewart.  I want to trade Anthony all my toys for his bear but he won't trade.

    I want a bear like that too, Anthony.

    Where did you get him?

    There are no more bears like mine in the world.  And you can't have him.

    Just you wait, Anthony.  I might steal him when you're not looking.

    Bully, bully, Stewart.  My bear wouldn't let you.

    We're leaving now.  Goodbye!

    You'll see, Anthony.  I'll et him.  I'm bigger than you and I'm not afraid of your bear either.

    Let's follow them, Stewart.

    Gloria, that bear is getting on the blackboard!

    Oh, my gosh - he looks just LIKE the blackboard!

    Hey, what are you two doing out there?

    I saw your bear getting on the blackboard.

    Your secret is out.  You DREW that bear.

    So what!

    They you can draw one for ME.

    And me  too, Anthony.

    Please, please, please!

    My bear wants to talk to me.  Come back later.

    Share?  Why? But youre mine.

    How do you know they feel left out?

    Well, yes, I would too, I guess.

    You have an idea?  Sure, try it.


    We have a surprise.

    Oh, Anthony, what a beautiful saddle.

    It's awesome.

    And you're awesome too, Anthony.


    I Sure Am Glad To See You, Blackboard Bear

    Gloria, you have more toys than anyone in the world.  Can I play with them?

    Sure.  Except for that one.  It's brand new!

    And not that one.  It's my favorite.

    But you can play with this whole box of things.

    This is just a box of JUNK.  You'e selfish.

    I'm not playing with you anymore.

    Who cares!

    I'm going to get a double ice-cream cone.

    You'll be sorry, Gloria!

    Help! Help! An alligator!

    We fooled you! It isn't real!

    That wasn't funny.

    Just wait - you'll be sorry.


    Hey, you! Give me back my ice cream!

    Who's going to make me - you or your bear?

    You're no help.

    Oh, boy I sure am glad to see you! 黑板熊下来了。

    Things have been terrible around here.

    That mean Stewart just took my ice cream.

    I'll show him.  I'll get another one.

    I've got you for protection.

    Wait here.  I'll get your favorite for you - blueberry!

    Hey, Athony, you're a good kid!

    You got me another ice cream too.

    I did not! That's for my friend.  Give it back!

    Who's going to make me?

    Here.  Take it!  Take it!  You win.

    What about my double ice cream you ate?

    Listen, Anthony, I'll buy you a triple when I get my allowance - I promise.

    Well, all right, Stewart.

    My bear feels sure you won't forget.

    Scaredy-cat Stewart isn't so tough after all.

    Hi, Anthony - what a beautiful bear!

    Please, please be my friend - we could share.

    All right, Gloria, I'll play with you - and Joe and Julie too - and share everyting...

    except... of course... my bear!

  • melaniezengxing

    楼主 2012-2-9 09:04:13 使用道具

    Father Cat's Busy Day(《猫爸爸忙碌的一天》斯凯瑞故事书)
    It is early morning.Father cat awakes as the sun comes up.
    He looks out of the window."What a perfect day to put the boat in the water!"he says.
    He goes downstairs to the kitchen and prepares breakfast for the family.
    He brings Mother Cat a cup of coffee in bed.
    Father Cat runs outside to his sailboat, parked beside the garage.
    He pulls off the canvas cover, and tries to push the boat trailer into the driveway.But the trailer won't move.It has a flat tire.Ungh!
    From the garage, Father Cat gets an air pump.Just then, Mother Cat comes up on her bicycle,holding a shopping list."I have to go the the

    hairdresser,"she says."Could you please do the food shopping for me this morning?"
    Then Huckle arrives with his bicycle, Sally with her tricycle, and Lowly with his scooter.Everyone needs air in the tires!
    Finally,Father Cat can pump up the trailer tire.
    Then he pulls the boat into the driveway.
    But it's time to do the shopping.
    The boat trailer is blocking the driveway!
    Father Cat drives the Cat family car around the boat,onto the lawn, crushing a few bushes.Sorry,bushes!He also knocks over the mailbox.
    At the supermarket, Father Cat realizes he has forgotten Mother Cat's shopping list.
    He asks the children to each choose three items from each shopping aisle.That should please Mother Cat.
    After the supermarket,the car needs some gas.Father Cat drives into Scotty's gas station.
    While he fills up the car,Scotty takes a look at the car moter.He pulls out a few pieces and shows them to Father Cat.
    "It's time to replace some parts!"Scotty tells Father Cat."Don't worry, it won't take long."
    While Father Cat waits for his car to be repaired, he invites the children across the street for milkshakes.
    Meanwhile,back at the Cat family house, the boat trailer has begun to roll down the driveway, and into the street.
    Oh,no!Here comes Mr. Frumble in his picklecar!
    "Who would sail a boat into the middle of the street!"Mr. Frumble says.
    Luckily,Mr. Fixit soon arrives on the scene.
    With his crane,he removes Father Cat's boat out of harm's way.Then he tows away Mr. Frumble's broken picklecar.
    "A good thing that you brought along a trailer, Mr.Frumble!"Mr. Fixit says.
    Soon, the Cat family car is ready again.It looks like the ice-cream somebody chose at the supermaket has melted.
    Now the car needs to go through the car wash.
    At last, they are ready to drive home.Mother Cat must be wondering what has happened to them!
    But instead, Mother Cat is wondering what has happened to her poor bushes and the mailbox.
    Father Cat looks with surprise at the driveway.
    "What has happened to my boat?"he asks.
    "I know I left the boat in the driveway,"Father Cat tells Mother Cat."It has to be around here somewhere!"
    "Well, before you begin to look,"says Mother Cat,"perhaps you first want to change out of your pyjamas!"