本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-3-19 10:52 编辑

桐桐最近开始看peppa pig,想起来peppa pig里面有一集讲granpa pig种植物的故事,准备3月就给桐桐看这一集了。



不晓得桐桐配不配合,不过至少看pappa pig的视频他是很喜欢的。

19楼:what makes things grow

共读How flowers grow
21楼:Seeds to Seedlings
22楼:Plant Parts
23楼:Making Food
24楼:Buds to Flowers
25楼:Pollen to Nectar
26楼:Making Seeds
27楼: Spreading Seeds
28楼:Juicy Fruit
29楼:New Plants
30楼:Rainforest Flowers
31楼:Hot Deserts
32楼:Water Plants
33楼:Killer Plants



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参与人数 5 贝壳 +130 理由 收起
shunshun121 + 20 我很喜欢!
小团团 + 50 这个帖子太好了!
tarbaby + 20 我很喜欢!
乐乐子桐 + 20 很给力! 我还真注意有这一集呢。
zwyqs + 20 感谢你!
4746 查看 44 收藏帖子 (7)


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  • janejiapj

    2012-3-1 22:22:17 使用道具

    和我女儿差不多大啊!开心!我们还没看过peppa pig,一直很纠结看电视(电脑)和眼睛健康的问题
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:25:36 使用道具

    janejiapj 发表于 2012-3-1 22:22
    和我女儿差不多大啊!开心!我们还没看过peppa pig,一直很纠结看电视(电脑)和眼睛健康的问题

  • misxy328

    2012-3-1 22:26:02 使用道具

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:27:49 使用道具

    misxy328 发表于 2012-3-1 22:26

    他会很努力的找画面中他熟悉的东西,然后啊啊啊的指给你看。。他会知道mama pig 在哪里,daddy pig在哪里
  • walptwy

    2012-3-1 22:31:09 使用道具

    flora602 发表于 2012-3-1 22:25
    我们大概从15个月开始陆陆续续每天看一集的,大概5分钟左右,现在已经可以老老实实坐着看完一集,而且每次 ...

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:35:40 使用道具

    walptwy 发表于 2012-3-1 22:31
    我们看完就不走了,抱走就耍赖,哭闹,现在都不敢让他看见屏幕亮着。看见了就要去看自己的东西。你们是怎 ...

    我们从一开始看就是一集,看完了我就说finished. 然后把桐桐抱下来,和他去客厅玩。。他也就习惯了
  • walptwy

    2012-3-1 22:38:12 使用道具

    flora602 发表于 2012-3-1 22:35
    我们从一开始看就是一集,看完了我就说finished. 然后把桐桐抱下来,和他去客厅玩。。他也就习惯了

  • misxy328

    2012-3-1 22:39:10 使用道具

    walptwy 发表于 2012-3-1 22:31
    我们看完就不走了,抱走就耍赖,哭闹,现在都不敢让他看见屏幕亮着。看见了就要去看自己的东西。你们是怎 ...

    我每次说 一天只能看一集 所以看完就不看了 不会闹
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:44:14 使用道具

    misxy328 发表于 2012-3-1 22:39
    我每次说 一天只能看一集 所以看完就不看了 不会闹
    就像吃零食等,都说一天只能吃一个哦,吃之前就说,然 ...

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:44:51 使用道具

    walptwy 发表于 2012-3-1 22:38

  • walptwy

    2012-3-1 22:50:05 使用道具

    flora602 发表于 2012-3-1 22:44

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-1 22:51:11 使用道具

    walptwy 发表于 2012-3-1 22:50

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-3 15:11:01 使用道具

    A Bulb in a Bottle
    Have you ever planted bulbs such as daffodils and tulips in the garden or in a pot? It is fun to do but there are also some bulbs you can grow indoors in a vase. You can only do it for one season - after that the bulb must be planted in the ground again to build up its food supplies -but it's fun to be able to watch its progress so closely.
    What you will need:
    A small glass fruit juice or iced tea bottle, a hyacinth bulb, a paper bag
    What to do:
    1. Fill the bottle with water and sit the bulb on top. The water should be about 3mm from the bottom of the bulb. (The top of the bulb is the pointy end.)
    2. You will have to keep the water at the same level as the bulb grows. This is a bit tricky because you can't take the bulb off because you will damage the roots. You will have to gently move the bulb to the side a bit and pour the water in with a jug. (The plastic jugs that are used to fill steam irons are perfect.)
    3. Cover the bottle with a paper bag, leaving enough room at the top for a shoot to grow and put it in a cool dark cupboard.
    4. When the shoot is about 5cm long, take the paper bag off and leave it in the cupboard for one more day. For the next two days leave the bottle in a place that has some light but not too much. Next, move it to a brighter position for another couple of days. Then you need to find a spot on a sunny windowsill where the bottle can stay until the plant flowers.
    5. After flowering, the bulb can be planted in a pot or in the garden. It may flower again the season after next or produce some bulbils (baby bulbs).


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 我很喜欢!
  • tongtongmami

    2012-3-3 17:38:19 使用道具

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-3 19:14:10 使用道具

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-3 19:32:45 使用道具

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-4 12:35:13 使用道具



  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-4 21:54:13 使用道具


    What Makes Things Grow?

    One of the most common questions that children ask especially when it comes to plants and flowers is ‘What makes them grow?’.  It’s a question that has many different answers and here we aim to help dispel some myths and make sense of the growing process for children who like to garden.
    What Makes Things Grow?There are many things which go towards helping flowers and plants grow.  A lot of them we as human beings take for granted and never give a second thought to.  Here are some of them:

    • Sunlight
    • Heat
    • Rain
    • Soil
    • Pollen

    All of these things are found in nature and play their own individual but very important part when it comes to gardening.  Children’s gardening is not just about learning what flowers and plants to grow but also teaching them how they grow.
    PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis is the process that all plants and flowers use to grow.  The process consists of breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen which we then use to breathe for ourselves.

    [size=0.85em]Related on The Kids Garden...

    The light from the sun is use to help the plants and flowers grow using a pigment in the leaves called Chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll soaks up red and blue light but repels green light which is why the leaves on flowers and plants appear to be green in colour.  This energy which is soaked up using the red and blue light is then converted into a starch or sugar which the flower or plant then uses to nourish itself.
    TranspirationTranspiration is the process by which flowers and plants use water to help them grow.  Mixing the water they suck from the soil and also absorb from rainfall the flowers and plants mix it with the carbon dioxide they absorb from the air.  This process releases oxygen back into the atmosphere which is what we humans breathe in.

    PollinationPollination is the process by which flowers and plants are encouraged to grow by nature.  Bees, wasps and other insects carry the pollen from one plant to another thus allowing the growing process to begin.  This is also why you may find plants and flowers in places where you might normally expect to find them.

    All of the aforementioned processes are important to gardening in general but when it comes to children’s gardening these processes make for interesting and informative discussions as well as ideal learning curves.  The processes of nature which may sometimes be common place to adults are something miraculous to children and this encourages them to want to learn more about nature as a whole and also encourages them to want to participate in gardening.
    Photosynthesis and Transpiration are things that your child will undoubtedly come across during their schooling but if they can back these lessons up with hands on experience within the confines of their own home with their parents and other family members the learning process can become much more fun and rewarding.
    There are many websites and books which deal with children’s gardening and also look at Photosynthesis and Transpiration in much more detail.


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 我很喜欢!
  • liuli207

    2012-3-6 14:45:45 使用道具

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-15 12:30:48 使用道具

    大家一起共读 How Flower Grow

    19号团里面有一本how flowers grow,正好迎合3月活动,拿出来和大家共享阿

    第一讲,Seeds to seedlings

    A seed has a hard shell with a young plant inside. Seeds grow in the soil when the sun and rain has made them warm and wet.

    (秀宝宝几颗瓜子,最好是生的)These are sunflower sheeds. Each sunflower seed can grow into a big sunflower. (可以秀宝宝向日葵图片 who is hiding in the garden 里面也有的)

    1) In the soil, the shell of a seed splits.
    2) A small root sprouts out of it
    3) Then a shoot grows out of the seed

    When a shoot breks through the soil, it is called a seedling.

    The largest seed in the world is teh coco de mer. It is bigger than a football.


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +50 理由 收起
    小团团 + 50 我太喜欢了,你分开发帖好了
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-15 12:58:07 使用道具

    本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-3-15 13:02 编辑

    第二讲:Plant parts

    Most plants are made up of flowers, leaves, roots and stems.

    This is a wood sorrel plant.

    The stems keep the plant upright. Leaves and flowers grow on the stems.

    Plant make food in their green leaves.

    Some plants have leves that are sharp and spiky. They grow well as animals prefer to eat smooth leaves.

    Lots of things you eat are plant parts. Broccoli is a bunch of lowers and carrots are a kind of root.

    Underground, the roots soak up water from the soil. They hold teh plant in place too.


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 很给力!
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 21:23:19 使用道具

    Making of Food




    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 我很喜欢!
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 21:29:33 使用道具

    第四讲:Buds to Flowers

    对于flower buds的感受,妈妈可以通过踏青给宝宝看桃花之类的春季鲜花的花蕾,这样宝宝一定有直观的感觉的



    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 感谢你!
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 21:37:21 使用道具

    第五讲:Pollen and Nectar





    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 感谢你!
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 21:46:18 使用道具

    第六讲  The making of seeds




    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 感谢你!
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 22:03:04 使用道具

    第七讲:Spreading Seeds


    crane's bill的种子比较奇特,我从网上找了一张实物图:


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 亲爱的谢谢你这么用心
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-17 22:17:52 使用道具

    第八讲:Juicy Fruit

    这个实例太多了。。peppa pig里面的gardening,grandpa pig就咬了一口苹果说里面有更多的种子可以种更多的苹果树。



    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    小团团 + 20 亲爱的,谢谢你这么用心
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-18 21:11:34 使用道具

    本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-3-18 21:22 编辑

    第九讲: New Plants




  • flora602

    楼主 2012-3-18 21:37:06 使用道具

    第十讲:Rain forest flowers


    Some of the most famous are rainforest orchids.Orchidsare  the species-richest family of plants, with 25,000 species in the world.

    Another famous one is the birdof paradise flower (on the photo above). Hibiscus have beautiful big flowers. Other amazing flowers of rainforests are flamingo flowers, lotus flowers, and in Australian rainforests - grevilleas, garnedias and silky oaks.

    And some of the more interesting are the carnivorous pitcher plants, and the rafflesia flower- the largest flower in the world.
