这几个词,呵呵, 像是三胞胎,总能见到,可是一直是分着见面,都没搞清楚,也没对上号。 今天将他们三个放在一起,看着还真有点犯晕。 怎么样,你能分的清谁是谁吗?咱们一个一个的来把他们分清楚哈。















take a bow
bow on her head

原来这三胞胎,其实是双胞胎,homonyms有两个名字,一个是 homonyms,也经常被叫做Homophones。 在中文中,我们可以叫它“同音字(词)”。 当然,发音不一定是100%的一样,有一些十分相近的,也会被称作homonyms。
Allowed / Aloud
Bare / Bear
Bean / Been
Buy / By
Dear / Deer
Fair / Fare
Hair / Hare
Knot / Not
Meat / Meet
See / Sea
Sun / Son
To / Too / Two
Which / Witch

Homographs,则是拼写一模一样,看着就是一个词。 可是却有不同的发音和不同的意思的单词。 如果从构词法也可以看到, Homographs这个词中,homo是"one and the same"的意思,词根 graph 有“write, written, draw” 的意思。在中文中,我们是不是管这类词叫多音多意字(词)。

Examples of homographs with different sounds (heterophones):

agape: with mouth open / love
bass: type of fish / low deep voice
bow: type of knot or weapon / to incline
close : nearby / to shut
contract: a legal document / to become affected with
desert: to abandon / an arid desert
does: female deers / to do
dove: a bird / to plunge into water or an activity
entrance: the way in / to delight
lead: an insulated electrical conductor - to guide or direct/ an element
learned: past tense of learn / knowledgeable
live: to be alive / to broadcast at the time of production
minute: tiny / unit of time
moped: to gloomy / motorcyle
number: no feeling due to medication / numerical value
polish: to shine / somebody from Poland
produce - to make something / farm crops
project - to speak loudly / a task
read: present tense reading / past tense reading
record: a written account / to write down or make a music album
resume - start again / job history
row: an argument / propel a boat or a line of objects
sewer: drain / person who sews
sow : a female pig / to plant seed
tear: to rip up / a drop from the eye
wind: movement of air / to twist
wound - past tense of to wind / to injure

Examples of homographs with the same pronunciation (homophones):

bat: piece of sports equipment / an animal
book: something to read / to schedule an event
break: a short time away / to shatter/ not keep a promise
case: a legal case / a suitcase
chest: body part / furniture or treasure
down: a lower place / soft fluff on a bird
dress: the action of putting clothes on / to prepare animal meat
evening: smoothing out / after sunset
fine: of good quality / a money penalty
fish: to seek or hunt for / the sea animal
grace : religious state / to adorn or decorate
head: body part or leader / to go toward
hose : footwear / flexible water conduit
light: not heavy / opposite of dark
palm: tree / part of hand
pen: writing utensil / cage for animals
play: as in kids at a playground / a theater performance
rock: a stone rock / music / to move back and fourth
roll: a bun / to roll down a hillseal: to close / an animal
shop: a store / to look for items
star: to star in a movie / a star in the sky
store: to keep somewhere until needed / grocery store
suit : clothing / to fit in with
trail: a path / to follow
track: to follow / a track for a train or running track
train: to teach a dog / a choo-choo train
trip: to stumble / a journey
trunk : elephant part, tree stem, automobile storage area
uniform: as in all the same / special clothing as in a soldier's uniform
water: as in watering the plants / H2O
wave: move the hand in greeting / sea water coming into shore

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参与人数 3 贝壳 +40 理由 收起
天才二宝妈 + 20 看了2遍差不多明白了,收藏一记
oy_zx + 10 正好在复,这下自己更明白了。谢谢! + 10 我很喜欢.但是有点难。。
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  • manlian

    2012-3-4 08:51:20 使用道具

  • sunjia_baoyu

    2012-3-4 09:22:19 使用道具

    对我也是很难   呵呵 {:soso_e106:}
  • lovelygirl00

    2012-3-4 09:33:08 使用道具

  • misxy328

    2012-3-4 09:34:11 使用道具

  • aneyshine

    2012-3-4 09:41:16 使用道具

  • 初夏

    2012-3-4 10:00:32 使用道具

  • 小雨的妈

    2012-3-4 10:13:24 使用道具

    不知道他们认识 不认识 我,反正我不认识 他们。
  • wweier

    2012-3-4 10:30:12 使用道具

  • 小璐菜菜子

    2012-3-4 10:34:24 使用道具

  • saramevan

    2012-3-4 10:53:13 使用道具

  • zhf_liu

    2012-3-4 10:56:31 使用道具

  • ln1216

    2012-3-4 14:39:47 使用道具

  • littleliuliu

    2012-3-4 15:11:14 使用道具

  • kiwi998

    2012-3-4 18:05:27 使用道具

  • 昕昕妈咪

    2012-3-4 23:27:52 使用道具

    H 版辛苦了。这几个要区别真的很专业哦。
  • newsun_74

    2012-3-5 05:56:36 使用道具


  • 艺博妈妈

    2012-3-5 09:46:18 使用道具

  • shanljs

    2012-3-5 10:42:41 使用道具

  • 欢乐岛

    2012-3-5 10:57:06 使用道具

  • hexingying

    2012-3-5 11:59:05 使用道具

  • 为了女儿们

    2012-3-8 07:55:58 使用道具

  • smiles222

    2012-3-8 09:24:53 使用道具

    真好   谢谢
  • 朋友

    2012-3-8 12:18:22 使用道具

  • aquil

    2012-3-8 12:54:10 使用道具

  • 79248057

    2012-3-8 16:45:45 使用道具

  • oy_zx

    2012-3-9 23:51:24 使用道具

    本帖最后由 oy_zx 于 2012-3-9 23:52 编辑

    我查homonym是 1、同音异义词

    Help Me 2 Learn   Review Questions

    1. How many sounds do you hear in a consonant blend?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four
    2. What letters make the consonant blend sound in the words
    "stop" and "stone"?
    A. N and E
    B. S and T
    C. T and O
    D. O and P
    3. How many sounds does a digraph make?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four
    4. How many letters are there in a digraph?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four
    5. What two letters make one sound in the digraph words
    "quack" and "queen"?
    A. e and e
    B. a and c
    C. e and n
    D. q and u
    6. Diphthongs make a special sound when what kind
    of letters are combined?
    A. A vowel and a consonant
    B. Two consonants
    C. Two vowels
    D. A consonant and a vowel
    7. Which word is an example of a diphthong?
    A. star
    B. planet
    C. frog
    D. auto
    8. Which word is not an example of a diphthong?
    A. oil
    B. frog
    C. flew
    D. toy
    9. Which of the following words is a compound word?
    A. sheep
    B. clam
    C. dragonfly
    D. frog
    10. Which of the following words is not a compound word?
    A. butterfly
    B. bullfrog
    C. popcorn
    D. chased
    11. Which of the following sets of words rhyme?
    A. drape and drill
    B. stop and star
    C. dog and frog
    D. snake and snow
    12. Which of the following sets of words rhyme?
    A. cat and bat
    B. plane and frog
    C. glad and glove
    D. please and play
    13. What part of a rhyming word stays the same?
    A. the beginning
    B. the middle
    C. the end
    D. the vowels
    14. The meaning of an antonym is:
    A. the same
    B. the opposite
    C. the same ending sound
    D. two words combined to make one word
    15. Which word set is an example of an antonym?
    A. big and huge
    B. clock and clown
    C. kid and child
    D. sweet and sour
    16. Which is a homonym for the word "blue"?
    A. blow
    B. blew
    C. red
    D. purple
    17. Which is a homonym for the word "red"?
    A. sing
    B. sea
    C. blue
    D. read
    18. The sound of a homonym is:
    A. alike
    B. different
    C. opposite
    D. made up of two words
    19. Synonyms are:
    A. different
    B. similar
    C. hard
    D. antonyms
    20. Which is a synonym for the word "happy"?
    A. sad
    B. mad
    C. glad
    D. shy


  • raining

    2012-3-10 00:01:01 使用道具

  • pipi妈

    2012-3-13 12:52:43 使用道具

    英文不好, 飘过
  • ldgr0094

    2012-3-13 17:41:13 使用道具
