        这两天决定用加州小学语文教材作为精读教材,试验一下,看效果如何。由外教教,一星期两次,每次一小时,教材内容占20分钟。    第一节课教了we are special 里的Can Pat Jump?这是个get ready story,学了几个重要词jump up down not Pat can 复习了short a,这些词我用简单的英文句子举例说明了一下,例如the light is up on the ceiling。。。fiona很轻松的背会了这些词。
    老师留了homework:who is Pat?who is pat's friend?,what can they do? write story.Fiona觉得简单,很快做完了。于是我就又讲了一下title ,author,illustrator,characters,
    用英语问了几个关于这篇课文的几个问题,what characters do you see?     what can you tell about these characters?   
What could  pat not do at first?    Could she jump down at the end? ....

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  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-13 06:58:10 使用道具

    加一点小小的内容,我的发音不太准,每次和Fiona说之前要先和电脑发音矫正一次,这次掌握的单词中up, not, pat, can,都符合短元音发音规则,不用背就会拼写,而down也是在泛读中混了个脸熟,会写,但jump没有想到会错,拼成junp,于是仔细纠正了每一个字母发音,(要用放大镜哦)J-U-M-P,很明显m和n发音不清楚,反复对比jump和junp。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-13 07:03:16 使用道具

      周二教了pam and  sam,Fiona流利的读了下来,这个故事的作者是Nancy Tafuri写的,故事里重复出现了上节课教的要求掌握的单词,进行了复习,并照着图片进行了retell,当问到故事中有几个角色时,没有按常规回答,除了pam,sam外加了一个butterfully,因为她认为虽然蝴蝶没有说话但她出现在每张图里,也要加上,全是用英语回答的,但单复数有问题,简单提醒了一下。   这套教材好处是文字配有大量的图片,而且有很多绘本,都有音频,更有一些教师指导书,详细到单词句子语法写作还有阅读理解,而这些恰恰在中文同年级中应该不断培养的,还配有大量练习,Fiona最爱做题!非常适合我这样的懒妈妈。不过我也不是像自己说的那样懒,我可是备足了功课啊,因为不背课一点也说不出来,我把重点摘抄到小本子上,照着本上的问题问。例如:
    what can pam and sam do on these pages?where did pam and sam run?where does the story take place?
       外教留的题是:alike:Mary and Fiona(两人目前一个小班),we are alike。How are we alike?How are we different?
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-14 12:04:21 使用道具

    • Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills
    • Phonics Skills
    • Vocabulary Strategies
    • Grammar Skills
    • Writing Skills
    • Oral Language Development


  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-14 12:08:14 使用道具

    what can you tell about Pam and Sam?How are they unique?what are their interests?
    熟读Our best days一课,只遇到了一个生词neighbor,复习了星期和月份,新介绍了fiction和nonfiction的不同。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-20 19:07:10 使用道具

    配合加州教材读了《how do dinosaur say good night》,因为Fiona爱看家有恐龙系列,就一块借了《how do dinosaur clean their room》,《how do dinosaur  eat their food》,《how do dinosaur play with their friend》,《how do dinosaur go to school》,每本书都做到流利朗读,简单纠正一下发音,主要是符合发音规则的,不懂的词也挑选一些用画面或动作解释一下,最后看着每页捂住字,自己讲讲,记住多少就说多少,哪怕一个词也行,反复几遍,比往常效果好,因为假期有时间了。这套只有《how do dinosaur say good night》,有视频音频,配合看和听了,其余几本准备春节后再借,因为打算在书飞网春节期间借几本厚的中文书看,英文就看家里的书了。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-20 19:08:29 使用道具

    本帖最后由 fionafanfan 于 2011-1-20 19:09 编辑

      这两天朗读了加州on-level books:1. A cap for Pam。                                                                                                                 2. Can you?
                                                            3.I can,I can!
               在practice book A,O,B,还有spelling practice book,Grammer practice book等加州练习册中找些有趣的题做做。
              另外读了一本A Rookie reader的系列的My Special Space,读着读着就乐,一幅画的是爸爸坐在餐桌边一边看报纸一边张着大嘴正准备吃香蕉,My father likes the table。He reads the pape r  there。还有一张更好玩,Sometimes I do my homework or practice funny looks。

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-1-20 19:13:15 使用道具

    学了get ready story的yes,I can!
    掌握的词是over:Is the ceiling over or under the floor? OVER
                       it:where  is your desk?IT,s here。
                      yes:are you in school?YES.
                      too:I like fruit,do you like it too?yes, i like fruit TOO.

  • dlsky

    2011-1-26 17:56:29 使用道具

  • liushengli9595

    2011-1-27 11:52:47 使用道具

  • 木头zr

    2011-1-28 09:43:00 使用道具

  • 云舒

    2011-2-17 08:18:39 使用道具

  • 肥爸唐僧

    2011-2-18 06:35:45 使用道具

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-2-24 18:06:58 使用道具

               最近开学了,加州学习也进入了正常状态。          retell了Run!Jump!Swim!一课,读了move,push,pull,掌握理解单词help,move,push,pull,swim,high,far,long,fast,carry swing等词,还讲了movement,(dance,kick,run,pass,throw。。。)
             看了一本rookie的read about science的push and pull,31页,了解了all objects need a push or a pull to start moving。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-3-7 04:48:59 使用道具

    接着往下进行,how you grew,课文读的还不错,这课进展的很快,本来想课外阅读方面加上点dk-how they grow 系列,但因为时间没有抓紧,以后再补吧。重点复述了birds get big,熟悉lay eggs,grow inside,hatch,feed,grow big,fly away。。。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-3-9 16:20:44 使用道具

    买了一本字典jolly dictionary,很精致,这样好的字典 ,不懂的词也爱查。
    lay:if an animal such as 啊bird lays on egg,the egg comes out of its body
    hatch:to break out of an egg

    2011-3-16 15:00:30 使用道具

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-3-17 21:36:42 使用道具

    这星期学习了pets专题。学习了课文come down brad,pet tricks,what pets need,照图片反复说
    掌握了单词trick,track,grab,need,living things,care,fresh
    从爸妈网打印了一张ctve竞赛第一篇Jessica's noisy house短文和会话,进行了练习(讲解了短文中出现的词interesting,idea,amazing,parents,apartment)
    借了一本书作为配合阅读My first pet
    do you have pets?/what animal as a pet do you have?/what dose ypur pet eat?

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-4-5 21:37:54 使用道具

    本帖最后由 fionafanfan 于 2011-4-5 21:52 编辑

    读了a frog grows and changes,画了幅图,retell了一下。一些关键词:
    livingthing,near water,land,front legs,back legs,webbed foot,egg,tadpoles,gills,tail,lung,froglet,

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-4-9 11:43:19 使用道具

    还是延续frog专题,新都了一本scholastic reader的fantastic frogs,这本生词比较多,挑出了几个解释了一下,重点读了读leaping over streams and logs./chins blow out like round balloons,helping males sing froggy tunes./
    eggs in gobs,or eggs in rows.inside each egg,a tadpole grows.
    tadpoles hatching from their eggs.they swim like fish.they have no legs!
    bugs for lunch are very nice.
    silly frogs in funny poses.


  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-9 09:37:00 使用道具

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 16:49:46 使用道具

    本帖最后由 fionafanfan 于 2011-5-15 16:51 编辑

    第二册的第一课的phonics内容复习了short o ,举了几个单词例子,在句子中记忆:
    A frog can hop
    A hat can protect the
    top of your head
    put a
    log on the fire
    hog sits in mug
    The sun feels
    The farmer provides a
    lot of grass for the cows to eat
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 18:09:14 使用道具

    第一单元讲的是Animal Families
    1.Animal Moms and Dads一课讲解了grab,bring food,lick,pick off  bugs等词。

       In the picture I see --------。There is a parent --------- and a baby---------。
       This pages are about ------and   animals.
    4.第20页,教了protect,feed,clean词并填句子。(animal mom and dad take care of their babies       in many ways)
                  they-----them from stranges。
                  they-----them food
                  they----their fur
       feeding their babies,clean their babies,keep their babies close by,provide a home,play with them.
    6.讲了Animals provide for their babies。(wolf pups drink their mother's milk,the father penguin     keeps the egg   warm)

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 18:48:59 使用道具

    本帖最后由 fionafanfan 于 2011-5-18 13:32 编辑

    学习over in the meadow 讲了poem,rhythm,beat,解释了meadow-field
    31页问题:where do the mother and baby turtle live?
    33页问题:what do the fish do in the meadow?
    34页问题;what rhyming words can you find?
    复习了以前做过的animal rhymes
    It was whiskers and rhymes with hat。------------cat

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 20:30:13 使用道具

    1.所有每课words to know都要求
    this word is。。。。。。。
    itis spelled。。。。。。
    use  the  word in sentences。 thing:
       what living thing do:grow ,eat,drink,move
    3.读课文要学会总结。this book is about。。。
       上节课学过的animal actions----play grab,eat,lick,hop,run
    4.介绍了ways to greet
       wave,hug,shake hands。。。
       how do you greet someone new?
    I say hi to my friends
    i wave to my friend。
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 20:53:19 使用道具

    本帖最后由 fionafanfan 于 2011-5-15 20:54 编辑

    介绍了A story summary should tell who is in the story,
    where and when it takes place, what happens and why it happens.
  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 21:37:26 使用道具

    第二单元:Helping Outwords to know:who, no,some,of,eat
    phonics:short e
            1. Your knee is a part of your leg.
            2. I beg your pardon!
            3. The four men will need to cooperate to carry the heavy piano.
            4. The hen gives us eggs to eat.
            5. Let me take responsibility for feeding the dog.
            6. I will get the rake for you.

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-15 22:01:28 使用道具

    学习little red hen
    1.Who is Little Red Hen? (the main character) 2.Who are her friends?(Dog, Pig, and Cat)
    3. What is Little Red Hen doing? (She is planting wheat and making bread.)
    4.What does she ask her friends to do? (She asks them to help her.)
    5. Do they help her? (No.)
    6.Why not?
    Hen has worked very hard making her bread. She had to plant the wheat, water it, cut it, and then mix the batter by herself.
    Now that it’s time to eat, the others don’t seem tired and lazy anymore. They want to help do the eating

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-17 20:05:09 使用道具

    学习 from wheat to bread 一文1.先学了grow,kernels,factory词
    2.熟读课文,并知道这篇课文讲的是how wheat is made into bread ,wheat starts from a little seed; that the plants
                                                           need sun and water; how the kernels are taken off; how flour is made from them)
    4.63页  who plants the seeds?
       64页  what are the parts of a plant?
       65页  What do you see? (a field of wheat; a machine picking the wheat)
       66页  What happens to the kernels first? Next? Last?
                (First, the kernels are sent to the factory. Next, they are cleaned. Last, they are crushed into flour.)

  • fionafanfan

    楼主 2011-5-17 20:50:33 使用道具

    ■ Ask children to write a review of their book.
    ■ Use the following questions to help children write their book reviews.
    Did you like your book? Why or why not? What did you learn from the
    book? Would you recommend the book to a friend to read? Remember to
    give reasons for your answers.
    ■ Have children read the book reviews aloud to the class or their group