
Butterfly Crafts

Candy Butterfly Craft:

Sweetness abounds when you make and give this adorable Candy Butterfly to someone special.

Construction paper
(two tones)
Candy canes with spring colors

Fold paper in half and cut out butterfly silouhette.

Cut a wide strip of contrasting paper. Fold back small tabs on each end and glue. Also cut out decorative ovals for the butterfly wings. See picture for reference. You can also decorate the butterfly any way you would like.

Insert candy canes and tape to hold secure.

Glue wiggle eyes to tab on butterfly using picture as reference.

Give your Candy Butterfly to someone you love.
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  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:04:07 使用道具


    Rubber foam sheets
    Pipe cleaners
    Colored stickers

    Draw a butterfly on the rubber foam sheet and cut out.
    Cut out a rectangle from the rubber foam sheet whose length is double the length of the butterfly's body.
    Fold the rectangle into two, and stick along the sides leaving the bottom open to enable insertion of a finger.
    Stick the rectangle in the middle of the butterfly.
    The pipe cleaners form two antennae when placed on the top of the rectangle.
    Decorate with rubber foam and colored stickers.

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:07:01 使用道具

    Handprint Butterfly CraftYet another craft that uses handprints (I love 'em!!).  This one takes a bit more work than a normal one because you need to assemble the wings (5 handprints each).  
    Check out the Handprint Poems on the site if you would like to include one with the craft.
    • paper (for handprints) - 3 different colors of construction paper work well.
    • pencil or marker
    • scissors
    • glue
    • printer and paper
    • Print out the template of choice (you can print the B&W version on yellow paper if you want less coloring)
    • Color the template pieces (if using the B&W version)
    • Cut out the template pieces (young children may need help with this step)
    • Trace the child's hands on another piece of paper and cut out
      • four handprints in color one (pink)
      • two handprints in color two (yellow)
      • four handprints in color three (purple)
    • Assemble the wings:
          STEP1:  Glue handprints in three different colors along the left side of the body (pink, yellow and purple)
    STEP 2:  Glue a second pink handprint with the thumb facing up to the first pink handprint.   Glue a second purple handprint with the thumb facing down to the first purple handprint.
    STEP 3:  Repeat step 1 on the right side
    STEP 4:  Repeat step 2 on the right side
    You'll end up with something that looks like the image to the left.

    • Finish the rest of the butterfly
      • Glue the circle (head) to the body
      • Glue the face and antennas onto the head
      • Glue the flower in the "hair", on a wing or beside the neck
      • OPTIONAL:  Print a Handprint Poem on the back

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:10:30 使用道具

    本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-5-10 11:11 编辑

    Heart Butterfly Paper Craft
    Read a bit about DLTK's Grow With Me Craft Concept to get some ideas on how this basic craft idea can be used with different materials to make it appropriate for everyone from ages 2 thru 82!
    Tip 1:  Include the message "You make my heart flutter!"Tip 2:  Glue the heart animal to the front of a folded over piece of construction paper or a doily to make a cute Valentine's Day card.Tip 3:  Purchase fancy paper from the scrapbooking store and print the B&W version onto this for an extra fancy Heart Animal.Tip 4:  Scotch tape a straw or popsicle stick to the bottom to make a puppetTip 5:  Glue a small piece of sandpaper on the back to make a felt board characterTip 6:  Cut construction paper into 4 inch wide strips as long as you can make them.  Tape two together to make even longer.  Measure around child's head to make a construction paper 'crown'.  Glue Heart Animal to front of the crown to make a Valentine's Day hat.Materials:

    • paper
    • glue
    • scissors

    • Print out the template of choice.  I like printing the B&W version on colored paper.
    • Color (where appropriate).
    • Cut out the template pieces.  (the pieces on the template are at about the angle they will be on the finished craft.  That should help you sort out which pieces belong where)
    • Glue pieces together:
    To make a wing, glue the very large, large and medium hearts inside one another.
    Repeat for the second wing.
    To make the body, stack the smallest hearts one on top of another and glue together.  Position so the hearts are all upside down.
    Glue the heart with the face onto the top of the body so it's right side up.
    If doing on a card or background, add the two tiny hearts over the head and draw a line to make the antenna.  If not doing on a background, just skip the antenna.
    Glue the wings onto the back of the body to complete your butterfly.

    Option for mass-producing - young children:  Print out the B&W template.  Trace the pieces onto stiff cardboard (back of paper pads works well) or margarine/ice cream container lids.  Cut out to make permanent templates.   Allow the children to trace these permanent templates onto different colors of construction paper to make their animal
    Option for mass-producing - older children:  Omit the templates.  Let the children cut out heart shapes in various sizes from colored construction paper (show them how to fold paper in half and then cut to make a perfectly symmetrical heart).  Let the children create their own animals by putting together hearts of different sizes (you can pre-make a few example animals to give them some inspiration).

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:22:42 使用道具

    Origami Petals (Butterfly)
    The petal is a very simple example of proper origami (just paper folding with no cutting or gluing).  

    This is one of the simplest examples of an origami project you can make -- which makes it a perfect introduction to the artform for early grade school children!  My thirteen year old still loves making them as they turn out very pretty.

    If you have trouble with the instructions, try reading through the basic origami instructions section.

    square of paper - click here for instructions to make a rectangle of paper (typical 8.5x11 sheet) into a square
    Scotch tape
    Optional: Wiggly eyes and glue
    NOTE:  origami paper typically comes with each side a different color -- this is perfect for this project!!  You can find double sided origami paper at your local craft store or -- it is inexpensive.

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:38:11 使用道具

    little games around butterflies

    Connect the Dots - Numbers

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:38:52 使用道具

    Connect the Dots - Letters

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:39:38 使用道具

    Butterfly Maze
    Love mazes? Here's a fun butterfly maze to try!

  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:42:01 使用道具

    本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-5-10 11:42 编辑

    Fun Facts about butterflies


    Fun Butterfly Facts:We have gathered some strange butterfly facts to share with you. Amaze your friends! Enjoy!

    • Butterflies range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches.
    • Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.
    • Some people say that when the black bands on the Woolybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming.
    • The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!
    • Monarch butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of about 2,000 miles, and return to the north again in the spring.
    • Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
    • Representations of butterflies are seen in Egyptian frescoes at Thebes, which are 3,500 years old.
    • Antarctica is the only continent on which no Lepidoptera have been found.
    • There are about 24,000 species of butterflies. The moths are even more numerous: about 140,000 species of them were counted all over the world.
    • The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepterix rhamni) has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies: 9-10 months.
    • Some Case Moth caterpillars (Psychidae) build a case around themselves that they always carry with them. It is made of silk and pieces of plants or soil.
    • The caterpillars of some Snout Moths (Pyralididae) live in or on water-plants.
    • The females of some moth species lack wings, all they can do to move is crawl.
    • The Morgan's Sphinx Moth from Madagascar has a proboscis (tube mouth) that is 12 to 14 inches long to get the nectar from the bottom of a 12 inch deep orchid discovered by Charles Darwin.
    • Some moths never eat anything as adults because they don't have mouths. They must live on the energy they stored as caterpillars.
    • Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars' food or not.
    • There are more types of insects in one tropical rain forest tree than there are in the entire state of Vermont.
    • In 1958 Entomologist W.G. Bruce published a list of Arthropod references in the Bible. The most frequently named bugs from the Bible are: Locust: 24, Moth: 11, Grasshopper: 10, Scorpion: 10, Caterpillar: 9, and Bee: 4.
    • People eat insects – called "Entomophagy"(people eating bugs) – it has been practiced for centuries throughout Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America. Why? Because many bugs are both protein-rich and good sources of vitamins, minerals and fats.
    • YOU can eat bugs! Try the "Eat-A-Bug Cookbook" by David George Gordon , 10 Speed Press. Don’t want to cook them yourself? Go to HotLix for all sorts of insect goodies! My favorites are "Cricket-lickit’s" – a flavored sucker with a real edible cricket inside.
    • Many insects can carry 50 times their own body weight. This would be like an adult person lifting two heavy cars full of people.
    • There are over a million described species of insects. Some people estimate there are actually between 15 and 30 million species.
    • Most insects are beneficial to people because they eat other insects, pollinate crops, are food for other animals, make products we use (like honey and silk) or have medical uses.
    • Butterflies and insects have their skeletons on the outside of their bodies, called the exoskeleton. This protects the insect and keeps water inside their bodies so they don’t dry out.
  • flora602

    楼主 2012-5-10 11:43:40 使用道具

  • xushabj

    2012-5-10 11:48:49 使用道具

  • 哈密小豆

    2012-5-11 09:26:33 使用道具

  • zjhuangyu

    2012-6-2 00:03:31 使用道具

  • cmulilin

    2012-6-12 14:23:26 使用道具
