greener 发表于 2011-10-11 12:25:46

tigermom 发表于 2011-10-11 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif
有的小朋友对真人演绎的更有兴趣,所以我在网上搜了几张小朋友JUMPING IN MUDDY PUDDLES的照片,家长们可以 ...



一叶知秋 发表于 2011-10-11 12:54:18


岑岑妈 发表于 2011-10-11 13:02:35


听潮听潮 发表于 2011-10-11 13:37:30


jesstoo 发表于 2011-10-11 13:37:48

夏天的时候,雨天过后,我家小子每次都要跑到小区花园里去跳水坑,他玩得可开心了,不过十多分钟后要及时帮他换掉弄湿的衣服。前两个月开始给他看peepa pig,他很喜欢,现在每天晚上看几集,喜欢的时候会跟着视频冒几句短语。我们看的是没有字幕的版本,我打印了第一季的文本,现在看来还要打印一些自制书看看。然后回去再准备我和他的boots,下回我们要一起jump in muddy / water puddles。
学peepa pig 要把里面的情景应用起来,这确实是个有趣的方法。

菲林 发表于 2011-10-11 13:49:18


moluelue 发表于 2011-10-11 13:55:45

我们现在是每天跟读一遍,听的时候感觉语速慢(跟其他动画片比),能基本听懂,但其实它的语速是蛮快的,因为我们是听一句MP3跟读一句,感觉有点快跟不上,但是我们跟读美语世界主课程时候我们是能跟上的。而且美语世界是美音,Peppa PIG是英音,差别还是蛮大的,我是不太习惯,但孩子好像没什么感觉。

laphaer 发表于 2011-10-11 14:06:46

想知道love to do 和 love doing 的区别, 怎么用?

妞妞扭扭 发表于 2011-10-11 14:28:11


tigermom 发表于 2011-10-11 14:44:58

laphaer 发表于 2011-10-11 14:06 static/image/common/back.gif
想知道love to do 和 love doing 的区别, 怎么用?

like/love/hate/prefer +to do / doing

不定动词 to do, 都表示了想要做未作的某件事,做得意愿比较强烈;

doing, 表示了习惯性的,经常性的一种行为。

魏玛妈 发表于 2011-10-11 16:58:43


girlboy 发表于 2011-10-11 20:53:33


炫辰爸爸 发表于 2011-10-11 21:57:50


teluby 发表于 2011-10-11 22:58:21

大中午的艳阳,我打了把伞,陪小妞put on her boots去踩water puddles。

紫薰Lee 发表于 2011-10-12 15:39:04


applechenhui 发表于 2011-10-12 17:02:46


魉乎豆 发表于 2011-10-12 17:51:57

water puddles 豆也很喜欢...

kitte_ 发表于 2011-10-12 20:03:40


陶家小兔 发表于 2011-10-12 23:09:14

我们还没开始看呢 要抓紧时间了

阳阳的爱 发表于 2011-10-13 08:33:00

想请教一下,goodness me 是什么意思?

tigermom 发表于 2011-10-13 08:44:01

阳阳的爱 发表于 2011-10-13 08:33 static/image/common/back.gif
想请教一下,goodness me 是什么意思?

Goodness me 是一个固定搭配,表示感叹,表示惊奇的意思, 也可以说 My goodness,意思是,天啊,或者上帝啊。

琴子 发表于 2011-10-13 11:42:03


tea_zzzz 发表于 2011-10-13 12:45:04

请教一下,今早下雨,孩子说了句“jumping in small puddle”.

tea_zzzz 发表于 2011-10-13 12:46:36

琴子 发表于 2011-10-13 11:42 static/image/common/back.gif

我们搭配读了five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
在super song中也有这首歌,早上刷牙的时候听了几次。

zfzaf123 发表于 2011-10-13 13:02:40

lilideshu 发表于 2011-10-10 21:19 static/image/common/back.gif


霜冷长河 发表于 2011-10-13 14:51:50


tigermom 发表于 2011-10-13 15:10:31

tea_zzzz 发表于 2011-10-13 12:45 static/image/common/back.gif
请教一下,今早下雨,孩子说了句“jumping in small puddle”.
little和small怎样区别 ...

small 和little 都可以指小, small 一般指 外形尺寸的小,比如小盒子,小房子,small box, small house; little指小的时候还带有感情色彩,比如说little boy,我们更倾向于说这个是小而可爱的意思。

顺便把BBC 的 学英语learn English 的节目中对 small 和little的区别贴在这里:

A small house / a little house

When little and small both mean not large, with some nouns they can be used interchangeably with little or no difference in meaning:

They lived in a little house in the country.
They lived in a small house in the country.

However, little also suggests that you feel sympathy for something, whereas small is more neutral and does not suggest this. Compare the following:

He's only a little boy. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. ~ He may be a small child, but that doesn't excuse his behaviour!

Because little invokes sympathy, it is often used with other adjectives like nice, sweet, tiny, pretty, poor. Small cannot be used in this way:

This job is a nice little earner. Maximum reward for minimum effort.
She's a sweet / pretty little thing. Always has a smile on her face.
They live in this tiny little bed-sit in Shepherds Bush.

Little = not much

Little is also more complicated than small because it can also mean not much. Small can only mean not large. Compare the following:

Will you have beer or wine with your meal? ~ I'd like a little wine, please. A small glass of red wine would be nice.
Would you like a large or a small coffee? ~ Oh, a small coffee please. I shan't sleep tonight if I have a large one.

Abstract nouns that often follow little (meaning not much) include hope, chance, change, effect, use and point:

There's little chance / hope of finding any survivors after such a massive explosion. I see little point in continuing the rescue mission.
There has been little change in his condition over the last seventy two hours. The new drugs appear to have had little effect.

tigermom 发表于 2011-10-13 15:15:28

tea_zzzz 发表于 2011-10-13 12:46 static/image/common/back.gif
我们搭配读了five little monkeys jumping on the bed,
在super song中也有这首歌,早上刷牙的时候听了 ...


rain rain go away。。。

然后就是 five little monkey jumping on the bed, 最喜欢他学医生的语气了,哈可耐。

菲林 发表于 2011-10-13 15:42:53

本帖最后由 菲林 于 2011-10-13 15:43 编辑


tigermom 发表于 2011-10-13 16:15:04

菲林 发表于 2011-10-13 15:42 static/image/common/back.gif

卡娃现在很会说mess了,他会说(常常指他爸爸) daddy's car is a mess。。。or daddy,make a mess,或者说 what a mess 总之,在这里 mess 是名词,就类似于这样用法。
作为动词时, mess up, mess about, mess up


mess with someone’s headMenu
[*]when someone/something is dirty
[*]when there are problems
[*]someone with problems
[*]mess hall
[*]solid waste from animal

a situation in which a place is dirty or untidyYourroomisamess; pleasepickupyourtoys.
‘What a mess!’ she said, looking at the kitchen.
make a mess: Try not to make a mess because I’ve been cleaning.
in a mess: His papers were in a terrible mess. entry for this meaning of mess

something that has been accidentally dropped or carelessly left, so that it makes a place look dirtyIcleanedupthemesswithanapkin.
There was a sticky mess on the kitchen floor. entry for this meaning of mess
someone or something that looks dirty, untidy, or in bad conditionLookatyou – you’reamess!
Mark’s jeans were a mess by the time he finished painting. entry for this meaning of mess
a difficult situation with a lot of problems, especially because people have made mistakesan economic mess
be in a mess: The company was in a complete mess when she took over.
get into a mess: I don’t know how we got into this mess.
get someone into a mess: You got me into this mess in the first place. entry for this meaning of mess note: mess               
The phrase another fine (or nice) mess you’ve gotten me into was often used by the US actor Oliver Hardy to his partner Stan Laurel in a series of comedy films they made together in the 1920s and 1930s. People sometimes use this phrase humorously when they are in a difficult situation, especially when they want to blame someone for it. mess               
▪awful, complete, fine, real, right, sorry, terrible, total
informal someone who is so nervous or who has so many problems that they cannot have a normal lifeI was a complete mess after the divorce. entry for this meaning of mess
a room where people have their meals in the armed forces entry for this meaning of mess
solid waste from an animal entry for this meaning of mess

[*]a mess of something American spoken
a lot of somethingShe had a whole mess of dolls in her bedroom. entry for this meaning of mess
[*]make a mess of (doing) something
to make a lot of mistakes when you are doing or dealing with somethingTom felt he had made a mess of his life. entry for this meaning of mess
[*]make a mess of something
to make something look dirty or untidyThat wine has made a real mess of the carpet. entry for this meaning of mess

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