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  • bakyyy

    2013-9-25 12:27:24 使用道具

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-25 22:56:09 使用道具

    今天看了 where\'s baby\'s belly button? 新书还不喜欢。
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-26 22:20:22 使用道具

    本帖最后由 soumet 于 2013-10-14 01:32 编辑

    早上起床后,在床上给他念dear zoo,新书照样不喜欢。
    上午安排游泳,下午午觉醒来,又看了dear zoo,
    他还会咯咯笑。睡前念了where\'s baby\'s belly button?
    Guess how much I love you.

  • 一片青苔

    2013-9-27 17:16:18 使用道具

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-27 21:07:12 使用道具

    一片青苔 发表于 2013-9-27 17:16

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-27 21:30:20 使用道具


    今天重复阅读好几次dear zoo,都是醒来在床上读的,小畅熟悉了这绘本,就会
    凑过来翻,摸摸机关的地方。说到frog jumpy 他也会在那里晃动身体。


  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-28 21:18:53 使用道具

    2013/9/28今天的绘本阅读照例在床上进行,早上起床时念的,我把where is the baby\'s belly button? 和
    Dear zoo放在床上 他主动把dear zoo拿给我。
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-28 21:46:26 使用道具

    VOA 2011年的一篇报道

    Inside the Minds of Babies
    01 November 2011

    JUNE SIMMS: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, in VOA Special English. I’m June Simms.
    MARIO RITTER: And I’m Mario Ritter. This week, we examine scientific findings about how intelligence develops in babies.
    JUNE SIMMS: Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.
    Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in people.
    Researchers at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other people.
    The researchers say this ability to learn exists in a baby even before birth. They say newborn babies can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.
    MARIO RITTER: Another study has suggested that low birth weight babies with no evidence of disability may be more likely than other children to have physical and mental problems.
    American researchers studied almost five hundred boys and girls. They were born in, or admitted to, one of three hospitals in New Jersey between nineteen eighty-four and nineteen eighty-seven. At birth, each child weighed fewer than two thousand grams.
    The boys and girls had an average age of sixteen at the time of the study. They were asked to complete intelligence and motor skill tests in their homes. Their test results were compared with those of other children their age.
    The study found that the young people with low birth weight often had more problems with motion skills than others. These problems were more common among males, those with injured nerve tissue in the brain and those who had been given oxygen supplies for days as a baby.
    JUNE SIMMS: Experts say the first three years of a child\'s life is the most intensive period of language and speech development. This is the time when the brain is developing. Language and communication skills are believed to develop best in an environment that is rich with sounds and sights. Also, the child should repeatedly hear the speech and language of other people.
    The National Institutes of Health says evidence suggests there are important periods of speech and language development in children. This means the brain is best able to learn a language during this period. Officials say the ability to learn a language will be more difficult if these periods pass without early contact with a language.
    MARIO RITTER: The first signs of communication happen during the first few days of life when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention. Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. These sounds become a kind of nonsense speech over time.
    By the end of the first year, most children are able to say a few simple words. But they may not understand the meaning of their words. By eighteen months of age, most children can say eight to ten words. By two years, most children are able to make simple statements, or sentences. By ages three, four and five, the number of words a child can understand quickly increases. It is at this age that children begin to understand the rules of language.
    JUNE SIMMS: Many children grow up in homes where more than one language is spoken. It is clear that understanding two languages can help children as they grow older. However, new studies are showing the more immediate effects of bilingualism on babies’ brains.
    Researchers at the University of Washington organized one of the studies. They measured brain activity to compare babies in bilingual families to those in monolingual homes, where one language was spoken. Theinformation they gathered is helping to explain how the early brain listens to language and how listening can influence the brain.
    The researchers studied babies who were between six and twelve months old. The babies were not yet saying words in any language. The youngest monolingual babies were able to recognize a difference between a language used at home and another language. But by ten to twelve months of age, the monolingual babies were not identifying the sounds of the second language, only the main language spoken in their home.
    In comparison, the bilingual babies did not differentiate sounds of different languages spoken to them between the ages of six and nine months. But between ten and twelve months, they could identify the different sounds of both languages.
    JUNE SIMMS: Another report suggests that the effects languages have on a young brain are a result of people speaking, and not from video or audio recordings. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics says parents of young children should limit the time youngsters spend watching television or videos. The group says that spending time in front of the television offers no educational benefit or help to children younger than two years old.
    Many videos are created especially for young children. They are advertised as learning aides. But the American Academy of Pediatrics says there is little evidence that such videos have any beneficial effect on babies. In fact, the group is warning that too much time in front of the television can in fact slow language development in children. Instead it suggests that parents limit the time babies spend watching video screens, including televisions and computers.
    MARIO RITTER: The report was released last month at a meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The warning is not as severe as one the Academy made in nineteen ninety-nine. At that time, parents were advised to completely avoid television viewing for children under two years old.
    The group says it now recognizes that banning all screen time is probably unrealistic in an age where video technology is everywhere. What is more helpful for the development of young children, it says, is communication and activities with people. The AAP says having the television on, even if it is not being watched directly by young children, can cause a problem.
    JUNE SIMMS: Another American study has shown the effect of early education on future learning abilities. The study followed more than one thousand three hundred children from birth through the ages of ten or eleven. It found that children who received higher quality care before starting school had better language skills by those ages than children who had lower quality care.
    The study is called the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. It is said to be the largest, longest lasting and most complete study of child care in the United States.
    MARIO RITTER: The children included in the study were born around nineteen ninety-one in ten areas of the country. Researchers examined the quality and amount of child care the children received until they were four and one-half years old. Child care included any care provided by people other than the child’s mother that lasted at least ten hours a week. This included any care given by fathers or other family members.
    The researchers then examined each child’s performance in school and social development. They also measured other influences, such as the quality of classroom education and parenting.
    JUNE SIMMS: The researchers examined whether the developmental qualities that had been observed in young children were still present a few years later. They found that the older children who had received higher quality child care continued to show better ability in tests of language skills.
    Researchers tested the children’s ability to name objects shown in a series of pictures. The study confirmed that a link between high quality child care and better test results continued as the children grew older. It also found that the children’s ability was not dependent on the amount of time they had spent in child care.
    MARIO RITTER: This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was written by Brianna Blake. I’m Mario Ritter with June Simms, who was also our producer.

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-28 21:47:50 使用道具

    The researchers studied babies who were between six and twelve months old. The babies were not yet saying words in any language. The youngest monolingual babies were able to recognize a difference between a language used at home and another language. But by ten to twelve months of age, the monolingual babies were not identifying the sounds of the second language, only the main language spoken in their home.
    In comparison, the bilingual babies did not differentiate sounds of different languages spoken to them between the ages of six and nine months. But between ten and twelve months, they could identify the different sounds of both languages.
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-28 21:48:20 使用道具

    JUNE SIMMS: Another American study has shown the effect of early education on future learning abilities. The study followed more than one thousand three hundred children from birth through the ages of ten or eleven. It found that children who received higher quality care before starting school had better language skills by those ages than children who had lower quality care.
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-29 22:04:33 使用道具

    似的,没天亮就醒,而我又严重缺觉,当妈妈真不简单。这不今天他五点多就醒来,我在床上挣扎好久,最后念了念dear zoo,下床喝水

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-9-30 22:51:47 使用道具

    2013/9/30今天的亲子阅读主要在睡前,给小畅念了几本书 goodnight moon
    Clifford\'s bedtime , guess how much I love you 。

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-1 22:31:02 使用道具


  • 糖小糖

    2013-10-1 22:37:30 使用道具

    多读绘本 坚持~
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-6 21:47:56 使用道具

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-7 22:04:21 使用道具


          年纪越大,学习新语言就难上加难,甚至会出现领会语言某些细微差别的瓶颈。一位纽约市立大学研究中心的神经语言学家Loraine Obler说,比如,9到12个月大时,婴儿就开始失去分辨本土语言中所没有的那些音节的能力。
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-7 22:28:12 使用道具

    2013/10/7今天绘本加入了freight train, 上午第一次给小畅看之前还先搜索了下一些单词的发音和意思,他照样看了两眼就爬开了。
    的说法。平时和小畅交流的时候,我尽量都是用英语,慢慢发觉他能理解的很多。比如,我说,do you want some
    puffs? 他就知道是指我放在冰箱里的嘉宝泡芙零食,给了他一粒,他塞到嘴里,爬开后,我说one more, 他立马回转过来。
    有时吃饭,不爱吃了或吃得有点饱时,我说how about five more? 他会配合地吃完五口,我一口口数,就五口,多一口他都不张嘴。小孩
  • yoyocui2009

    2013-10-8 14:24:33 使用道具

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-8 21:57:48 使用道具

    yoyocui2009 发表于 2013-10-8 14:24

  • luann306

    2013-10-8 22:06:14 使用道具

    恩,这个妈妈好棒啊!宝宝也很厉害!我们也要加油了!来自: Android客户端
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-8 22:08:03 使用道具

    让他把玩,顺便问问他where is ...?show me...还看图说话,
    他听得挺认真的。晚上讲绘本,将guess how
    Much I love you ,freight train , Clifford bedtime,
    Goodnight moon摆在一起,他先挑新书freight train,
    讲完后,奶睡,哼唱了好一会hush little baby他才睡着,
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-8 22:10:30 使用道具

    luann306 发表于 2013-10-8 22:06

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-10 00:03:25 使用道具

    走走,看到墙上的世界地图,我说this is a map. It\'s the map of the world.
    大概说了两遍就走开了。下午四点多时,我又抱着他经过那,我说where is map?  他就转头看在他右边
    的地图。oh la la !  记得在美时 ,一西班牙语老师用

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-10 23:32:07 使用道具

    Morning nap醒来后,畅一直手指着他对面书箱上的一堆书,啊啊啊的叫,
    我一本本给,他摇头,后来给他Clifford 那本书,他自己翻到Clifford 和泰迪熊,布娃娃
    那页,指了下棕熊,然后又指了指墙上贴的熊,我说this is Clifford \'s bear.
    That is Changchang\'s bear. The bear is holding
    a writing brush.他听到brush、就用手指嘴巴,我赶紧示范说right
    This is a toothbrush.we use it to make our teeth clean. That\'s a writing
    Brush. It\'s for writing. 讲完他又啊啊啊的,我继续给他书,他把龟兔赛跑
    给我了,听我念,他在床上爬。后来我们还看了biscuit 的 I can read my

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-11 22:10:15 使用道具

    绘本阅读在早上起床时进行,看两三本biscuit ,兴趣一般吧,
    我是这么唱的,两只老虎的调,mama\'s sleepy mama\'s sleepy
    How about you? Are you sleepy Changchang? Are you sleepy
    Changchang? Let\'s take a nap . 我劝他说,hi my little one have some
    Shuteyes. When Dada\'s home, you will feel refreshed. You two can have
    Fun together.  

    soumet于2013-10-11 22:11补充以下内容:
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-12 21:07:04 使用道具

    他都会看几眼再爬开。今天重复了几遍biscuit plays ball,睡前读了Biscuit这本
    看到那些有小朋友的图片,他都会朝他们笑,我说say hi 他会挥挥手表示。
  • wochenende0722

    2013-10-13 00:31:04 使用道具

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-13 21:11:22 使用道具

    wochenende0722 发表于 2013-10-13 00:31

  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-13 21:16:22 使用道具

    上午起床时好像看了biscuit plays ball,没了。
  • soumet

    楼主 2013-10-14 21:25:11 使用道具

    没睡,就吃奶,吃完后,我从书柜里找了两本书where is spot ?
    at the zoo 读前面那本时,他要自己翻看,摸,以为有什么机关,
    翻翻guess how much I love you 和 Clifford bedtime 和墙上的熊贴纸