洋洋妈 发表于 2014-5-17 16:01:00


winner 发表于 2014-5-17 19:59:44


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-5-18 15:53:29

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-5-19 16:10 编辑

在61楼提到的High5管提供的71本经典名著和大奖书阅读指导里http://www.glencoe.com/sec/literature/litlibrary/index.html,有纽奖金奖书(Newbery Medal) 14本,两本纽奖银奖书(Newbery honor)。列出如下:
1.      Johnny Tremain 1944
2.      The Yearling 1950
3.      The Witch of Blackbird Pond 1959黑鸟水塘的女巫
4.      Island of the Blue Dolphins 1961 蓝色的海豚岛
5.      A Wrinkle in Time 1963 时间的皱纹
6.      Sounder 1970
7.      The Summer of the Swans 1971
8.      Julie of the Wolves 1973 狼群中的茱莉
9.      The Slave Dancer 1974 月光之号
10.      Bridge to Terabithia 1978 特拉比西亚之桥
11.      Hatchet1987(honor ) 手斧男孩
12.      Number the Stars 1990 数星星
13.      The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle 1991 (honor) 女水手日记
14.      Shiloh 1992 喜乐与我
15.      Missing May 1993 想念梅姨
16.      Walk Two Moons 1995 印第安人的麂皮靴



frogprince 发表于 2014-5-22 17:25:38


fzw 发表于 2014-5-23 09:45:19

本帖最后由 fzw 于 2014-5-23 09:51 编辑

纽伯瑞奖的书很不错,我女儿看了以下几本,暂时比较喜欢有 Moon Over Manifest,Hoot.觉得比较有趣。

fzw 发表于 2014-5-23 10:09:26


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-5-23 11:58:27

fzw 发表于 2014-5-23 10:09 static/image/common/back.gif

Cici这个年龄就读了这么多纽奖书了,很棒。 杨杨也看过一些纽奖书,正在看The giver, 说实话,纽奖书确实有一些主题深度,杨杨不像看流行校园读物那么喜欢和投入。所以如果有同伴可以一起阅读和交流,可能会更有兴趣一些,也可以互相学习和借鉴。

fzw 发表于 2014-5-23 13:57:28

洋洋妈,你真是个有心人。分享读书体会,很好的主意。放学后,问问她是否有她认为的好书介绍。如要她正儿八经写读书报告,有点难,她们平时的语言2(英语)作业,就是写book report,从没见她认真写,都是应付了事。从她平时的看书喜好看,她最喜欢的还是Jacqueline Wilson的书,买了Jacqueline Wilson的20——30本书,一遍又遍地看;其次,Roald Dahl、Megan McDonald、Francesca Simon等的书也买得比较多,也比较喜欢。Jane Austen的Pride and Prejudice很喜欢,说可以想象到200年前的舞会、吃的穿的,挺好玩的。不知洋洋喜欢哪些类型的书,如要交流体会,看有哪些共同的喜欢的书。

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-5-26 19:01:10

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-5-26 19:20 编辑



英文阅读:儿童小说100% wolf by Jayne Lyons和1994 年纽奖金奖书The giverby Lois Lowry。杨杨读两本书的态度截然不同。读100% wolf时,一气读到晚上9点多,让他关灯睡觉,他恳求再读20分钟,之后还差一点没读完,我说太晚了,给他强制关灯,他还抱怨“Why are you so mean?” 而读赫赫有名的纽奖书The giver(记忆传授者)时,每天规定章数一读完,立刻放下,还问我这本他觉得无聊的书,为什么会so famous and popular。我说你不觉得这本书想象力丰富,内容深刻,发人深省吗?(他肯定没这么觉得。)

孩子喜欢的流行小说自己当消遣,泛读就行了。而像纽奖书这样有主题深度的书,我可以参考阅读指导资料,帮助孩子稍微“精”一点读,也希望有小伙伴能相互交流促进。现有两位小朋友分别想读The Witch of Blackbird Pond和Island of the Blue Dolphins,等你们有书了,我们就可以开始读了。


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-6-8 22:16:08

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-6-8 22:22 编辑


杨杨明年要上的初中,安排附近几个小学的6年级学生到学校参观并上半天课,了解体验一下初中的学习环境。杨杨参观回来之后很兴奋,表示“好可惜只上了半天课,要是能待一整天才好。真想早点上初中。” 他告诉我,同学们分成了不同的小组,体验不同的课程。他所在的小组有上英文、戏剧和家政课(Home economics),并带回来了家政课上做的小饼干和自己缝制的一个小胸饰(一个扣子、一小块圆绿绒布、一块心形红绒布叠缝在一起)。我看到家政课的介绍单子上说会教孩子们
•      To Prepare and cook meals for yourself and for your family (为自己和家人做饭)
•      Good food hygiene skills (良好食品卫生技能)
•      How to modify recipes(如何修改食谱)
•      How to clean up and wash dishes properly (如何正确收拾清洗餐具)


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-6-8 22:16:34

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-6-8 22:50 编辑

这周终于迎来了国内亲戚一家五口(老两口,小两口和其一岁半的女儿),来新西兰自助游15天。他们先在奥克兰待两天,然后就直接飞基督城南岛自驾游8天,再回来北岛转转。在奥克兰这两天我们自然要尽地主之谊,老公带他们去了一树山(one tree hill), mission bay, 鸟岛(Muriwai Beach),吃喝-龙虾、牛羊排、葡萄酒这些新西兰特色食物也是必须的。

这周的阅读是在看纽奖书The Witch of Blackbird Pond,但杨杨表示不太喜欢,所以只是每天读两章而已,还有在听Rick Riordan的Heroes of Olympus系列,这个当然是非常喜欢。可能杨杨目前的心理和认知成熟度还是不太能很好地欣赏部分纽奖书,打算就读完说好的The Witch of Blackbird Pond和Island of the Blue Dolphins 这两本书,写写读后感后,就还是先转回孩子喜欢的流行青少年读物上。

winner 发表于 2014-6-9 07:15:39


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-7-8 20:34:47

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-8-30 18:24 编辑

一偷点懒,这周记录就变成月记录了。因为这个月底, 杨杨要考电吉他二级,晚上主要陪孩子多练练吉他,阅读就随他自己读喜欢的。看到High5版主的暑期阅读活动帖(6/18-8/31),也积极参与下。尽管我们这边是从这周开始,放两个星期的冬假。

听了The heroes of olympus系列(波西杰克逊第二部)的前两本The lost hero 和 The son of Neptune。孩子非常非常喜欢听,这个系列的朗读者Joshua Swanson也的确读得很棒,声音表情在不同年龄、身份、性格的角色之间切换自如,读得很有画面感。不过这个系列5本书中,就前三本是他读的,第四本是Nick Chamian读的,第五本图书馆只有书,还没有音频。

读了Tom Gates系列(有7本)的前三本,第一本The brilliant world of Tom Gates 获得过2011年的罗尔德达尔幽默奖(Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Funniest Book for Children aged 7-14 2011)。很幽默搞笑的一套书,带漫画插图,类似小屁孩日记的风格。

还“研读”了两本“工具书”,Minecraft redstone handbook和construction handbook。这是他在学校书市买的书,正参考着手册,在Minecraft上建他的floating tower.


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-7-30 06:20:12

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-7-31 05:19 编辑

“新西兰青少年写作大赛落幕 11岁华裔女孩拔头筹”—— 今天在新西兰华人网站上看到这条新闻,这个女孩就是我儿子的同学Lucy呀。我以前在28楼发过她被登在校刊上的一篇课堂习作Lost。这次写作大赛是新西兰的一个地产公司Barfoot主办的第七届青少年写作大赛2014 Young Authors challenge,在142所学校1000多名学生的参赛稿件,Lucy的作品脱颖而出,获得了评委们的最高评价。每年的参赛获奖作品会被集结成一本故事书出版(售书所得是为奥克兰儿童医院基金筹款),Lucy’s story was judged the highest out of all the entries and will feature on this year’s book cover.


还在二三年级时,我就在接孩子放学时,特别注意到这个小孩——儿子在playground玩得欢,而这个小女孩捧着厚厚的Harry Potter看得很投入。这个小女孩的作文一直写得很好,学校的writing奖杯,都是被她捧走的,5年级ICAS的writing考试,她拿到唯一的High distinction。这应该是家庭环境的熏陶培养和孩子自身在写作方面有天赋,祝贺你,有才华的小姑娘。

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-8-1 07:20:21

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-8-8 10:29 编辑



泛听-The heroes of olympus系列(波西杰克逊第二部)前四本The lost hero ,The son of Neptune,The mark of Athena, The house of Hades。(第五本The blood of Olympus, 图书馆只有书,没有音频,前面还有很多人借,要等段时间才能轮到。)杨杨很喜欢听这一系列,读后感说是要等整套都看完,才一起写。(积分:4本中章 X 每本40分 = 160分)。

1 纽奖书The witch of blackbird pond。这本书杨杨不是很喜欢看,看看停停的,拖了好长时间。我跳着大概看了下这本书,是讲17世纪的一名16岁少女Kit Tyler在英国种植园主爷爷去世后,去投奔住在美国小镇的唯一的亲戚姨妈一家。从以前庄园“小公主”的生活一下转换到严格遵守清规教律,崇尚简朴生活的清教徒社区的生活,信仰、观念、生活习惯等各方面都受到冲击。她和偶遇的一位贵格会(Quaker)教徒Hannah,成为好友。但因和当地社区信仰不同,Hannah 在地区爆发瘟疫时被说成是造成灾难的女巫,房子被烧毁,在Kit和Nat的帮助下,才逃离出来。最终Kit 用事实证明自己不是女巫,得到大家的理解,并和Nat结婚。这样一个故事,对十岁男孩是不太好理解的,我和他讨论了一些阅读指导材料里提到的问题,比如到一个新环境如何适应,Mob behaviour,对不同宗教的尊重等问题。杨杨自己写的读后感是一篇很冗长的流水账,(因为他说不知道要写什么,我告诉他就写这本书讲了个什么故事就行,所以他就把故事复述了一下,太长了,我都懒得看完,也不要求他改了。

The Witch Of Black Bird Pond Book Review~!!
In April 1687, Kit Tyler left Barbados when her Grandfather died and a fifty year old man tried to marry her. She had to live with the only relatives that she knew of, which are Aunt Rachael, Uncle Matthew and their two daughters Mercy and Judith. She sailed on a ship called the Dolphin and on her way, a small girl named Prudence dropped her doll in the water and pleaded to her mum to get it back. Her mother Goodwife Cruff was outraged. When Kit saw this, she jumped into the water and surprised everyone that she could swim while all the others can't. When Kit jumped into the water, Nat the captain'sson went to rescue her but she didn't need help. When she got back on the boat she had the doll in hand. She learnt to swim when she could walk. Prudence was very pleased to get her doll back but Goodwife Cruff was saying Kit was a witch because "No respectable woman can stay afloat like that".
When Kit arrivedat Wethersfield she found it very different from Barbados.There were no more servants to do her work, instead she had to work with the rest of the family.No posh furniture as she had atBarbados and the weather at Wethersfield is miserably cold.Her life became more meaningful when she began to teach at a church school. But one day Kit got bored of reading the bible and told the kids to act it. Then the headmaster walked in just as it got out of hand. He was outraged at Kit and closed out the school. Kit fled with hurt to the meadow where she met a kind old lady called Hannah Tupper. She wassaid to be a Quaker and also a witch because she did not attend church meetings. Kit formed a great relationship with Hannah even though her uncle disapproved. Kit went to Hannah any time she had a chance. On one of her visits she saw Nat Eaton, without knowing it she started to fall in love with him and he liked her too. But the bad thing was that he was banned from Wethersfield by setting off Jack-o-Lanterns on the window of William Ashby'sunfinished house out of jealousy. He would get 30 lashes by a whip if he came back to Wethersfield. Kit also began to teach Prudence secretly because her mom Goodwife Cruff said she was too dumb to go to dame school. Soon a deadly illness swept through the village and a mob gathered to kill Hannah because they said she was a witch so she put a spell on them. They burned down Hannah's house but Kit risking her own life warned her about the mob and helped her hide in the river next to the house. Just as they got down to the river the dolphin appeared in the horizon. Kit swam and swam until she reached the boat telling Nat what happened. Hannah would not leave unless they got her cat. Nat went risking to find Hannah's cat.After they took Hannah onboard Nat invited kit to follow. He also said that they were going to take Hannah to Nat's grandmother for company. But she said that Mercy was ill. After the Dolphin sailed away she went back home quickly.
When she got back she heard that Mercy's fever had broken. At the same day around midnight they came for Kit. Goodwife Cruff's husband came for kit accusing her for a witch. After a cold night in a shed she was asked to explain why Prudence's name was in her hornbook at Hannah's house. She did not answer because she didn't want Prudence to get in trouble with her parents. Just as soon the case seemed to be over Nat appeared with Prudence who said that she herself wrote her name in the book and not Kit accept for the first one. At first they didn't really believe her so that they tested her literacy, Prudence read the bible clearly and loudly and wrote her name. This convinced her farther that there was no witch craft. While Nat was in trouble of coming back and running off Uncle Matthew got his sentence removed. When this was all over two wedding happened. Judith married William Ashby and Mercy married John Holbrook. At first Kit decided to go back to Barbados but found herself truly in love with Nat and waited for his return back to Wethersfield. Soon Nat came back with his own ship the Witch named for Kit. When she asked to come aboard the Witch, Nat said no unless she married him. Nat and Kit happily went off to Uncle Matthew to ask for his permission and soon got married.   

2 流行校园幽默小说Tom gates 系列共7本.1The Brilliant World of Tom Gates2 Excellent Excuses 3Everything's Amazing 4 GeniusIdeas
5 Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic 6Tom Gates: Extra Special Treats ( . . . not) 7TomGates: (A tiny bit) Lucky
Tom Gates Book Review
Tom lives with his Mum,Dad and his annoying big sister Delia.Sometimes his grandparents and cousins come to visit them. Tom’s favourite snack is caramel wafers. He doodles a lot and is not very athletic. With his best mate Derek and his friend Norman, Tom sets up a band called DogZombies. He plays the guitar and his favourite band is Dude3. Tom is often late to school even though he lives four minutes (walking) away from school. The reason is that he talks a loooot with Derek and stops at a nearby shop to buy junk food. He’s in a primary school and he’s in class 5f. He used to be at the back of the class so he can doodle much but now he’s been moved to the front of the class where his teacher Mr. Fullerman can keep his super sensor to track down when he’s doodleing. He also has to sit right next to Marcus who is the mooooooost annoying person in the Whooole School. But he can at least sit right next to Amy Porter who is the smartest girl in the whole school. He can sneakily take a peak at Amy Porter’s answers in case of not knowing the answer. Marcus really annoys Tom. So to cheer himself up, he draws doodles of Marcus like this.

Tom Gates is really good at making up excuses to avoid getting told off for not bringing or doing his homework. He is a fantastic drawer full of imagination and creativeness.
I recommend this book because it’s really delirious. Warning: Don’t drink anything while reading this book! You might burst out laughing at any point. So if you don’t want to ruin this book, take my advice.

3 两本Minecraft游戏攻略工具书。

(积分:10本中章 X 每本40分 = 400分)

中文:读了一本40多个小童话的合集王子童话(算1本中章吧40分)主打贝贝熊系列(低幼了一些),主要是想还要孩子自己写阅读记录,简单点,不会有太大压力。(37本绘本 X 每本10分 = 370分)。


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-8-1 08:29:57

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-8-1 08:31 编辑


clean12345 发表于 2014-8-1 10:25:50


crazy1919 发表于 2014-8-11 15:01:57


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-8-30 17:16:52

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-9-5 17:46 编辑





1 White fang by Jack London (白牙)
2 The call of the wild by Jack London (野性的呼唤)
3 Tales of the Greek heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green (希腊英雄传说)
4 Peter pan by J.M. Barrie(彼得潘)
5 Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift. (格列佛游记)
6 Island of the blue dolphins by scott o’dell (蓝色海豚岛)
7 Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (鲁滨逊漂流记)

8 The Boy in The Dress by David Williams
9 I Funny By James Patterson
10 Brother Hood of Thieves – the wardens by Stuart Daly


1White fang by jack London
White Fang was written by Jack London and this book was written over 200 years ago. At a small age White Fang was tamed by a strict Indian called Gray Beaver. Gray Beaver wacked him whenever he did something he didn't like. Once they went to Fort Yukon so Gray Beaver can trade with Gold-Hunters. There he brought many bottles of Whiskey and traded White fang for it. Now his new owner Beauty Smith he hated, Beauty smith kept on making him fight other dogs with no rest, not even a minute. White Fang was victorious until a bull dog came into the arena. He has never seen this kind of dog before. White Fang kept on biting him and then jumping away but the bull dog resisted it. Soon the bull dog managed to grab white fang's neck and began to throttle him. White Fang would've died if a young rich man called Scott came and pulled the battle apart and bought him from Beauty Smith. Scott managed to tame white fang after a long painful effort. Soon Scott attempted to go to his home California by himself but White Fang pursued him. So Scott decided to take White Fang with him back. At California he learned the laws of the estate. At the end of the book, a man called Jim Hall tried to kill Scott's father, White Fang managed to kill him but he was nearly killed himself.As a result the woman of his state started to call White Fang the blessed wolf.
Overall I give this book4 out of 5 stars for its action packed life and I learnt that money is worth nothing compared to life and Dog is man's best friend. Also you should treat any animal as your friend. You shouldn't treat any animal like Beauty Smith, otherwise it will take any chance to escape and it will bite you and hurt you. Instead you should treat them like Scott with love and patience and then I guarantee they will love you.

2 The call of the wild by Jack London
Buck was a dog abducted from his home and was sold to be a sled dog in Alaska which was hit by the gold rush. From his teammates he rapidly learned to survive the cold and the laws of club and fang.A rivalry forms between him and the sled dog leader Spitz. They soon got face to face and a fight to the death began. It was a close fight with many wounds and broken bones but Buck managed to kill Spitz and survive. Buck’s next trio owners struggled with the sled and ignored everything about spring coming and the ice and snow melting. They met an experienced outdoor man called John Thornton who saw the dogs mistreated and told them to be careful crossing the river but they didn’t listen.Buck sensed danger on the river but Hal didn’t care and started to beat him up. When John saw this he thought that Buck was a remarkable dog and fought to get him. The trio then continued their journey but soon the ice cracked and the trio and the innocent dogs died. After being nursed by John Buck started to love his new owner. During one trip when they were panning for gold, a Skookum bench king bet on Buck’s strength and Buck won us$1600 by pulling a 450kg sled 91m. The Skookum bench king offered a huge amount for Buck but growing fond of Buck, John kindly disagreed. When John and his friends panned for gold Buck went and explored the wilderness. He made friends with a timber wolf from a local pack. But one night as he came back from a wild hunt, he realized that his master John and the other people in the camp got killed by the native Yeehats. Buck was so furious that he killed the natives and avenged his master John. At the end Buck became a leader of the wolf pack and came back to where John died every year to mourn for his master.

3 Tales of the Greek heroes by Roger Lancelyn Green
My favourite Greek hero is Hercules. He is the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene. Heracles is so famous because of his amazing strength and his such daring missions and his far-ranging adventures. He has quite a lot of hard labors. Hercules is a many faced man and has a heroic life.
What I liked about him the most is that his courage and fearlessnesswhen completinghis mission. What I think that represents this very well is the labors he did:
1: Slay the Nemean Lion
2: Slay the nine headed Lernaean Hydra
3: Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis
4:Capture the Erymanthian Boar
5: Clean the Augean stables in a single day
6: Slay the Stymphalian Birds
7: Capture the Cretan Bull
8: Steal the Mares of Diomedes
9: Steal the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons
10: Obtain the cattle of the monster Gerona
11: Steal the apples of the Hesperides
12: Capture and bring back Cerberus

4 Peter Pan By J.M.Barrie       
This book is about a boy called Peter Pan who never wants to grow up and lives in never land. He persuaded three children Wendy, John, Michael to his Never land home. He has a gang called the lost boys who have no family. They fend off the most vicious pirate Captain Hook. They all had some fun but hard life at Never land. Soon Wendy the eldest out of all of them became their mother. They found out Tiger Lily the native Indian chiefs' daughter got captured by Captain Hook and put on a daring mission to rescue her. After this John and Michael got so homesick so they planned to go back. Wendy took the lost boys back home adopted by her parents all except Peter because he was afraid they would catch him and make him a man. Even though Peter didn’t want to get adopted he promised that he would come back to visit Wendy every spring.

5 Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift.
Gulliver travelled to some different places: 1 Lilliput - a country that tiny people about 6 inch tall inhabit2 Brobdingnag- a place where giants 22m tall live 3 flying island of Laputa and some other islands 4 Houyhnhnms- the country where horses rule the land. What I like about this book is the fact of its creativity about the little midget people and the humongous giant people. I found this amazing that this book was made so long ago and still so famous even though it has been rewritten for younger audiences like me to read. My favorite part in the book is when he woke up in Lilliput he fought for their country and captured so many ships so easily.

6 Island of the blue dolphins by scott o’dell
Karana lived on the island of the blue dolphin with her tribe. One day a ship with Russian Aleuts arrived in the island and asked for the permission of hunting their otters. However when the Aleuts were going to leave they didn't pay them the loot as they had agreed. So a battle broke and Karana’s father- the chief and most man of her tribe were killed.The remainder of the island had to left for a new home by ship. When the ship started the sail, Karana spotted her little brother Ramo was still on the island but the captain couldn't turn back because a storm was coming. So she jumped into the stormy sea and swam to her brother. Unfortunately Ramo was soon killed by a pack of wild dogs. Karana vowed for revenge. She killed the pack with her wisdom and courage and tamed the leading dog. Year after Year after Year she stayed on the island struggling to live on her own and overcame the hardship of life and loneliness. Finally a ship came back for her. She was taken to Santa Barbara California.

7 Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Robinson was the only one that survived the shipwreck. But he's stranded on an unknown island. At first he was in huge despair but slowly and patiently he used his knowledge and transformed the island into his home. He lived by himself for 24 years until he rescued a prisoner from man eating cannibals and named him Friday. He taught Friday English and converted him to Christianity. The next time the human cannibals came there were two more prisoners and one was Fridays farther and the other one was a Spaniard.The Spaniard was a captain of a ship so Robinson made a deal that he would take him to England. The captain agreed happily for saving his life. So soon they were back to England.
As the two books both talk about the life of living on an island by themselves for many of years these are the comparisons and differences.
Comparison: In these stories the same things are that they are both stranded on an island, they both never gave up, they made their own tools, they had company with animals and lived on the island for many years.
Difference: In these stories the different things are Robinson doesn't know about the island he's on but Karana does, their problems are different, their age is different, their power and skills are different.

8 The Boy in The Dress Book Review
Dennis lives with his brother John and his dad after Dennis's mum leaves them. Dennis is talented in the sport soccer. He is also the best striker on his team. His mum left Dennis and his brother about five years ago when they were very young and finds comfort from a photo that she wears a yellow dress from an old photo. Once he went to Raj's store and sees the same dress his mom was wearing on a Vogue magazine and so buys a copy of it from Raj. Everything went great until his dad found him reading Vogue and tell him off harshly and his big brother Josh called his Denise. At school that day Dennis was sent to detention by accidently kicking a tennis ball into the glass of the headmaster Mr.Hawtrey's.There he met a pretty girl called Lisa James and she invites him to her place where Lisa dresses Dennis is an electric-blue dress an takes to Raj's shop. When Dennis is in the dress his name has been changed to Denise and he is a pen-pal exchange student from France. He successfully fooled Raj and next they take it to the school. But it all went wrong when Dennis not that good at French upsets the French teacher by criticizing her French accent. Next at break he couldn't resist the urge to not kick the ball so he kicks the ball, slips and reveals that he is a boy. Soon he was expelled from school. When his dad got the newshe was so mad at Dennis that he got grounded for a week. His best friend Darvesh pushed him to go to the final soccer match and so he went. His team was losing very much so Lisa had a idea that the whole team gets in a dress so Dennis their star player can play and that their principle can't expel them all. The plan works and they win the match against the other school 7-6 but still the principle won't let him in the school. This all changed when Raj said that comes to his store and says that she is the principles sister but Raj thinks there is something weird about her so he told Dennis and Lisa about that. When they came they say the principles sister but it was actually the principle himself so they confronted him and got Dennis back into the school. At the end Dennis, John and his dad gets over the loss of their mum and John looks out more for his little brother Dennis.

9 I Funny By James Patterson
Jamie Grimm is a middle school student wanting to be the world's best stand-up comedian. He lives with his aunt and uncle with their two children after a car accident seized the life of his parents, his litter sister and paralyzed his legs.Jamie likes to tell jokes which keeps him happy and helps him forgetting his bad memory. He usually cracks up jokes and makes lots of people laugh. His uncle tells him to join a comedy competition for the funniest kid in the world. He goes and manages to get first place and moves onto Boston. His friends and family are so happy for him that they throw him a huge party for winning.

10 Brother Hood of Thieves – the wardens
Caspan hates his life as a no good thief stealing people's hard earning money. So he takes a chance of joining a secret order sanctioned by the King.The secret sanctuary is called the Brotherhood. They seek lost magical weapons and things from Dray tombs to use their power to defeat the powerful mighty Roons. They will never win unless Caspan and his other fellow recruits - Roland, Lachlan, Sara and Kilt work together with their powerful magical beasts called the Wardens to turn the tides. With the help of their warden they managed to fend off the Roons for now and find a magical Dray scroll. They go back to their top secret base and have a magnificent feast to celebrate.

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-10-3 07:14:34

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-12-31 13:45 编辑


9月杨杨的英文阅读书目主要是Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant 三部曲。这套书一出版就大热,经常被拿来和The hunger games(饥饿游戏)做比较,作者Veronica Roth当时是刚毕业的大学生,受到很多年轻人的追捧,书又很快被电影公司买走版权,搬上了大银幕,成为热门话题。我因为非常喜欢Thehunger games这套书,觉得是青少年读物中难得的既有紧张刺激的情节吸引你读下去,又能启发你对人性、战争和社会制度等深刻问题思考的好书,所以当时杨杨学校Scholastic书单卖书时,就给他买了Divergent系列。但实际读下来,我个人是有些失望的,文笔和思想深度都差饥饿游戏一截,阅读的时候,会隐隐觉得有Harry Potter, The giver 和The hunger games这些书的影子,故事整体情节的设计,也有不少槽点。不过,杨杨还挺喜欢看这套书的,我问他和饥饿游戏比,更喜欢哪个,他说觉得差不多。杨杨也有写读后感,但只是把情节复述了一遍,没有什么个人见解。我觉得应该让孩子看看好的读书笔记要怎么写,学习下如何进行分析思考,归纳总结,不能老停留在情节复述阶段。找例文的时候发现了这个网站http://www.shmoop.com/divergent/    ,觉得挺有用的,也分享给大家。



2014年9月29日星期一天气 晴有风
我觉得大连动物园,动物很多,风景挺漂亮,动物表演很有趣 但就是地方太大,走路挺累的。

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-10-6 19:12:05

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-10-6 19:16 编辑



问:“什么书在书店买不到?” “你们都不知道吧,是秘书。秘密的书,书店哪有。” :L
又问“借什么东西可以不还?” “都猜不出来?是借光。借太阳的光,当然不用还了。”

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-12-31 13:45:11

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-12-31 13:46 编辑

2014年 11月

9月底回国一个月看望姥姥、姥爷, 其间带杨杨去了西安四天,来一次短暂的秦汉唐历史穿越之旅(强烈推荐购买陕西旅游年卡,省钱省时)。回到奥克兰一上学,杨杨就赶上最后一学期的一系列评估测试。(好在这边的考试也不进行什么复习,结果放在成绩报告单中,只寄给孩子父母,孩子不会有什么压力。)上周又是全体6年级毕业生的三天野外露营活动。杨杨玩得很高兴,也有些疲劳。只可惜的是今年奥克兰的夏天,天气不太给力,时常刮风下雨,总觉得凉飕飕的。露营不少活动都是在风雨中进行的,杨杨有点感冒。
在国内的一个月,杨杨中文听说方面还是有进步,陪姥爷看“马向阳下乡”,和小表舅一起看网络剧“万万没想到”,“奔跑吧兄弟”等综艺节目都看得不亦乐乎。中文交流表达逐渐变得更流利些。比如在回来途中机场碰到一位第一次到新西兰看孙子的女士,她手里大包小卷东西不少,杨杨有主动帮她拿东西,看着行李什么的。那位阿姨就说要把手里拿的变形金刚玩具送给杨杨。杨杨说“谢谢你,可是你不想给你的孙子一个惊喜了吗?再说我太老了,玩这个玩具。”虽然这最后一句是受了英文表达的影响(Iam too old to play with the toy),但意思大家都能明白。

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-12-31 13:47:02

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-12-31 13:53 编辑

2014年12 月


General Comment (总评)
Eric has completed an active and successful final year. He is a diligent and motivated student and demonstrates a strong academic ability across all curriculum areas.
Eric demonstrates excellent people skills and is a valuable team member. He presents himself well and takes on responsibility easily and always with a smile. He has kind and caring nature and has contributed much to the positive tone and personality of Room 24. I wish Eric every success for the future.

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-12-31 14:01:05

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-12-31 14:03 编辑

在74楼“新西兰青少年写作大赛落幕 11岁华裔女孩拔头筹”提到的杨杨的同学Lucy获奖作品已出书,我买了一本。把Lucy的这篇作品和大家分享。

Super Sparrow and the Black Cat
A sparrow looked down lovingly at her six beautiful eggs. Soon they would crack and adorable babies would appear. She would get them food – worms to start with, perhaps. Oh, how pretty they would be!
Crack! The eggs began to open. She needed to find delicious worms. Off she flew, gliding on air.
…But while she was away, a black cat slunk towards the tree where it had heard cries of young birds. In a flash, it had leapt to the first branch. Now for the next one…
Mother sparrow flew back merrily, with a beak full of fat wriggling worms. She had seven worms – one each for her six fledglings, and one for herself. Then she heard a cry of alarm – then six cries. Her children!! She flew as fast as her small wings would allow, her heart beating fast with fear.
She arrived at the tree to discover that the sleek feline had climbed up to the woven nest and was about to claw a tiny fledgling.
The sparrow shrieked a war cry, flying like an arrow to the bewildered cat. The cat opened its mouth in surprise – and swallowed a worm. It nearly choked. It took a moment to orientate itself, then attacked. The mother pushed away her fear of cats in the face of her children’s danger. She fought back fiercely, screeching with rage.
Locked in a tumble, beak and talons battled teeth and claws. The cat fell to the forest floor, with the sparrow beating her wings furiously a metre above it. As a bird, she knew she was unable to win with sheer strength, but she was clever. She flew tantalisingly close to the cat, which lunged and missed the weaving and darting sparrow.
The bird repeated this until she was in front of a thick tree trunk. The cat was so frustrated and angry it finally lost all patience. It sprang forward, but the bird flew sideways.
The dark feline landed head first into the tree! Darkness claimed the cat. The sparrow chirped in victory, hovering above it. A few moments later, the cat awoke, cross-eyed, to see the tiny sparrow right in front of it, still screeching defiance.
Yikes! It thought. How did this small thing knock out me, a cat? It has to supernatural! With fear in its green eyes and every hair on end, it turned tail and disappeared back home at the speed of light, to hide under the bed.
Mother sparrow picked up the six remaining worms and fed them to her fledglings. Her little heart was still pumping from her fright and exertion – but she had won. She had beaten off the black cat and saved her babies.
Thus was the story of a heroic little mother.

lutulutu2012 发表于 2015-2-15 19:33:22

本帖最后由 lutulutu2012 于 2015-2-15 20:46 编辑


      一、洋洋妈: “ 一个是远山含黛、松风伴明月,一个是风雨飘摇、明月坠沟渠。” 单就这句话,我只是个人会觉得“坠”字会有更强烈的冲击感,用来形容赵梦蕤的丈夫陈梦家的那种绝绝离别比“落”字更有力量,而如赵梦蕤的长期坚忍和无奈,我会想用埋没的“没”,明月没沟渠。 ”

          “坠”和“没”。   看了您的分析,觉得很给力,是另一种思维。坠更加动态、冲击力也更强,刻画了一种迅疾的瞬间,带着愤怒--------估计是我再次读她的传记,内心当时潜在的一种愤怒感。 没,如果没有你的分析,果断想不起这个字眼来。 没, 显静态、冲击力不强,但明显时间维度更久,有一种类似杜甫沉郁顿挫的气象(并非其他人就无此风格,但在我心目中,杜甫等于是沉郁顿挫这四字的代言人了),的确如您所说,体现了一种长期的坚忍感。事实上,如果从更深远些的人物故事内容来看, 坠 强调的是外界的锐力作用、施以被迫,且一瞬间就完成了;而 没,带着一种隐忍,等于是暗含了人物自身的主观品质在。两个字,从内涵上哪个更丰沛、饱满的角度看,我现在觉得没 ,更好一些; 纵然这个词没有坠那么明亮逼仄显眼---------在瞬间激发读者的阅读快感。 没,显得厚重、更加耐人寻味。

         这是件有意思的事, 仅仅是两个字眼的选择问题, 看出了你我在当前性格、气质上的不同;我觉得您在对问题的认识深度上,明显更胜一筹。 所以,年轻是一个资本,它具备明亮锐目、披荆斩棘的力量,更适合频繁起落、鲜明转折的舞台剧,但是他们(包括我自己)会图一时的快感、当下力量的释放跟发挥,而忽略一些长期发展跟后续的隐性问题,这同时是年轻的优势跟硬伤所在(纵然我跟90后们相比已经是大姐了)。像您这样有了扎实阅历积累的lady,看待问题目光深远----------我觉得,这即是低调而更优雅的优势所在。不得不敬服。希望自己后面能有些更沉静的思考,渐渐有所领会。

         二、写作是一种较好的思维训练、磨炼,哪怕只是业余性的。“写作令人精确”,有了一点码字的经验后,比较信服这句话。( “写作使人精确”的原句是“读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人精确”, 是当代著名翻译家王佐良教授对培根《论读书》里经典名句“Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man,and writing an exact man”的翻译,同时也被收入【1993年牛津大学出版社王佐良教授编译的英国散文选《并非舞文弄墨》中的《论读书》】一文中。注:此信息摘自网络)

            三、就培养汉语写作的基本功来说,我觉得有个简单却深刻的办法,就是每天或三五天一首唐诗(唐诗为主)、汉乐府或者其他朗朗上口的优美古诗(宋词可以先舍弃,或者只选取苏轼等豪放派作品,那些秦观柳永等缠绵悱恻的就先不要给孩子选择),先从最简单的诗作(比如孟浩然的春晓 那种开始),不单是背诵,大致按此步骤:

            1、将精炼的诗句,一句句翻译成通俗顺畅的白话文 ,妈妈可从旁协助, 整理在笔记本上(备一本足够厚实的笔记本以作此种内容长期、专门的笔记)。说白了,一首诗可以还原为一个小作文,叙事性的、感怀性的、描绘场景的,等等。

         2、 领会意象。诗中都描绘或涉及了哪些意象, 将它们一个个(单个名词词汇   和前面带形容词修饰的名词词汇)落在笔记本上。如果说意境是诗歌的骨,意象就是诗歌的血肉基础。逐首诗地从中提取意象-----------这是学习古诗的基础,也是一个很好的积累口头笔头词汇的方法。

      3、欣赏意境。这个比较难、而且是层次渐进的,也许目前只能看到、体会到浅层的;随着日后的审美积累和感验的丰富,能意会到诗中更深远或开阔的意境,并且还能加以活用。就我自己来说,也经历了一个从迟钝到敏感的过程。当然我根本还谈不上什么造诣之说,但的确感到自己没开始时那么迟钝了。在读诗的时候,其中的色彩、色调、明暗、冷暖、沉郁压抑还是轻快飞扬、柔和还是锐利、酣畅淋漓还是淡远空明…………种种不同,渐渐能够有所意会。有的感觉只可意会不可言传,但是写作中能临场就想得起、用得上,这证明感观上已经不再迟钝。总归一句话,这种敏感,肯定不是读个十几首诗就通了,长期读、多读些,悟性会上来。但有个前提是,你得喜欢,不喜欢的话,估计永远都难有悟性。 我现在觉得,不同人对不同领域、不同事物的喜好都是天生的;而喜好自身,就是热情所在,等同天赋所在。但读诗, 从通俗的层面看,对孩子学习语文(国文、汉语)是一个基础性的好办法。能写出准确通畅、有板有眼的文章,很好, 但如果文章中能再多出一份灵动来,我觉得是十分加分的。 而“灵动”从何而来? 可以靠读和品味古诗词(到后期,可以把宋词添进去,那时候也就不拘泥什么豪放婉约、朝代流派了;但前期,尤其是男孩子,感觉还是多些浩然正气更好)。 另外,阅读跟学习材料的选择需要明辨,到现在为止,还能见到一些地方存在从前那种阶级分析法, 是比较常见的尴尬。

          4、肯定还有更高一层,但我现在仿佛还说不出来,只能暂止于此。我只算业余水平。对于古人来说,诗词书画建筑音乐在意境上,是相通的。那么 审美 跟“治心” ,肯定也有贯通之处。

            四、这是自己目前粗陋水平上仅有的经验,写出来跟您,以及路过的朋友分享。欢迎指正和补充。后续,我想姑且把这套用在孩子的语文学习上。最后推荐 叶嘉莹先生的书;不过我读得还很浅,这里不便赘言了。


            另外看了一圈,才发现杨杨的母语原来是英文:D 但有您这位思维明晰的妈妈指导,汉语这块肯定不愁了。我倒是有些发愁日后我家的英文写作这块,得抓紧了啊看来,嘿嘿


lili923 发表于 2015-2-17 15:06:53


yichenlaurel 发表于 2015-2-21 21:02:20


lovebupt 发表于 2015-7-29 14:47:23


suize 发表于 2021-1-12 09:44:46

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