  • 美国全国阅读权利基金会制订的phonics教纲 Phonics Primer You can use this Phonics Primer developed by The National Right to Read Foundation to begin teaching a child or adult to read today. This primer lists the 44 sounds in the English language and then gives steps for teaching those 44 sounds and t ...
  • 今天有人请吃饺子~~~开心啊~~~ 不过不能去了~~~ 晚上和老婆去看非诚勿扰~~~~
  • 突然发现自己的电脑里有详细的三一口语考试介绍~~是学而思的~~拿出来和大家分享 三一口语学习手册-学而思.doc
  • 4-6年级组 花盆制作: 1 。找个大可乐瓶子,截掉一半留下半部分。最好百事可乐那种直的。 2 .上面剪成鸟巢的形状,剪几个三角窟窿 3 .装上土,种子都不用放 ^_^ ...
  • I love my family I love my family, a place fulfilled with happiness and harmony. I love my dad and mom. They are the most lovable people in the world. Dad has a sense of humor, which always makes me and mom laugh. He sets me a good example of being st ...
  • 演讲比赛 题目:我的梦想 主要内容:开宠物店 时间:1分钟 级别1-3年级 Good afternoon, teachers. I’ m very glad to have this chance sharing my dream with you. My dream is to open an animal shelter. As we all know, animals are people's best friends. But some of our friends do not have ho ...
  • 1. Was it difficult to learn how to play football? Yes, it was. Because the ball ran very fast, I couldn’t catch it. At first, I wanted to give up. But my dad told me, “Practice makes perfect”. So I tried my best and finally learned h ...