  • 1, I share a cubicle with another employee Jim, but he only works in the afternoons. so we don't usually get in each other's way too much. share a cubicle with another employee 和另外一个雇员公用一个小隔间 2, I boot up my computer and look at my agenda for today. boot up my co ...
  • 先抒发一下鄙视自己的情绪,坚持了4天就掉链子了。 看来平时说女儿“你怎么不坚持啊?”这句话对自己同样有效。 写出来舒服多了,我接受了懒惰的自己,然后现在又扬帆起航,希望可以在这个地方能磨练自己,建立刻意练习的习惯。 1, I like my job, but it takes over an hour to get there from my part of town ...
  • 1, I go back into the bathroom to finish doing my hair. finish doing my hair 完成发型 2, in my bedroom, I look in my closet for a skirt and blouse to match. look in my closet for a skirt and blouse to match 在衣橱里寻找一个衬衫和裙子进行搭配 3,The office I work in is pretty casual, s ...
  • 1, In the kitchen, the first thing I do is pour myself a cup of coffee and I add a little skim milk and sugar. 倒一杯咖啡 pour myself a cup of coffee, 脱脂牛奶 skim milk 2, My roommate usually makes a pot when she wakes up for both of us since she gets up first. ...
  • 1, we each try to keep the sink, the tub and the toilet clean, and we have seperate medicine cabinets to keep our things. 记录: medicine 写错了 学得: 知道了 浴缸是 tub, medicine cabinets 洗手台上的小柜子,有时柜子的门还有镜子的功能 2, I start out by rinsing my mouth w ...
  • 错误的地方或者遗漏的地方用下划线标起来 1, on a weekday, I usually get up around 6:30 a.m., but I set my alarm to go off at 6:20 so that I can hit the snooze button to sleep another ten minutes. 2, I'm a night owl, not an early bird like she is, so I need an extra few minutes to g ...
  • 从今天开始记录自己每日的英语学习。 学习的方法是找到一些跟日常生活相关的主题进行朗读10分钟,并背诵4个句子。 现在选择的是“可可英语”里的“分类”下面的“听力入门”中的“ESL露西的一天”。 因为这个里面介绍的是女生日常生活中的各种场景表达,包括起床、梳妆、吃早饭等等一直到晚上上床睡觉。
  • 今早女儿吃饭时听了Peppa pig的 Muddy Puddles,听了三遍后要求换新的一集。然后就切换成了Mr Dinosaur is lost, 估计听了两三遍吧。 晚上有抽时间学了牛津阅读树的第一级的 phonics 系列的 Kipper‘s Alphabet I spy,感觉还行,单词基本都能读,字母音应该有90%的准确率。争取明天再重复学一遍。
  • 这两天看了“康妈学堂”的博客,热情又再次被点燃,期望这次能坚持下去。 今天,翻出以前买的“Read with Biff, Chip Kipper”系列的书, 在网上下载了音频并将第一级装进了女儿听音频的小音箱,从明天开始给她磨耳朵,暂定每天早上起床和晚上抽十分钟吧 --留脚印,以资纪念。