  • I have decided to teach programming to my son in Japanese instead of English.The main reason is that the child has a much better understanding of things in Japanese than in English. In addition, the Japanese program offers a systematic way of learning programming. It includes ...
  • 系统掌握一个技能。除了编程能力之外,将来可以以编程为背景跟所在国小朋友甚至世界小朋友进行交流。
  • 爸妈网里的家长中英语高人多,有哪位路过我的贴子时希望给指点一下。O在其他单词时的发音没觉得特别奇怪。在post里时,觉得那个澳洲人的发音很超乎我的常识。感觉po读得像颇和抛之间的声音。有网友提供以下链接做参考,。第2个为澳洲女性发音。我问了一下那个澳洲人本人,得到回复: ye ...
  • Teaching programming to my son gives me one more negotiation chip when disciplining him. If he does not do as I expect of me, I will not teach him programming.
  • As we are currently living in Japan, my son is learning Japanese a native would. One feature of his language acquisition is that he often says some offensive words or says things in an offensive way to try out my response. I will tell him that "Your words are really upsetting, and altho ...
  • As usual, yesterday I got through some English sentences with my son from a n English p icture book (Disney World English) on my iPad , and then I asked him to watch the companion video on a PC.  What I did not expect was th ...
  • According to a recent survey in Japan, students whose fathers return home at midnight and whose mothers are full-time housewives are more likely to perform better academically . Fathers returning home late are likely to earn more to pay for cram schools and full-time house wives can bette ...
  • Last Sunday, I brought my son to a soccer trainin g sessi on for children conducted by native English speakers. However, it was not as successful as I had expected. The main reason may be that we attended the wrong session. There are two sessions on Sunday mornings: the fi ...
  • 有些网友的日志都在随便看看上露出来了。 点击后,却显示由于隐私设置不能打开。 是论坛自身的问题吧。
  • 有没有对孩子的中、日、英三语平衡的话题感兴趣的。