  • Phil Sklar and Brad Novak started the museum. They have collected bobbleheads for more than 10 years. Itwasn't until four years ago, however, that the friends decided to turn bobbleheadsinto a business. Their museum opened February 1. Ithas more than 6,500 bobbleheads. The owners ...
  • This happened when scientists were studying COVID-19. It is a diseasethat caused a massive global outbreak. In the United States and the United Kingdom, COVID-19 is more likely to affect Black people than white people. One COVID-19 symptom happens on the skin. It can change the colo ...
  • "I get really scared sometimes," said Eden, who lives in Parkland, Florida. She has often been drawn to dark stories. Two years ago, Eden started writing songs to help with her fears. Last month, she put out her first song, "Shadows on the Wall." It's for kids everywhere who struggle with ment ...
  • One Project Led To The Next His first event was the Race to 500 Toys. Orion collected toys to donate to kids in a hospital in Texas. Being in the hospital is difficult for kids. Orion wanted to make them feel better. "I knew that I could help," said Orion, who is now 10 years old. ...
  • Bennett did something about it. In 2019, she started her own company. It is called Diverse Style.It offers four shoe styles. They come in three colors. The colors are c ashew , cinnamon and black.
  • Giraffes are often hunted for their tails. Because the tails are made into good-luck bracelets. Unfortunately, there are no current laws protecting the griaffe.
  • 中短途的代步工具 销量靠前的几家:雅迪、爱玛、台玲、新日 锂电比铅酸的价格略高。 替换周期5-10年。 智能:电池管理、定位、安防、驾驶辅助
  • 写对——出题思路 写快——解题思路 写好——写作技法
  • 技术进阶 读写结合,随文写作
  • n. the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information. ________________ conversation