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  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-3 16:56:16 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-7-3 17:02 编辑

    July 3,

    今天继续看boxcar children。今天进度比较快,累积看了可能有2个多小时,看了300多页。第三本、第四本都看完了,现在第五本看到了944页。

  • lisa1901

    2014-7-4 02:15:26 使用道具

    lzxmm 发表于 2014-6-25 23:57
    我们也是自己在家上treasures,用的是全国版的教材,上得很慢,主要是基本按照教师用书走,每个单元5周的内 ...

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-7 11:19:47 使用道具

    July 4, Independence day! Attended a local celebration, watched fireworks

    July 6, boxcar children第五本看完了,开始第六本,看到了1089页。
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-15 09:49:14 使用道具


    July 14, U6T5, Let's build

    The town that grew

    Boxcar children第八本看完了,开始第九本,看到了1550页。
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-17 14:47:06 使用道具

    July 15, U6T5, Let's build

    Main selection: Sand Castle

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-17 14:48:12 使用道具

    July 16, U6T5, Let's build

    Main selection: Sand Castle 复习,Social Studies: build with sand and ice

    完成了Grammer的练习,以及两页on level practice
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-20 13:38:09 使用道具

    July 17, U6T5, Let's build

    完成了on level practice。G1的Treasure book基本学完了。

    准备看Read aloud,并学习Sciences.
  • freshapple12

    2014-7-20 18:50:09 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-7-25 14:02:54 使用道具

    July 24,

    放假玩的比较多,最近看完了"boxcar children"一共12本。
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-5 16:53:06 使用道具

    Sept 5


    Unit 1 Theme 1
    School is Starting: Vocabulary, Analyze Story Structure -- Plot, Setting, Characters.


  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-8 14:49:59 使用道具

    Sept 8

    Unit 1 Theme 1 Main Selection, David's New Friends

    Analyze Story Structure -- Plot, Setting, Characters.

  • hopeybw

    2014-9-8 15:29:44 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-14 16:14:39 使用道具

    Sept 13

    U1T1 Main Selection, David's New Friends

    继续学习,Characters and Setting

    了解什么是Figurative Language, 什么是question,

    Oral vocabulary: lesson, attempt


    开始看Charlotte’s Web,看了二十几分钟,差不多1/3。
  • ywu2864

    2014-9-14 17:24:35 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-15 08:13:52 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-9-15 08:14 编辑

    Sept 14

    U1T1 Main Selection, Social studies

    做完了Grammar和On level practice,有些上学期学的语法名词忘了,比如subject,plural

    看完了Charlotte’s Web剩下的一半,看了四、五十分钟的样子。还看了一会儿最近新买的Magic School Bus
  • jiangyo4

    2014-9-15 23:35:57 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-20 13:49:50 使用道具

    Sept 19

    U1T1 Field trip to Aquarium

    完成了writing task,写得比较简单,还没有明白writing是怎么回事。

    很喜欢看Charlotte’s Web,现在又开始看第二遍了。

    最近一直在听Magic School Bus中的human body.
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-22 09:04:32 使用道具

    Sept 20

    U1T2 Making muffins and a friend

    Vocabulary: share, enjoyed, wonderful, thinning, delighted, company

    Story Structure: beginning, middle, end

    Finish reading Charlotte’s Web for the 2nd time.
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-22 09:08:40 使用道具

    Sept 21

    U1T2 Main selection: Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea

    Followed the teacher's book. Focused on:

    Story structure and Plot development

    What happens in the beginning of the story? Decribe the problem Mr. Putter must solve. What action does Mr. Putter take to try to solve his problem? Did Mr. Putter solve his problem at the end of the story?

    Use long and short sentences to make her writing more interesting to read

    Today read the book: Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-23 09:14:32 使用道具

    Sept 22

    U1T2 Main selection: Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea

    Finished Comprehension Check, and also Spelling exercises
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-25 08:58:43 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-9-25 09:01 编辑

    Sept 24

    U1T2 Social study: Rules of Friendship

    List: a way of presentation

    Exclamation & Command. What is a definition?

    Finished 1.5 pages grammar exercises

    Read Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar for 30 minutes, a bit over half of the book
  • ramaomao

    2014-9-25 10:17:41 使用道具

    请教下楼主,学加州的过程中,你让孩子记背的单词是仅限与WORDS TO KNOW那个栏里的,还是课文中不认识的单词也会让孩子去背?
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-26 08:34:34 使用道具

    Sept 25


    Reviewed Command and Exclamation
    Proofreading marks

    Finished grammar exercises and most of the on-level practices
  • chasy

    2014-9-26 11:29:59 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-27 13:18:59 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-9-28 09:11 编辑

    Sept 26

    U1T2 Finished writing assignment, and we wrapped up T2.
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-28 09:16:20 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-9-28 09:27 编辑

    Sept 27

    U1T3 Firehouse Friendship

    Vocabulary: flames, tell, forest, heat

    完成了on level practice P18 和 spelling P9

  • 玲珑山人

    2014-9-28 09:26:11 使用道具

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-9-29 08:59:32 使用道具

    Sept 28

    U1T3 A special Bear

    Went over the vocabulary that we learned yesterday

    Read the selection A special bear. Daughter said that she knew that bear in the kindergarten when firefighters came to their school and introduced Smokey Bear.

    Finished the web: main idea and then several supporting details.
  • badb0

    楼主 2014-10-5 15:53:20 使用道具

    本帖最后由 badb0 于 2014-10-5 16:08 编辑

    Oct 5

    U1T3 Fighting the Fire

    Study the selection: finished the main idea and supporting details

  • badb0

    楼主 2014-10-8 08:50:15 使用道具

    Oct 6

    U1T3 Fighting the Fire

    Teacher's book: 77A - 77D
    Summarize/Main idea and details,
    Expository: report
    Oral Vocabulary: prevent, surround