马大姐 发表于 2012-9-11 20:08:13


csjlsh 发表于 2012-9-11 22:34:06

levis 男 9岁5个月

Zada 发表于 2012-9-11 22:34:13


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-11 22:49:30

A color of his own

He told his sad story
"Won't we ever have a color of our own?" he asked.

这本书给A 组的小朋友读,其实也不是很简单的事。 要读流畅,跟着音频应该不会有错, 可是要真正理解这本书, 对于6岁左右的孩子来说是个挑战,我们试着用提问回答的形式,请小朋友做一些思考,思考没有对错,重要的是,我们有在想, 家长能够听,尽量不要替孩子回答问题, 也不要认为孩子的回答和自己的回答有差异,就认为孩子的是错的。 Leo Lionni是绘本界的思想家, 每一本书都是一个哲学思考, 这本书也不例外, 简单的表像之外,暗含了深刻的哲学思考。

1, about identity (身份认识, 每个人都有颜色,唯独变色龙没有颜色, 那么变色龙是什么呢? 如果颜色代表了一个人, 那么变色龙又是什么呢?没有固定颜色,使得变色龙对自己的身份产生困惑,他甚至设法待在叶子上面想要变得长青, 随着环境改变颜色会让变色龙变得看不见,隐身,这究竟是好还是不好? )

2, friendship (变色龙遇到了另外一只变色龙, 给他一些建议, 从此过上幸福生活, 他的问题是? 他得到的答案是? 他最后怎么做的? 究竟是什么使他变得快乐了)

上述问题的答案是不是没有标准的唯一答案? 所以,大家brain storm 吧。

1,Who is the little chameleon?
2,Why was he upset about his color?
3, Did the chameleon has a color?
4, when did chameleon’s color change?
5, Why did chameleon climb onto the green leaf?
6, What did he asked the other chameleon?
7, How did the other chameleon answer him?
8, Why did two chameleons live happily ever after?
9, What made them happy indeed?

露冷风清 发表于 2012-9-13 09:02:39


xiaoyong 发表于 2012-9-13 16:16:04

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-6 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif

If you takea mouse to school


esdella_sz 发表于 2012-9-13 16:46:38

现在报名还来得及吗?Justin 刚满5周岁,想报个A组试试看。

zhouxy 发表于 2012-9-13 18:33:41


zhouxy 发表于 2012-9-13 18:35:32

csjlsh 发表于 2012-9-11 22:34 static/image/common/back.gif
levis 男 9岁5个月


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-13 21:24:18

Wemberly Worried资源中还提供了剧本呵呵,一共有10个角色:
Wemberly ---PINGPING

本文摘自: 爸妈网(www.ebama.net) 详细出处请参考:http://www.ebama.net/thread-107851-1-1.html

本文摘自: 爸妈网(www.ebama.net) 详细出处请参考:http://www.ebama.net/thread-107851-1-1.html

zhangcui 发表于 2012-9-13 22:04:58


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-13 22:19:51


A组的两本绘本,不知道小朋友读起来有没有困难 ? 具体在什么地方感到有困难? 一般来说, 小朋友在弄不明白的地方容易卡壳,比如读音(拼读)、长句(上下文断句)、语音语调, 所以家长可以仔细听一下,做一个记录,看看都觉得具体哪个部分比较难读,接下来,我们就这些个问题可以具体讨论一下。

xiaoyong 发表于 2012-9-14 09:33:10

xiaoyong 发表于 2012-9-13 16:16 static/image/common/back.gif


帅亮亮妈 发表于 2012-9-14 10:43:58


帅亮亮妈于2012-9-14 10:48补充以下内容:
我们认领Mrs Peachum了,已在帖子中申报。

dora05 发表于 2012-9-14 14:52:53


恋恋恋 发表于 2012-9-14 15:37:38


一一 发表于 2012-9-14 16:36:00


琪儿妈 发表于 2012-9-16 00:50:12


xmzlp1121 发表于 2012-9-17 09:57:58

经验啊... 向楼主学习

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-18 09:48:04

本帖最后由 tigermom 于 2012-9-18 15:55 编辑

jingdaihuakaiA color fo his own 阅读反馈:1、音频中乐曲配音盖过了朗读者,有些连贯性强的单词孩子听不清楚。2、在长句:If I remain on a leaf……时后半句容易卡壳,得一个单词一个单词的顺
本文摘自: 爸妈网(www.ebama.net) 详细出处请参考:http://www.ebama.net/thread-106814-4-1.html

好的, 稍后,我会详解。

本文摘自: 爸妈网(www.ebama.net) 详细出处请参考:http://www.ebama.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106814&page=4#pid2467795

使用绘本和音频, 我建议的步骤如下:
1,先听音频, 回答问题;
这部分可以锻炼听力, 同时能够帮助孩子集中注意力在内容上面。
2,再读绘本, 读完绘本以后再来回答问题;
(回答时,尽量使用英文,第一步主要是看孩子是否能听懂,可以用中文,主要看他是不是回答和问题相匹配,但是渐渐的过渡到完全使用英文, 所以第二步,引导孩子使用绘本中的句子来回答就很重要了)

用自己的语言复述绘本故事,就是讲故事, 这个部分就是孩子自己在使用英语了。

6,看图说话:(这是题外话, 既然想到就一并写下来,以后再整理)
有些孩子还不认识英文字母,可是已经跟着家长亲子共读过一段时间的英文绘本了, 可以进行这一步和第5步, 只不过是步骤和顺序上有差别:6-2(听家长讲解或者听音频)-5,因为本身不认字,这个听力实际上就是靠听大人朗读,看图说话,是我们很小就该训练的步骤: 主要通过看图说话我们能能够训练:观察能力、表达能力、推理能力、思考能力, 小一点的孩子,看图比较细,常常看得出我们看不到的细节, 这是他们的特点,如何利用这些特点,又如何引导他们从某一点看到big picture 呢? 我们可以用一些问题来引导孩子:What do you see? Do you see a boy? What is this boy doing? What's in his hand? What does he wear? What color is his shirt? ---- 最后,可能就归为:I see a boy playing a toy car. He is wearing a red shirt. 这样就可以帮助他看到大的画面,同时又提高他的表达能力,下次再看其它绘本的时候,他就会用前面学到的技巧来看图说话(中文也如此)。 再来就是推理能力、思考能力: why do you think the boy is crying? Do you see his car? Where is his car now? (假设,前面的画面转到另一个画面:同样穿红衣服的男孩在哭, 可是他为什么哭呢? 引导孩子思考,但不是漫无目的的, 先观察一下这幅图和前面一幅图的物品是否有改变? 然后,再引导孩子注意点到小汽车不见了, 那么小汽车是不是他哭的原因呢? ) 上面举例是一个很简单的例子, 有些绘本的内容不是显儿易见的, 需要小朋友一步步来推理, 那么这还需要孩子们注意一个顺序问题, 初级绘本中最常见的一个训练叫 sequence 的训练,即顺序训练, 比如 napping house,谁谁在谁身上,是以什么样的顺序进行的, 开始的时候我们就是用顺序卡来帮助孩子复述课文, 不需要和他们讲明白是什么样的叠放顺序,可是我们可以利用道具,比如玩偶或者积木,但是我们使用的道具一定要符合这个从大到小的特征, 帮助孩子从感性认识中建立自己的理性判断。 顺序也包括逻辑顺序(logical)、因果顺序(causal)等。

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-18 11:52:35

本帖最后由 tigermom 于 2012-9-21 11:38 编辑

For Pete's sake

为了帮助读者明白这本书, 我在每一页都放了一些题目,帮助读者思考, 有些题目是显而易见的, 如果孩子已经明白了文本的内容和有在读图,就不要问了, 如果没有, 就是用这些问题来引导一下他们思考文本中的人物关系、文字意思,以及文章内容和插图的关系,或者插图中未讲出的故事。 我也给这些问题设置了答案,但是仅供家长参考,不是标准答案, 孩子的回答不一定要和我的答案一致,同时鼓励孩子提出自己的问题。

hi, I'm trying to use some questions to guide reader to understand what they are reading. And I have put the answers after questions. But remember answers from the reader are not neccessary to be exactly as mine. I did that just to give parents an example.

"I'm green," said Pete. " I want to be pink. Everyone else is."

Read the picture, let's find out the answers for the questions below:
Who is Pete?A: the alligator, because Pete said " he is green", and the alligator is the only green one in the picture;
Who is pink?A:those birds (or you can call the flamingos)
Why does Pete want to be pink? A: because everyone else is.
Who is everyone else?A: everyone else but Pete the alligator in the picture. They are flamingos.

"Don't worry, " said the others. " You probably aren't ripe yet. It takes longer for some."

What's the meaning of ripe? A: the meaning of ripe is fully grown up, like strawberry is green before it's ripe.
What is some?A: here some means someone.
What's the meaning of " it takes longer for some"? A: Like fruits take some time to be ripe, some fruit takes short time like a week, some fruit takes long time like 6 weeks.here means it takes longer time for someone than others.

"Is that true?" Pete wondered. " probably," they said. " Let's play in the sand!"

Wonder means want to know

Why did pete want to know if it's true?A: Because he was different, he wanted to be same.
Did others care?Why? A: no, they didn't care. Because they were same.

" Oh, no,"cried Pete," I havefour feet. No one else has four feet."

What did Pete find out this time?A: He found out that he has four feet and every one else is two feet.
How did Pete find out he had four feet?A: He mightfound out that when he laid his back on the sand pits and his all four feet were up in the air.   (read the picture and use some imagination)

" You're lucky, Pete," said the others. " Two,and two extra. C'mon, Let's go wading"

What were others' responses to Pete's discovery?A: they thought Pete was lucky to have two extra legs.and they didn't care at all.

When did everyone else find out that?A: After Pete told them his discovery, they all laid their back on the sand pits with two feet up in the air. ( once again, picture and imagination)

Pete tried to feel lucky.Before long he was having fun.

What were Pete and others doing on the picture? A: Others were wading in the water. Pete was jumping into the water.
Who was having more fun?Pete or others?A: I think Pete was having more fun, because he could jump and jumpping is more fun than just walking.
Did Pete find he is lucky?A: Maybe, he was having fun. He looked very happy.

"Stop!" said the others, laughing."You're getting our feathers wet."

What did others say?A: They asked Pete to stop.
Why did they want Pete to stop?   A: Because Pete's splashed water to wet their feathers.
Did they like to be wet?A: No, that's why they stopped Pete.
Did Pete like to be wet?A: Yes, he is totally in the water now.
Why was Pete not afraid to get wet?A: Maybe he has no feathers.(or, if you already know who alligator is, you would like to say: because he is a alligator and he can swim in the water.)

一叶知秋 发表于 2012-9-18 14:09:05


wltjc 发表于 2012-9-18 16:22:51


嘉欣 发表于 2012-9-18 17:49:19


露冷风清 发表于 2012-9-19 10:51:38


--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-19 15:22:21

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-19 16:09 编辑

阅读问题反馈:Tim,目前熟练了Wemberly Worried,另一篇因为家里打印机的问题,目前还没开始看。就目前熟练的一篇出现的问题先提出:1、目前跟不上音频的阅读语速,但可以自己看着书阅读,速度一般。2、部分单词不认识,但会自己拼读。如:crack,radiator,chains,bolts,alway,especially,rub,enough, halloween,neighborhood,parade,stripes,bring,hate,snack,parents,peeked.
3、句子的翻译不是很清楚。简单的句子可以自己理解,长点的单词自己不能理解,在翻译的时候感觉太较真,喜欢句字翻译。如: and noise the radiators made. 他会翻译成:燥音散热器制造。像When Wemberly was especially worried ,she rubbed Petal's ears.Wemberly worried that if she didn'tstop worrying, Petal would have no ears left at all.这样的句子,基本不会翻译。还有
On halloween,Werberly worried that there would be too many butterflies in the neighborhood parade.另外,Tim在翻译时喜欢较字较句,比如On halloween这句里,一定要弄清be是什么意思。像第一句里的Werberly worried about everything.他会较真里面的about的是什么意思,但自己能解释:Werberly 担心一切事物。

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-19 16:24:42

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-19 15:22 static/image/common/back.gif
阅读问题反馈:Tim,目前熟练了Wemberly Worried,另一篇因为家里打印机的问题,目前还没开始看。就目前熟练 ...

1,Tim 读绘本的时候明白什么是 worried 吗?
    可能用不太好解释什么是 worried,那么可以问小朋友:
   Are you worried?
   What do you worry about?

2,Tim 读绘本的时候有没有看图画? 有没有注意到图画和文字的关系? 有没有读图画里面的文字?

       Crack 可以看到绘本图画上面的墙上的裂痕,妈妈可以带着孩子一起去找找家里的墙上是否有crack, 再来想一想, What caused crack?What might happen?

       radiators 南方的家庭很少有,可是北方的家庭都会有, 就是散热片, 水汀, 图画上的文字是 what if there's a snake inside?为什么呢? 因为水汀会有蒸汽冒出来, 兹兹的声音,好像蛇一样

       chains,bolts 这些就是游乐场上的 秋千的铁链, 还有 滑梯上的螺丝, 图画上的文字是: too rusty, too loose, too high, 分别是针对 chains, bolts, bars来的, rusty是生锈, loose相对而言就是tight 的反义词,所以看下tim是不是能够明白两者之间联系,通过图和图画上的文字来明白生词的意思。

       always, 是all the time 的意思, 说的是, 他 总是担心自己的玩偶, 图片上是三个场景:inthe car---shouldn't Petal have a car seat, too?by wash machine--- I'll wait for you Petal,can't find his doll---- Petel's lost forever..... see, he worried about his doll all the time.

       rub 是一个动词, 你可以让他告诉你,出现rub 这个单词的那一页, Wemberly在做什么?猜一猜 rub 和 Petal‘s ears的关系。

       enough, 这个可以结合上下文来理解, 前一个worry,是 他担心没人来参加他的party, but now, what happened? all his friends have come to the party.so next question is, will their friends eat birthday cake?will everyone come to the party get one? ...... Maybe friends come to the party are more than Wemberly expected, he hasn't prepare a big cake for his friends, so.... some friends will not get the cake. That means no enough cake, or, Wemberly's mommy did prepare a very big cake and everyone come to the party will get a piece of cake. that means enough cake.

      halloween is a festivel in American. In halloween we will have a party or a parade ( gather together and walk in the street all together) to our neighbour ( who live next to our house/ door)

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-19 16:26:53

文章不要翻译 , 现在我们不讲语法, 只讲语感, 所谓语感就是读的时候一定要读清楚,读顺,虽然不知道怎么用,可是以后讲的时候,会自然而然的搭配出来。

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-19 16:43:23


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-19 17:43:40

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-19 16:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Tim在看绘本的时候,没注意看图片,没能把文字与图片结合起来看。基本是以读文字为主,习惯不懂的单词查字典 ...

虽然我一直说, 绘本不是光拿来学英文用的, 还有很多其它的功能, 不过, 既然这里我们用它来学英文, 来激发小朋友的兴趣,我们就一定要利用好绘本的特点: 图文并茂。 所以小朋友们拿到绘本的时候,可以先自己看看:

1, 通过封面猜内容:
看一看绘本的封面和标题猜一猜,绘本的内容是什么?如果遇到不认识的单词,也没有关系, 想不明白也不要紧,带着问题读绘本,看看读完是不是能明白?
a color of his own----认识这个动物吗? 这个动物叫什么? 他的特征是什么?标题中的his是不是这个动物呢?
Do you know this animal?
What is his name?
Is this book about a chameleon?
Is his color means chameleon's color?
Dose chameleon has his own color?

For Pete's sake----这个标题比较难理解, 没关系, 先看封面, 看看封面透露了什么信息?
Who is Pete?
Do you know the animals on the page?
Who is the green one?
Who is the pink one?
What are they doing? are they talking? What are the talking about?

Wemberly worried---这个标题实际比较简单, worried,弄清楚worried 意思就好, 再看封面:
I think the little mouse is called Wemberly.
What is he doing now?
How does he look like?
Does he look happy? Does he look angry? Does he look worried?
What did he worry about?
What do you do when you worry?

Worried 是不及物动词,所以当后面带有宾语的时候,要用about

Miss Nelson is missing----这个比较好理解, 明白Miss和missing的意思就行了, 而在国外的课堂里面,我们不称老师为teacher,我们称Miss或者Mr. 再加老师的姓, 所以可以理解的是,这个老师姓 Nelson。 Missing 的意思是, can not be found
What do you see from the cover page of the book?
Who are those children?Arethey students?
Why are they sitting together? Are they sitting in the classroom?
What else you see in the classroom?


想一想这本书和自己有没有联系: a color of his own----想一想自己有没有颜色, 如果自己有颜色,是什么颜色呢?

What do you do when you worry? ---Wemberly worried

Have you ever seen a crocodile? a flamingo? are they friends?----for pete's sake

What's your classroom look like? ---Miss Nelson is missing

3,看图说话+ 读绘本的文字,
What do I see? 我看见了什么?
What do I read? 我读到了什么?
Is the picture I see related to the words I read? 我看到的图和我读的文字相关吗?
What else I see but I didn't read from text? 有哪些是我看到的,但文字中没有的?
What else I read from text but not showed in the picture? 有哪些是文字中有的, 但是图上看不到的。


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查看完整版本: 经典绘本朗读组 (226楼 年终总结)