淼淼的妈妈 发表于 2012-9-19 19:58:40

本帖最后由 tigermom 于 2012-9-21 14:04 编辑

Uh-oh.Pete didn't have any feathers.
"The best feathers take the longest to grow,"they said."Hurry,it's getting late."

What did flamingos tell Pete about his feathers?
They thought he didn't have any feathers because they weren't grown yet.
Would Pete have feathers finally?
According to flamingos, yes Pete would have his feathers finally.

The others hurried home.

Flamingos went to home in a hurry.

But poor,green,featherless Pete poked along on his four feet...

.........very,very slowly.

Pete didn't want to go home.
Why didn't he want to go home? A: He was not sure about himself. He had so many differences comparing to others: different color(gree, pink), different numbers of feet (4,2),different about feather (featherless)

Nothing could cheer him up.

Then one daysome strangers stopped by on their way to the swamp.Flamingos who looked just like Pete.
Pete almost popped with joy.

"I'm different but the same,"he told the others.
"Well for Pete's sake,Pete,"they said."You always have been."

淼淼的妈妈 发表于 2012-9-19 20:12:24

本帖最后由 淼淼的妈妈 于 2012-9-19 20:14 编辑

因为孩子学了phonics 不是很久,每拿到一本书,孩子先看图,然后再读,读的过程中遇到不会拼的给提醒一下,然后我再给读一遍,把估计孩子不会的单词解释一下,再把不会拼的那些加强一下,接下来问一些问题。接下来听几遍音频,隔天再读。孩子不爱跟读,语音语调还是个问题,这个不知有什么好的方法。

kadafeiji 发表于 2012-9-20 06:09:52


kadafeiji于2012-9-20 06:09补充以下内容:

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:40:02

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 11:04 编辑

Wemberly worried

Wemberly worried about everything.

Big things ,

little things , and things in between.

Wemberly worried in the morning.
She worried at night.
And she worried throughout the day.

“You worry too much” , said her mother.
“When you worry , I worry” , said her father.
“Worry , worry ,worry” , said her grandmother.
“Too much worry.”

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:42:45

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 14:55 编辑

At home , Wemberly worried about the tree in front yard ,

and the crack , in the living room wall , and the noise the radiators made.

At the playground , Wemberly worried about the chains on the swings , and the bolts on the slide , and the bars on the jungle gym.

And always , she worried about her doll , Petal.

“Don’t worry , ” said her mother.
“Don’t worry , ” said her father.
But Wemberly worried .
She worried and worried and worried.

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:43:11

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 14:59 编辑

When Wemberly was especially worried , she rubbed Petal’s ears.
Wemberly worried that if she didn’t stop worrying , Petal would have no ear left at all.

On her birthday , Wemberly worried that no one would come to her party.
“See”, said her mother , “there was nothing to worry about.”

But then Wenberly worried that there wouldn’t enough cake.

On Halloween , Wemberly worried that there would be too many butterflies in the neighborhood parade.
“See”, said her father , “there was nothing to worry about.”
But then Wemberly worried because she was the only one .

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:43:31

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 15:01 编辑

“You worry too much” , said her mother.
“When you worry , I worry” , said her father.
“Worry , worry ,worry” , said her grandmother.
“Too much worry.”

Soon , Wemberly had a new worry : school.
Wemberly worried about the start of school more than anything she had ever worried about before .

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:44:06

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 15:05 编辑

By the time the first day arrived , Wemberly had a long list of worries.
What if no one else spots?
What if no one else wears stripes?
What if no one else bring’s a doll?
What if the teacher is mean?
What if the room smells bad ?

What if they mdke fun of my name?
What if I can’t find the bathroom?
What if I hate the snack?
What if I have to cry ?

“Don’t worry , ” said her mother.
“Don’t worry , ” said her father.
But Wemberly worried .
She worried and worried and worried.

She worried all the way there.

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:44:25

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 15:10 编辑

While Wemberly’s parents talks to the teacher , Mrs Peachum , Wemberly looked around the room.
Then Mrs Peachum said , “Wemberly , there is someone I think you should meet .”

Her name wsa Jewel.
She was standing by herself.
She was wearing stripes.
She was holding a doll.

At first , Wenberly and Jewel just peeked at each other.
“This is Petal”, said Wemberly .
“This is Nibblet ”,said Jewel.

Petal waved Nibblet waved back .
“Hi,” said Petal
“Hi ,”said Nibblet
“I rub her ears ”,said Wemberly .
“I rub her nose ”,said Jewel.

Throughout the morning , Wemberly and Jewe sat side by side and played together whenever they could .
Petal and Nibblet sat side by side , too.

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-20 10:44:47

本帖最后由 --乐乐融融-- 于 2012-9-20 15:12 编辑

Wemberly worried .
But no more than usual.
And sometimes even less.
Before Wemberly knew it , it was time to go home .

“Come back , tomorrow ,” called Mrs Peachum , as the students walked out the door .

Wemberly turned and smiled and waved .
“I will ,” she said , “Don’t worry.”

筱筱开心 发表于 2012-9-20 12:05:01


jingdaihuakai 发表于 2012-9-20 21:53:09

本帖最后由 jingdaihuakai 于 2012-9-20 21:54 编辑

For pete's sake对开本,这个版本看起来比较舒服一些,给Rita打印的彩页就是这样对开装订的,故事情境容易对应起来。

子墨妈妈 发表于 2012-9-21 09:19:39

报名, michael 男孩子 6岁半

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-21 09:42:41

阅读问题反馈:Tim昨晚开始看Miss Nelson is Missing.
对于题目的理解Tim解释为:Nelson 不见了。
第一句:The kids in Room 207 were misbehaving again.他会拼读出来,但因为misbehaving不明白是什么意思,就一直想去查字典,这次没让他查,非让他看图来理解。最后,他解释为:这些小孩子又在207班玩耍。
第二句:Spitballs stuck to the ceiling . 这句也是会拼读,但有三个单词不理解,spitball 知道后面是球,说不出是什么球。stuck t ceiling不知道是什么意思,看图也说不来。
第三句:Paper planes whizzed through the air .解释为:纸飞机在天上满天飞。
第四句:They were the worst-behaved class in the whole school.这句只能解释出整个学校,前面的理解不出来。

我想问下虎妈,Tim 这样会读,理解比较难,基本一句话,有一两个单词不认识,他就理解不出来了。给他报B组,会不会太难了,我们接下来的训练要纠结在翻译上吗?

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-21 11:34:35

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-21 09:42 static/image/common/back.gif
阅读问题反馈:Tim昨晚开始看Miss Nelson is Missing.
我们一直是比较纠结翻译,他也没怎么看图,这次按虎 ...

阅读问题反馈:Tim昨晚开始看Miss Nelson is Missing.
对于题目的理解Tim解释为:Nelson 不见了。
第一句:The kids in Room 207 were misbehaving again.他会拼读出来,但因为misbehaving不明白是什么意思,就一直想去查字典,这次没让他查,非让他看图来理解。最后,他解释为:这些小孩子又在207班玩耍。
第二句:Spitballs stuck to the ceiling . 这句也是会拼读,但有三个单词不理解,spitball 知道后面是球,说不出是什么球。stuck t ceiling不知道是什么意思,看图也说不来。
第三句:Paper planes whizzed through the air .解释为:纸飞机在天上满天飞。
第四句:They were the worst-behaved class in the whole school.这句只能解释出整个学校,前面的理解不出来。

我想问下虎妈,Tim 这样会读,理解比较难,基本一句话,有一两个单词不认识,他就理解不出来了。给他报B组,会不会太难了,我们接下来的训练要纠结在翻译上吗?

1, Why is Miss Nelson missing?
What do you see from the cover page of the book?
Do you see a black board?
Do you see a empty desk?
Do you see children sitting together quietly?

Who are those children?Are they students?
Why are they sitting together? Are they sitting in the classroom?
What else you see in the classroom?
Who else should be in the classroom but he/she is not there?
Who is their teacher?

看图的时候,可以想一想,这是在什么地方? 这个地方小朋友都整整齐齐地坐着,面向一个方向,还有一个讲台,小朋友的身后是一块大大的黑板, 这是什么地方呢? 这就是训练小朋友的观察能力和推理能力。然后再顺着这个思路,小朋友应该很快就能猜出这是classroom, 那么小朋友们在干什么呢? They are waiting for teacher。 在这幅画里面还有谁应该出现却没有出现呢?The teacher。 谁是他们的老师呢? Miss Nelson could be the teacher. but She is not there. She is missing.

Why is Miss Nelson missing---带着这个问题去读本书效果会更好点。
如果孩子一下子回答不出来,可以启发式提问:What could happened to Miss Nelson?
Is Miss Nelson sick?

2, The kids in Room 207 were misbehaving again.
misbehave 是 behave前面加了个mis, behave 字典上是to conduct (oneself)in proper manner ,misbehave正好是相反的意思。
Spitballs stuck to the ceiling
spitballs----paper chewed and rolled into a ball to be thrown or shot as a missile
spitball 也是两个单词组成:spit 和ball, spit是吐出的意思, spitball顾名思义也就是嘴里弹射出来的球。

Paper planes whizzed through the air
They were the worst-behaved class in the whole school.
在这里 behave 和前面的mis-behave联系起来了。

What do you see?
What's teacher doing?
What are those children doing?
Are they playing in the classroom?
Are they facing to teacher?
Is their classoom clean and tidy?

Are those children good students?Why?
No, because they are playing spitball and paper plane when teacher is teaching in the classroom.And they don't even facing to teacher.

这本书是比较难,有些文字并没有用画面表达出来,后面的内容更是大段的,估计他读起来也是不顺的, 图画部分也是不太清楚,有些小细节像他这样没经过看图说话训练的孩子是不太容易看出细节的,建议您暂时先不读这本书。

--乐乐融融-- 发表于 2012-9-21 14:48:19


peachbaby928 发表于 2012-9-22 22:51:32


Jannyzhou 发表于 2012-9-23 11:26:28


悠悠鹿鸣 发表于 2012-9-23 14:26:33


xiexiao0 发表于 2012-9-23 21:42:36


zhukaifeng 发表于 2012-9-23 22:02:01


niuli 发表于 2012-9-23 22:41:40

Miss Nelson is Missing
这个绘本,我是给孩子先听的音频,孩子很感兴趣,我趁机讲了一遍绘本。接下来,孩子不停地要听Miss Nelson is Missing, 经常是吃顿饭的功夫听上两三遍。她特别喜欢Miss Viola Swamp一边敲着尺子一边恶狠狠教训学生的语气;后面出现脚步声,Miss Nelson重新出现的音乐也常常让她阳光灿烂地笑起来。音频是很奇妙的东西,就这么让孩子着迷了,今天出门前突然模仿着Miss Viola Swamp 的声音,怪里怪气地说了句“Never mind that."

niuli 发表于 2012-9-23 22:49:09

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-13 21:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Wemberly Worried资源中还提供了剧本呵呵,一共有10个角色:


铮铮666 发表于 2012-9-24 00:02:46


yingyi2003 发表于 2012-9-24 13:15:10


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-24 13:52:23

9月21日的活动进行很顺利,真的是出乎我的预料, 大家都很配合,完全没有浪费时间, 一共有12名小朋友参加活动, 大部分的孩子都有在家里每天自己练习,可以听得出熟练程度不是假的。 两本绘本都有孩子朗读,相对来说 a color of his own 读的孩子多一点, 这本书其实,文字都不难, 但是句子有比较长,好些个从句, 稍后,我把孩子们的音频放上来再稍稍点评一下, 另外,针对孩子们的问题,我也是在活动当中特别做了些说明, 主要是请小朋友们注意一下发音, 有些单词的拼读不太正确,比如chameleon,Pete, 这些不太常见的单词会拼错,为什么呢? Pete看成了Peter, Chameleon \kə-ˈmēl-yən\的Ch 发成了chair的ch音,好像还不是一个孩子出现这样的问题, 因为我们孩子可能想到了chair,没有接触过 chemistry,chemical, chaos这样的单词, 所以这样的单词还是要仔细听音频的,这也是我们为什么要给大家音频的原因。

熟练程度以后追求什么,其实,应该是准确程度放在第一步,然后是熟练程度,再来就是语音语调和断句。准确是第一位的,因为发音不准确,不仅影响到读,也影响到听,你想啊,明明是这样的发音,你发成了别的音,再听到别人的发音时,你能辨认出来吗?所以,拿到音频,先听一遍,尽量听里面都有哪些单词,大概讲的是什么意思, 再来朗读,读完以后自己录音,再来关上书自己听听看是不是自己能够听懂,再听听原声音频看自己的朗读和音频中是否有差别, 这样才会知道自己的问题在哪,才会有提高。

准确除了每个单词读对以外,再来追求每个时态、语态读准确,这个我也有举例,all animals have a color of their own,这一句就要注意animals (后面的"s")要读清楚,因为animal是可数名词,复数形式需要带S,所以我们读的时候要习惯读复数形式的animal,就是要把s发音读清楚,习惯读了,我们以后才会习惯说复数形式的animal。类似的,同时animals和have是配对出现的, 与之相配对的还有 their own ,所以这句一定要把这些都读清楚了,为什么这样说? 因为我们虽然在讲英文的时候不强调语法,为鼓励小朋友们开口说英文,都不要求家长做语法警察,但是这并不代表语法不重要,刚开始学英文的孩子完全没有语法的概念,所以我们只能在平时的朗读中强调语法的重要性,通过读对每一个时态语态培养语感,读熟练了,以后才能出口成章。

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-24 13:55:04


A 组活动绘本


Eric Carle的两本书:

The very hungry Caterpillar

Today is Monday

根据小朋友的水平,我降低了A组绘本的难度,Eric Carle的两本书,其实也是讲星期和食物的,这个难度对孩子们来说应该也是没有问题的。


tigermom 发表于 2012-9-24 14:24:03

10月12日 B 组活动

Doreen Cronin的绘本

Click, Clack, Moo Cows

Giggle Giggle Quack


我爱雨儿 发表于 2012-9-24 14:40:15


jt008947 发表于 2012-9-24 15:22:21

tigermom 发表于 2012-9-24 13:52 static/image/common/back.gif
9月21日的活动进行很顺利,真的是出乎我的预料, 大家都很配合,完全没有浪费时间, 一共有12名小朋友参加活 ...

拿到音频,先听一遍,尽量听里面都有哪些单词,大概讲的是什么意思, 再来朗读,读完以后自己录音,再来关上书自己听听看是不是自己能够听懂,再听听原声音频看自己的朗读和音频中是否有差别, 这样才会知道自己的问题在哪,才会有提高。

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查看完整版本: 经典绘本朗读组 (226楼 年终总结)