  • 2013.8.31 A dinosaur story One day, the Triceratops (三角龙)wakesup and they make a noisy "Rrrrr……" At the all dinosaurs wake up, the fly dinosaur wake up and flap his wing and fly. The T.Rex(暴龙)come here and they eat these meat. All come here and they have happliy forever ...
  • 2013年8月28日 Graveyard party Once upon a time, There was a little boy,his name was called Jim. Jim has a big brother. "Tomorrow you birthday is coming." said Jim's mom to him. On that day, Jim's friends are all come . His friends have Jelly,Jimio,Summy and Politi(昭昭说的人名昭妈基本 ...
  • 2013.8.18 Detector Car One day, a detector was inhis bedroom. Ding ling ling…… "Wow, the museum three things were lost, I will be right there." "wrrr……" "Look, I will find the thief." One mancame, "What are you doing?" said the man. "I'm looking for a thief."said the dete ...
  • 2013年7月27日 昭昭参加图书馆的英语角,本周主题是观看过的原版电影。昭昭给老外讲了一个《冰川时代之恐龙的黎明》。其实这个电影昭昭本身没有看过,或者说看过其中的一部的一小部分。但是家里有《冰川时代》的三本漫画,当年是昭昭的最爱,所以这次,昭昭是通过漫画的情节来复述的。 说明:树懒昭昭不会说,他用& ...
  • 2013年7月21日 复述性故事,根据动画片《海底探险》中的一个故事,我看过,知道大概意思,但是从来没认真听过。所以这次昭昭复述的过程中,其中好多短语单词我都没有听懂,类似动画片里的人名啊,昭昭给我解释了很多次,没辙,我自己又重新看了一次动画片,理解了里面我不懂的内容,这也说明,我的听力和词汇 ...
  • 昭昭一千零一夜(6) 2013年7月14日 早 Once upon a time, there was a XXX bird, his name was Qiuqiu bird. One day, QQ bird got a newhome, that house name was tree house. "I will call my friend" said QQ bird. And Goby fish swimed here, the lizard climbed here, all in the  ...
  • 2013年7月10日 Goby's holiday. Long long ago,there wasa fish, his name was Goby. One day, Goby fish said:"Can we have a holiday?" "Yes." said Goby fish mom. "We can ride on Goby fish camping car." "We are ready." said Goby fish. The camping car stopped. "This is we(our) bed.Sleeping time."sa ...
  • 2013年7月7日 Long long ago,there was a traiin,his name was Oliver. One day,it was the Christmas eve, "Tomorrow night,can I have a gift?" said the Oliver. "Yes." said mom."But you must make good and the Father Christmas make some good things." "If you do that ,you can have gift." There was the thir ...
  • Gorilla 奇遇记 2013年7月1日晚 Onceupon a time,there was a little gorilla. His name was Gorilla. One day,Gorilla played with his friend plane at themother gorilla's garden. The plane said:"Let's play." The gorilla didn't play,he into a tunnel. He saw some monsters:big monsters ...
  • 2013年6月29日 《小汽车奇遇记》 Onceupon a time,there was a car,his name wasFlying car. One day,the Flying car said to the big flying car:"Can I play with my friend?" The flying car into the little ship's house. "Ding dong"the little flying car went intoa ...