changyizhao 发表于 2015-12-4 13:27:06


lisp200410 发表于 2015-12-5 14:11:49

一直想加入加州pre K 的学习,但是该如何加入呢?好像爸妈网有一个加州学习的,但是是从G开始的

jiemingfang 发表于 2015-12-6 15:07:56


aiko我啊我啊 发表于 2015-12-7 17:11:06


guoniuer 发表于 2015-12-10 08:52:51

本帖最后由 guoniuer 于 2015-12-10 19:43 编辑


一、交通知识[引自prek-甜甜妈]1、(1)关于red light,green light的game      这个游戏比较简单,我说red light,yellow light,stop,green light,当我说stop,red light时候爸爸,大宝,小宝都不能走,我说green light,yellow light的时候可以走,他们三个谁先走到我跟前谁就盈了,然后就go back,once more,once again的重复。   (2)关于drive the train的game   开始说hello,I am the driver of the train,ok, let‘s go,两个宝宝都喜欢driver,当停下来的时候说who am I?,另外一个人说driver,然后,driver 说ok,get on the train,let us go。进行中可以替换train 为,car,bus,subway,plane, truck,boat,bike。

3、[引自prek-京篮子10]引入transportion的概念,然后做手工。Mom: please color this piece of paper. You can use any color you want. And then, cut this paper, stick the pieces to the colored one.Linda: Ok. I will do it. … Finished! Hooray!Mom: oh! What a great picture. You’re fantastic!Linda: Hahaha~
4、Game Mom: please cut this piece of paper. And we can play a game.Linda: really? Fine.Mom: now we’ll play a guessing game. One of us will hold a card, and give some clues to the other one. The other one has to guess what’s on the card. Now, who is the first one to guess? Linda: you!Mom: OK.Linda: This one. It has two wheels and it doesn’t need gasoline.Mom: A car?Linda: silly mommy. Guess again.Mom: Oh, I see. It’s a bike!Linda: Bingo!Linda: This one flys in the sky and it’s big.Mom: Spaceship?Linda: No, it carry people from one place to another place.Mom: I see, a aeroplane.Linda: yes, bingo!反复玩,每天玩。5、交通规则Linda: I want to draw a picture for you, mum.Mum: Oh, please.Linda: Finished!Mum: what a big surprise! I love it! Look, there is a traffic light. The red one is on the top. The yellow one is in the middle and the green one is at the bottom. Linda, when the red one is on, we should?Linda: Stop!Mum: Yes, and when the yellow one is on, we should slow down.Linda: I see and when the green light is on, we should go go go go go!

二、    Lapbook      Lapbook (主题书)是把一系列相关的资料,汇总后以3D书的方式展现出来。它的形式可以是多样的,可能会带mini小书,带翻翻页,带转盘等等,它需要孩子们把图画,故事,表格等等放上去。你也可以选择任何主题,搜集信息,把它们用各种方式凑在一起。在欧美国家,折向活动常用语家庭教学。也有很多学校会以此作为项目作业。
(1)和妞一起做了freight trian拓展,把每节车厢一节一节连起来。每连一节读一次,不过对每节车厢的名字还是不熟悉。
(2)做了一个简易的火车的lapbook. Oppositions,对于妞来说太简单了,主要是让她知道英语的opposition words。和妞一起做了rhyming words的游戏,先读一遍,然后,我读一组单词,如果是rhyming words,就让妞拍手。

2、[引自prek-enor妈妈]道具:Train Lapbook(1)Numbers Train: Build Numbers Train with Number Cars. 开始的时候丫头做的train不按照数字的顺序的,我观察了一些应该是按照丫头喜欢的颜色的顺序。Can you build your train with numbers order?丫头重新又摆了一次,这次是按照数字顺序了。 M:Are your cars the same?Enor:yes.M:Are they the same color?Enor: No. And the have different number.自己把train拼好以后,Chug Chug Too Too, My train is coming.
(2)Circus Train:Build circus train with animal cars在Animal cars的时候,每次拿出来一张,丫头就会加一些描述在里面,感觉好像是前一阵玩4000词玩出来的. One giraffe.Elephants stand on balls. Tiger is jumping the rope(自己说错啦,嘿嘿). Dog is skating. Seal is playing the ball. Zebra(没有动作的动物还得说个名字,丫头还挺敬业). Monkey is scratching. Lion and the lion tamer. Bear is riding bikes.Ilama.时而会有些单复数的错误,妈妈有时候会给补充一些。M:Are these cars the same?Enor:No(这次学精了). They have different colors, different animals and different toys.M:But they are also the same. The have the same shape. They are the same and different. Did you remember Me and my amazing body?We are all the same because we are all people. But we are all different. Nobody is exactly like you.(忘了原句了,大意是这样,糊弄过去了)
(3)Patterns用拼装好的trains 来玩pattern,先给摆好的拿掉几张,然后来fix.方法跟上周的一致。Pattern再玩的时候最好的办法还是两个人轮流来玩,这样孩子会觉得参与度比较高,兴趣也比较浓一点。这个lapbook上面的内容,丫头一直坚持玩了两天,后面还有用到的地方。
(4)道具:Train Lapbook – Shapes形状: Octagon, triangle, rectangle, square, circleBuild the Engine and the STOP sign with shapes丫头先自己摆了好几次,然后要求妈妈帮,给了一点小提醒,才摆好的。The octagon and and the slim rectangle can build the (sign 空出单词,由丫头来填空)….
(5)道具:Train LapBook , Clown, the little engine that could搭建场景:用数字车厢来代替货物车厢,动物车厢来代替动物玩具,还有一个clown,另外一个engine情节演练:这个书里面长句子比较多,讲的次数不够多,没记住,好多时候翻书看的,对话内容就不赘述了,中间丫头给我的clown抢走,她说她要做clown.
3、[引自prek-杭州宣妈](1):First, show traffic signs, then talk about the traffic rules.We must walk on the side of the road, stop when the red light is on, and use the zebra crossingWe mustn’t cross the street between cars, and play in the street…….Last, we make a lapbook.
(2):孩子根据之前学的traffic signs自己动手画了些另类的 signs,什么no traffic jam,no carry blue berries on the train……之后他把这些signs放在地板上,设计了一个游戏:假装这是条路,然后用彩笔当红绿灯,让我陪他玩drive on the road.
(3):fire safety, what should you do when you hear the fire alarm?1、get up quickly2、leave the room and not take your things   3、not take the lift/ walk down the stairs quickly 4、call 119   5、firefighter come/ put out the fire之后跟孩子玩了这个情景游戏,一连玩了5遍。。。If your clothes catch fire what should you do? Stop drop and roll。 我还给他演了一遍,真是要老命啊!演完了,孩子说:I have a good idea, I go to the big toy fire-engine(他把他的红鞋子当作了消防车),then put the cloth in water, the fire is gone. 然后又陪他演了一遍。最后制作fire safety 的poster. 做完poster,孩子又要求玩firefighter的游戏,他还找了一些材料:用笔当ax,两只恐龙说是fire guns,彩色笔当作breathing hose(说是breathing equipment的氧气没有他的breathing hose的多)。。。演戏的过程说了一句use ax chop the door,虽然有语法错误,但我没想到他还知道chop了,哈哈,容易满足的妈妈!

U6W3   本周的重点是在继续熟悉交通规则的基础上,利用教材开展复述故事。一、复述:1、[引自prek-enor妈妈]道具:Cinderella 手偶用练习册里面的手偶来讲故事。实施的过程中,妈妈做引导,宝宝说其中的内容。(1)Cinderella’s mommy died. Her father married a woman with two step sisters. Two step sisters were very lazy and mean to her. (2)The prince would have a ball. He invited all the girls. Cinderella wanted to go too. But her two step sisters said “No, you should stay at home”. (3)She helped her step sisters dressed up to go to the ball. Cinderella was very sad. Then her fairy god mother appeared. She changed pumpkin into a coach, mice to horses and lizard to the driver. And she changed a beautiful dress and sparkling glass shoes for Cinderella. And told her:”You must be back before 12 o’clock. Or the spell will be break.” Cinderella agreed.(4)Cinderella was so beautiful that the prince danced with her all the night. And Cinderella forgot everything include the time. When the clock struck 12 she remembered everything. She has to go without a goodbye to the prince. She is so hurry that she left one of her glass shoe before the palace.……
2、[引自prek-杭州宣妈]重读the little engine that could,为了便于retell,还搭了little engine和cars,在我的帮助下,磕磕绊绊地完成了retell。It is a little happy engine, he carried many cars, and his cars were filled with toys dolls and good things. ..
3、[引自prek-嘉嘉妈]Retell story裸听了《peppa pig》之《mr dianosure》这一集,我提了5个问题,1) What's george's favorate toy?2)   what happened to Mr Dianosore?3)   what are the family doing?4) where are they looking for Mr Dianosure?5) At last, where did they find Mr dianosur?娃可以用英语回答问题,他的答案还都是蹦单词,整句输出还不行。通过对5个问题的回答,能够用汉语复述故事。
二 游戏:1、[引自prek-enor妈妈]道具:快递纸箱子,胶带纸(1)Build a train with the box. 丫头和妈妈一起动手,I.                   We use the sticky tape to connect the two boxes. II.                The train needs wheels. We can draw them and color themIII.             Get all the toys in the carIV.             This is my telescope. “All aboard.” CHoo…CHoo…Let’s go.

2、[引自prek-成都妞妈]让妞抽一张卡片,说出英语,然后做了hunt的游戏,我先藏,妞去找,找到后说:It’s a XX,I can ride in XX。然后妞藏,我来找,这么个简单低幼的游戏妞竟然十分投入及喜欢。
3、[引自prek-杭州宣妈]guessing game, 一开始是我说,孩子猜,后来是我们轮流出一个让对方猜,这里记录下孩子让我猜的。D:The vehicle can fly, but it has no wings, it don’t look like airplane, what’s that?Me: helicopterD:this vehicle can ride very fast, it is a road vehicle, and it has two wheels, what’s it?Me: motorcycle, 这里我提醒他可以说:this vehicle has two wheels and one engineD:the vehicle is bigger than boat, it can travel on water, what’s it?M: ship
4、在地毯上排了些图片,问孩子:Me: Which transportation can you see in the air?D: planeMe: what else?D: helicopterMe: which transportation can you see on the road?......
5:找节奏clap your hands,背靠背,让孩子听我的节奏,模仿出来。
三、lapbook 复习1、[引自prek-enor妈妈]道具:消防员的lapbook(1)Color the fire hydrant.(涂到红色的时候,丫头说,this is right.)(2)Match the shadows and objects(3)Patterns(4)Count(5)Spell her name Enor
2、[引自prek-杭州宣妈]在train 的lapbook 里剪下了不同的形状: circles, rectangles, square, octagon, and triangles. 然后Octagon 释词:a flat shape with eight straight sides and eight angles. Can you use these shapes to make a train? 这里那根细长的rectangle放哪里是想了一会儿的。Can you make a traffic light? 这个完成的很快,但是貌似我搞错了,应该是stop sign。最后play a game: pretend to drive a train, choo choo off we go

U6W4这个单元主要是总结本月学习内容。主要目的查错补漏,巩固学习内容1、[引自prek-enor妈妈]道具:Consonant Sounds Sorting cards(1) * word starts with * sound. 认物说单词 然后再找出这个单词的第一个发音,然后贴到相对应的那一页上 卡片数量比较多 连续两天也没有全部贴完 倒是提起了丫头对单词发音的兴趣。碰见个单词能90%的说对start sound. 这个在平时的阅读里面,碰到丫头重复的单词,可以顺带着一起玩一下这个,乐此不疲的,玩的还开心。
(2)道具:自制跑道,遥控车又是跟妈妈比赛的节奏,陪玩到底,最后还被丫头的汽车撞到大脚豆,疼死了。The rule is you should always drive on the road. Or you'll fall in the river and you’ll fail..
(3)道具:Transportation的sight word卡片知识点: 对各种车辆的复习 然后每本小书的内容如下:Truck. A truck. A big truck. I see a big truck. 通过后一页比前一页多一个单词的这种方式,来熟悉sight word
(5)最近迷恋贝贝熊,针对Unit主题,对Bike Lessons跟丫头侧重学习了一下。
2、[引自prek-成都妞妈](1):和妞一起做了transportation poster.让妞熟悉交通工具使用的场所.

(2):做了what can I wear与天气有关的练习,算是对天气的复习吧。
(3):看绘本组,这个游戏拓展得很不错,觉得很有意思,flying saucer也算一种交通工具吧,于是顺了这个拓展,妞很喜欢,JY歌好听。

3、[引自prek-嘉嘉妈妈]1重读了Macy’s Bus,用牙签插在泡沫塑料上,牙签上贴纸,写 No1, No2, 做站牌。在每个房子上,写上娃同学的英文名,然后校车经过,同学上车,开到学校。可惜没照相。设备:地垫、车,站牌

guoniuer 发表于 2015-12-10 13:04:29

lisp200410 发表于 2015-12-5 14:11
一直想加入加州pre K 的学习,但是该如何加入呢?好像爸妈网有一个加州学习的,但是是从G开始的

加州部落绘本启蒙 252857010

guoniuer 发表于 2015-12-10 13:05:20

wintersun1111 发表于 2015-12-2 23:12

加州部落绘本启蒙 252857010

wintersun1111 发表于 2015-12-10 22:17:38

guoniuer 发表于 2015-12-10 13:05
加州部落绘本启蒙 252857010


玄机小宝 发表于 2015-12-11 10:32:36


玄机小宝 发表于 2015-12-11 10:33:00


xm1315linda 发表于 2015-12-11 10:33:23


xm1315linda 发表于 2015-12-11 10:33:53


lddqkf 发表于 2015-12-11 10:35:09


一宝贝滴麻麻 发表于 2015-12-11 10:37:26


i_am_pauline 发表于 2015-12-11 10:37:29


双生子 发表于 2015-12-11 10:38:19


maggiejing 发表于 2015-12-11 10:52:31


babyyoho 发表于 2015-12-11 11:27:59

回帖是美德 加油小伙伴:lol

6889267 发表于 2015-12-18 13:47:33


juezi 发表于 2015-12-18 13:48:06


lddqkf 发表于 2015-12-18 13:51:44


xuanye53 发表于 2015-12-18 13:59:52


hewt03 发表于 2015-12-18 14:02:16

xuanye53 发表于 2015-12-18 13:59


Edna918549 发表于 2015-12-18 14:02:18


月儿028 发表于 2015-12-18 14:06:29


双生子 发表于 2015-12-18 14:09:38


dianejin 发表于 2015-12-18 14:23:06


jerry_jia 发表于 2015-12-18 14:40:43


changyizhao 发表于 2015-12-18 14:42:03


linger220 发表于 2015-12-22 13:34:08

本帖最后由 linger220 于 2015-12-22 13:42 编辑



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