melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-8 17:24:30

From Head to Toe --- by Eric Carle

I am a penguin and I turn my head.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing于2012-5-8 17:24补充以下内容:
I am a giraffe and I bend my neck.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing于2012-5-8 17:24补充以下内容:
I am a buffalo and I raise my shoulders.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing于2012-5-8 17:25补充以下内容:
I am a monkey and I wave my arms.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing于2012-5-8 17:25补充以下内容:
I am a monkey and I wave my arms.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-8 17:25:57

I am a seal and I clap my hands.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

I am a gorilla and I thump my chest.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-8 17:26:24

I am a cat and I arch my back
Can you do it?
I can do it.

I am a crocodile and I wriggle my hips.
Can you do it?
I can do it.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 09:27:44

Doctor De Soto, the dentist...
did very good work,|so he had no end of patients.
Those close to his own size...|moles, chipmunks, et cetera...
sat in the regular|dentist's chair.
Larger animals sat on the floor.
For extra large animals,|he had a special room.
Doctor De Soto was especially|popular with the big animals.
He was able to work|inside their mouths...
wearing rubbers|to keep his feet dry.
His fingers were so delicate,|and his drill so dainty...
they could hardly feel any pain.
Being a mouse,|he refused to treat animals...
dangerous to mice,|and he said so on his sign.
Doctor De Soto and his wife|wouldn't admit...
even the most timid-Iooking cat.
One day,|when the doorbell rang...
they looked out and saw|a well-dressed fox...
with a flannel bandage|around his jaw.
I cannot treat you, sir!
Sir! Haven't you read my sign?
Have mercy, I'm suffering!
Just a moment!
That poor fox!
What shall we do?
Let's risk it!
Bless your little hearts!
I beg you, do something!
My tooth is killing me!
Sit on the floor, sir...
and remove the bandage, please.
The fox had a rotten bicuspid|and unusually bad breath.
This tooth|will have to come out.
But we can make you a new one.
Just stop the pain!
Keep open!
Wide open!
Despite his misery,|the fox realized...
he had a tasty little morsel|in his mouth.
I'm giving you gas now.
You won't feel a thing|when I yank that tooth.
Soon the fox was in dreamland.
Mmm, yummy.
How I love them raw|with just a pinch of salt...
and a dry white wine.
They could guess|what he was dreaming about.
I'm bleeding!
The worst is over.
I'll have your new tooth|ready tomorrow.
Be here at:sharp.
On his way home,|the fox wondered...
if it would be shabby of him|to eat the De Sotos...
when the job was done.
After office hours...
Mrs. De Soto molded a tooth|of pure gold and polished it.
Raw with salt, indeed!
How foolish to trust a fox!
He didn't know|what he was saying.
Why should he harm us?
We're helping him.
Because he's a fox!
They're wicked,|wicked creatures!
That night, the De Sotos|lay awake worrying.
Should we let him in tomorrow?
Once I start a job, I finish it.
My father was the same way.
But we must do something|to protect ourselves.
They talked and talked|until they formed a plan.
The next morning,|promptly at:...
a very cheerful fox turned up.
He was feeling|not a particle of pain.
Just a joke!
Be serious! We have work to do!
The fox caressed the new tooth|with his tongue.
My, it feels good!
I really shouldn't eat them.
On the other hand,|how can I resist?
We're not finished.
I have here a remarkable|preparation...
developed only recently|by my wife and me.
With just one application...
you can be rid|of toothaches forever!
How would you like to be|the first one...
to receive|this unique treatment?
I certainly would!
I'd be honored!
The fox hated any kind|of personal pain.
You will never|have to see us again!
No one will see you again.
He had definitely made up|his mind to eat them...
with the help|of his brand new tooth.
Doctor De Soto stepped|into the fox's mouth...
with a bucket of|secret formula...
and proceeded|to paint each tooth.
Now close your jaws tight...
and keep them closed|for a full minute.
The fox did as he was told.
Then he tried to open|his mouth...
but his teeth|were stuck together!
Ah, excuse me,|I should have mentioned...
you won't be able to open|your mouth for a day or two!
The secret formula must first|permeate the dentine.
But don't worry.
No pain ever again!
The fox was stunned.
He stared at Doctor De Soto,|then at his wife.
They smiled and waited.
All he could do was say,|"Frank oo berry mush"...
through his clenched teeth,|and get up and leave.
He tried to do so with dignity.
Then he stumbled down the stairs|in a daze.
Doctor De Soto and his assistant|had outfoxed the fox.
They kissed each other...
and took the rest of|the day off.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 09:28:16

Belinda the Ballerina
Once there was a ballerina named Belinda. Belinda loved to dance. She went to dancing school every day and practiced very hard. She was graceful and light on her feet. But Belinda had a big problem—two big problems: her left foot and her right foot. Her feet weren’t a problem as far as Belinda was concerned. But they were a problem at the audition for the Annual Ballet Recital. The judges took one look at her feet and yelled, “STOP RIGHT THERE!” “Egad!” said Sir Fostercheese the Third. “Your feet are as big as boats!” “They’re like flippers!” said George Peach Crumbcake, the notedNew Yorkcritic. And Winona Busywitch, who wrote for all the dance magazines, just shook her head and stared. Belinda didn’t even get to audition. The judges said, “Go home. You will never be a dancer—not with those feet.” Belinda was sad. She stayed sad for a long time. “Maybe the judges are right. Maybe my feet are just too big for a dancer,” she thought. So Belinda stopped dancing. “I’m giving up ballet,” she said to herself. Since she was no longer dancing, she needed something else to do. But she didn’t know how to do anything except dance. After looking and looking, she found a job at Fred’s Fine Food. The customers liked her because she was quick and light on her feet. Fred liked her too, because she worked hard. Belinda liked Fred and the customers, but she missed dancing. One day a band came to Fred’s Fine Food. They called themselves Fred’s Friends. Before the restaurant opened, they warmed up with a snappy toe-tapper. Belinda tapped her toes. Then they played a sweet yearning lilt of a tune, and before she knew what she was doing…Belinda was dancing! The musicians came back to play every day, and every day Belinda danced to their music before the customers arrived. Then one day Fred asked Belinda if she would dance for the customers. Belinda smiled and said, “Oh my, yes!” The customers were enthralled. They love it so much that they told their friends, who came to Fred’ Fine Food the next day. And they loved it so much…that they told their friends, and soon Fred’s Fine Food was packed every day with people who wanted to see Belinda dance. Word finally reached the Maestro from the Grand Metropolitan Ballet. He came by for a look because a friend of a friend told him that he really must see Belinda dance. He was impressed. He was touched. He was moved. “You must perform at Grand Metropolitan Hall!” he cried, “Please say you will!” Belinda laughed and said. “Oh my, yes!” The customers cheered. So Belinda went to Grand Metropolitan Hall and danced to the sweet music of Fred’s Friends. She loved to dance! “Magnificent!” the judges cried. “We have discovered a swallow, a dove, a gazelle!” They didn’t even notice the size of her feet. They were too busy watching her dance. Belinda was happy, because she could dance and dance and dance. As for the judges, she didn’t care a fig!

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:21:06

Something to do
Look! A line.Look! Stars. Look! A shooting star. A stick!
Now we’ve got something to do.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:22:03

changes 小凯的家不一样了612
Everything else in the kitchen was in its familiar place, clean and tidy.
It even smelled the same as usual.
Was this what he had meant?
… or looked over the wall?

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:22:58

George and Martha.
MARTHA was very fond of making split pea soup.
Sometimes she made it all day long. Pots and pots of split pea soup.
If there was one thing that GEORGE was not fond of, it was split
pea soup.As a matter of fact, GEORGE hated split pea soup more
than anything else in the world.But it was so hard to tell MARTHA.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:23:21

he said to himself, I just can't stand another bowl.
Not even another spoonful.
So, while MARTHA was out in the kitchen, GEORGE carefully
poured the rest of his soup into his loafers under the table.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:23:41

So, while MARTHA was out in the kitchen, GEORGE carefully
poured the rest of his soup into his loafers under the table.
I'm going to be the first of my species to fly! Said GEORGE.
Then why aren't you flying? asked MARTHA.
It seems to me that you are still on the ground.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:24:00

You are right, said GEORGE.I don't seem to be going anywhere at all.
Maybe the basket is too heavy, said MARTHA.
Yes, said GEORGE, I think you are right again.
Maybe if I climb out, the basket will be lighter.
Oh dear! cried GEORGE.Now what have I done?
There goes my flying machine!That's all right, said MARTHA.
I would rather have you down here with me.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:24:48

I would rather have you down here with me.
That's what happens when you look at yourself too much in the
mirror, said GEORGE.Then I won't do it ever again, said MARTHA.
And she didn't.
One day when GEORGE was skating to MARTHA's house,
he tripped and fell.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:25:12

And he broke off his right front tooth.His favorite tooth too.
When he got to MARTHA's, GEORGE cried his eyes out.
Oh dear me! he cried.I look so funny without my favorite tooth!
There, there, said MARTHA.The next day GEORGE went to the dentist.
The dentist replaced GEORGE's missing tooth with a lovely gold one.
When MARTHA was GEORGE's lovely new golden tooth, she was
very happy.GEORGE! she exclaimed.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:27:37

mirror, said GEORGE.Then I won't do it ever again, said MARTHA.
And she didn't.
One day when GEORGE was skating to MARTHA's house,
he tripped and fell.
And he broke off his right front tooth.His favorite tooth too.
When he got to MARTHA's, GEORGE cried his eyes out.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:30:52

Guri and Gura (incomplete)
One day, two field mice, Guri and Gura, set off for the woods carrying a big basket. “My name is Guri. And my name is Gura.
And what do you think we like to do best?
Cook and Eat. Eat and cook. Yeah! Guri and Gura, that’s us.”

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:34:56

“I’m going to boil up a basketful of acorns in syrup,” says Guri.
“I’m going to boil up a basketful of chestnuts, mash them and make chestnut cream,” says Gura.
Gathering nuts from the woods, they walk down the path
until lo and behold, in the middle of the path, they see a gigantic...EGG!
“Wow, what a big egg!

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:37:22

This would make a sunny-side-up egg as big as the moon,” says Guri.
This would make a soufflé thicker and softer than my mattress! says Gura.
“Better yet, I think it will make a wonderful sponge cake! A sponge cake so big we can eat if from dawn to dusk and still have some left over,”says Guri.
“Whoopee, a great idea!” says Gura

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:37:55

Now, how in the world can these two little mice take this BIG egg home?
“This egg is much too big for our basket!” says Guri.
“Okay, let’s carry it then,” says Gura.
“But how? It’s so smooth! There’s no place to hold it—it keeps slipping!”
“Okay, let’s roll it home!” “But if we hit a rock, the egg will crack!”
Crossing their arms, the two field mice think for a long time.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:38:59

Then Guri claps his hands and says, “I know!”
If we can’t take the egg home, then let’s cook it right here. We can bake a sponge cake here in the woods!
Great idea, Guri! Says Gura , clapping his hands with joy.
Guri and Gura quickly run home and gather all the things they need—
they take out their biggest pan, lots of flour, butter, milk, sugar, a mixing bowl, two beaters, two aprons, some matches and two big knapsacks.
But the pan is so big it won’t fit in their knapsacks.

melaniezengxing 发表于 2012-5-9 14:40:36

“Oh well, I can drag the pan,” says Guri.
“And I can roll the lid,” says Gura. “Come on, let’s go!”
Guri and Gura put on their aprons.
“Okay, here we go! I’ll crack open the egg.”
Guri clenches his fist and hits the egg as hard as he can. clench one’s fist

xfans 发表于 2012-5-9 14:50:12


zzw2k06 发表于 2012-6-9 11:36:57

wow, it must be a big task,

tangshuange 发表于 2012-6-13 18:18:12

还是直接购买的好,里面的图片横精美,强烈推荐brown bear brown bear what to you see

邱邱我 发表于 2012-6-14 08:32:05


chenyiqing 发表于 2012-6-14 09:04:20

很好很强大 楼主厉害 谢啦

ningzi_liu7578 发表于 2012-6-26 15:39:45

本帖最后由 ningzi_liu7578 于 2012-6-27 15:40 编辑

TheHello, Goodbye WindowStory byNorton JusterPicturesby Chris RaschkaISBN:9780439897501

Nanna andPoppy live in a big housein themiddle of town.There's abrick paththatgoes to thebackporch, butbeforeyou get thereyou passright by thekitchen window.
That'sthe Hello, Goodbye Window. It lookslike a regular window, but it'snot.
Thekitchen is where Nanna and Poppy are mostof the time. So youcan climb up on the flower barrel and tapthe window, then duckdown and they won't know who didit, or youcan press your face againstthe glass and frighten them. Ifthey're not in the kitchen, you can't do any ofthose things and you have to wait untilnext time.
If theysee you first, they waveand make silly faces. SometimesNanna peek-a-boos me, whichalways makes me laugh. So I geta lot of extra fun and hellos before Ieven get inside.
Just lookat the kitchen. It's so big. It has a table you can color on and lotsof drawers to take stuff out of and play with. But youcan't touch anything under the sink. You couldget very sick.
There areshelves full of glass jars with lots of everything in them, a stepstool so I can wash my hands, and all kinds of pictures from the oldendays. Nanna says she even used to give me a bath in thesink when I was little--really!
SometimesPoppy plays his harmonica for me. He canonly play one song, "oh, Susanna." But hecan play it a lot of different ways. He canplay it slow or fast
or he canplay it sitting down or standing up. He sayshe can even play it and drink aglass of water at the same time, but I'venever seen him do that.
When Istay over we have our supper in the kitchen too and whenit's dark outside we canlook at our reflections in the window. It worksjust like a mirror exceptit's not in the bathroom, and itlooks like we're outside lookingin. Poppysays, "Whatare you doing out there? You comeright in and have your dinner."
And Isay," But I'm here with you, Poppy," and thenhe looks at me in hisfunny way.
Justbefore I go up to bed, Nanna turns off all thelights and we stand by the window and saygood night to the stars.
Do youknow how many stars there are? Neitherdo I, but she knows them all.
In themorning the first place we go is back to the kitchen,and there's the window waiting for us. You canlook out and say good morning to the garden or see ifit's going to rain or be nice.
And youcan see if the dog next door is doing stuff inNanna's flower beds. She hates that!
SometimesPoppy says in a real loud voice, "HELLO,WORLD! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT FOR US TODAY?" Nobodyever answers, but he doesn't care.
Poppymakes breakfast. He saysit's his specialty.
Myfavorite is oatmeal withbananas and raisins that youcan't see becausehe hides them downinside.
I findthem all.
When Iget dressed, I help Nanna in the garden. It's avery nice garden, but there's a tiger who livesbehind the big bush in the back so Idon't ever go there.
I ride mybike too. "Notin the street, please."
Orcollect sticks and acorns. "Notin the house, please."
Or justkick my ball around. Sometimeswhen it's hot Poppychases me with the hose and Iyell, "Stopit, Poppy, stop it!"
When hedoes I ask him to do itagain. Nannajust shakes her head.
When Iget tired I come in and take my nap andnothing happens until I get up.
Thensometimes I just sit by the Hello, Goodbye Window andwatch. Nanna says it's a magic window andanybody can come along when you least expect it.
TYRANNOSAURUS REX (He'sextinct, so he doesn't come around much.)
THE PIZZA DELIVERY GUY (Pepperoniand cheese, he knows that's my favorite.)
THE QUEENOF ENGLAND (Nanna isEnglish, you know, so theQueen likes to come for tea.)
They allcould come! And a lot more if they want! And ifthey do, I'll see them first.
Mommy andDaddy pick me up after work. I'm gladbecause I know we're going home, but itmakes me sad too because I have to leave Nanna andPoppy. You canbe happy and sad at thesame time, you know. It justhappens that way sometimes.
When weleave we always stop at the window to blowkisses goodbye.
When youlook from the outside, Nanna andPoppy's house has lots of windows, butthere's only one Hello, Goodbye Window and it'sright where you need it.
When Iget my own house someday I'm goingto have a special Hello,Goodbye Window too. By thattime I might be a Nanna myself. I don'tknow who the Poppy will be, but Ihope he can play the harmonica.

zitengbaoer 发表于 2012-6-28 11:28:01


ningzi_liu7578 发表于 2012-6-28 13:21:41

本帖最后由 ningzi_liu7578 于 2012-6-28 15:16 编辑

PuddlesBy Jonathan LondonPicturesqueby G. Brian KarasIds:      9780590000703

All nightthe slash of rainand the flash oflightning, and the
ofthunder rattling the houseand all the windows. We cuddlebetweenfright and glee and want it to stop and neverstop.
In themorning it does-like acurtain rising on ashiny new day, a day ofbrightness and blue. A skywiped clean of thelast cloud.
We walkoutside to thesweet chatter of birds fillingthe trees andbreathe deep the clear air.
"Watchout for puddles!" Mamahollers."Don'tget wet!"
Needlesglisten-listen- the drip dripdripfrom theeaves and the leaves. Look- thesparkle of amillion suns in amillion drops!
We followbaby rivers trickingand snaking downditches into fields.
Puddles! Big ones, little ones, longones, skinny ones-- pieces ofsky on theground. It's timeto puddle-jump! Splashsplash splash!
Mud sucksat ourboots--slup slup slup.
We kneeland watch worms squirm andstretch and leave tiny trails in themuck like sloppy writing-- they'relearning the ABCs ofweather, of rain and sun and mud.
Then weslog down through wet grass towardthe pond and what lives there, celebrating all the new water and new life.
At thepond, it's time for the frogs to play!And we want to play withthem. Leap frog, leap! Leap frog, leap! Hop,flop-plop!
Birdsflap from thetrees and wethink the trees areapplauding! We bow,then say, "Bye, frogs!" and turntoward home.
Puddles! Big ones, little ones, longones, skinny ones-- pieces ofsky on theground. It's timeto puddle-jump again! We canhit every puddle from thepond to the meadow--Splash splash splash!
We slogthrough wet grass and suckmud with our boots-- slup slup slup skipbeneath leaves and eaves-- drip drip drip
and dripin the doorway shouting, "We'rehome!" "You'rewet!" Mama howls.
On amorning after rain it's timeto soak in a hot bath… wiggle dry in a warm towel… getdressed and drink hot chocolate… then runoutside again
topuddle-jump--splash splash splash!

zcblhoxbb 发表于 2012-7-25 11:17:35


zhliangtao 发表于 2012-7-25 11:34:48

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